Your Custom SaaS App in Minutes

Whether you have a SaaS startup idea and are eager to test it quickly
You need SaaS software and don't want to waste months and years in development
You need to update your legacy SaaS product with a new one quickly...

You are in the right place. Our Flatlogic AI-Powered App Generator helps businesses and startups develop SaaS software faster than ever before.



Applications below were built with Flatlogic Generator


The software includes essential features for e-commerce pros: product listings, virtual shopping carts, secure checkout, and more.

Real Estate CRM

The app includes key features for real estate professionals: property listings, virtual tours, and secure payments.

IOT Dashboard

The software equipped with real-time monitoring, automated management functions, and integrated secure transaction systems.

E-Learning Platform

The software is armed with essential tools for e-learning experts: course management, interactive lessons, and analytics of student's activities.


Transform your email management with FLARE! Automate and optimize your inbox with AI-driven scenarios.

See how you can easily generate your Custom SaaS Software

Just 3 simple steps and a few minutes instead of months of software development

1. Start with Your Vision

Begin by naming your application and describing its requirements in plain text. Outline essential elements like entities, dependencies, roles, and permissions. Flatlogic Generator interprets your instructions seamlessly and initiate the development of a Custom SaaS App that precisely meets your needs.

2. Define or Optimize Your Database Schema with AI

Utilize Flatlogic AI-powered Generator to define or refine your database schema for your Custom SaaS App. Our solution automates the design of your data structures, optimizing data management to meet your specific needs and ensuring your application's efficient operation.

3. Connect Your Git Repositories

Effortlessly link your Custom SaaS App project to your Git repositories for seamless version control and collaboration. This integration allows you to share code, track changes, and manage updates efficiently across your development team.

Why Use Flatlogic Generator for Your Custom SaaS App

Deployed and Hosted Out of the Box

With Flatlogic, your Custom SaaS App's deployment and hosting are seamless. No downloads or installations are necessary—the final product is instantly accessible online in the cloud, right out of the box.

Full Customization and Source Code

Unlike traditional no-code or low-code platforms, Flatlogic Generator gives you full control over the source code of your Custom SaaS App. Push the generated software’s source code to Github, free from dependency on our platform, and edit further as needed.

Prototype, Launch, Test, and Iterate with AI

See your Custom SaaS App live and demo it to stakeholders without initial tech or design commitments. Build fully functional business software in hours, not days or months, with AI. Test your application with real users and make adjustments in minutes.

Full-Stack, CRUD, Mobile-Friendly Application

Generate a ready-to-use, web-based Custom SaaS App that’s built with React, Vue, or Angular on the front-end and Node.js with an SQL database on the backend. The application is responsive and performs seamlessly across all mobile devices.

Advanced Access Control System

Define custom roles with specific permissions to control access levels and actions for different user groups in your Custom SaaS App, ensuring superior security and user management.

AI-Enhanced Charts and Widgets

Enhance your Custom SaaS App with AI-powered charts and widgets that visualize complex data in real-time. Customize these tools to fit your business needs, ensuring accurate, current insights inform decisions. Essential for optimizing both the function and aesthetics of your software.

🚀 Looking for more features? Take a look at the features roadmap.


As a result, you get the source code of a pre-built Custom SaaS App with personalized design, components, and pages tailored to your business domain.

You will also receive Swagger documentation for better backend testing.

All you need to do is customize it to meet your final requirements.

Additionally, you can modify the code according to your needs.
