Templates – Flatlogic Blog https://flatlogic.com/blog Explore and learn everything about React, Angular, Vue, Bootstrap and React Native application templates Sun, 17 Mar 2024 21:30:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 React templates December 2023 Update https://flatlogic.com/blog/react-templates-december-2023-update/ Thu, 28 Dec 2023 12:18:34 +0000 https://flatlogic.com/blog/?p=14800 Explore Flatlogic's latest react template updates: now with key improvements and new user-centric features for enhanced performance.

The post React templates December 2023 Update appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

We are pleased to introduce the latest updates to Flatlogic’s application templates. With a focus on practical improvements and user-centric enhancements, these updates address several key issues and introduce new features to maintain the high standard of our products. See what’s new:

Updates to Next/Tailwind Template:

  • New default avatar icon added.
  • Fixed profile update bug that deleted user roles and exposed password hashes.
  • Resolved email sending issues.
  • Dropdown menu now properly hides on outside click.
  • New users are now automatically assigned the “User” role.
  • Fixed the non-functional “Forgot Password” link.

Template Dependency Updates:

Summing Up

Experience improved performance, enhanced features, and smoother development with our updated templates. Get started today and build amazing cross-platform mobile apps effortlessly! If you face any difficulties setting up this or that template or admin dashboard, please feel free to message us on our forum, Twitter, or Facebook. We will respond to your inquiry as quickly as possible!

The post React templates December 2023 Update appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

What’s Better: Custom Websites or Template Websites? https://flatlogic.com/blog/what-s-better-custom-websites-or-template-websites/ Thu, 02 Feb 2023 14:49:23 +0000 https://flatlogic.com/blog/?p=13560 Custom vs template websites—which is better? Click here for the pros and cons, and to find out how to make the best choice for your enterprise.

The post What’s Better: Custom Websites or Template Websites? appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

Your website reveals so much about your company to your customers. It’s a brand ambassador and a key point of contact, so it needs to be good, especially when one considers that the latest statistics suggest 48% of users determine a company’s credibility based on its web design and usability.

Companies must ensure their website not only looks fabulous but also provides the best user experience. Nowadays, there are so many questions to answer when planning web design, but the most common one revolves around whether to choose a template or a custom design and which is best.

Free to use image sourced from Pexels

Choosing between a template or a custom website design can be fundamental to how your customers feel about your business. The latest research suggests it only takes 0.05 seconds for users to decide whether to stay or leave your website, so you must make a great first impression.

If you’re struggling to decide to go with a template website or a customer website, this article will cover the differences, the pros and cons of both, and the factors you should consider when choosing the best option that meets your needs. 

What’s the Difference between a Custom Website and a Template Website?

Just like email templates use pre-written text and format where you customize the contact details or amend the bits that you need, a web template is a pre-designed web page that follows a theme. Companies can choose from a vast range of design templates that can even include industry-specific themes or designs. Companies then insert their contact information and content using the templates, with no need for web design or coding skills.

Custom websites are bespoke and designed to meet the specific needs of a company. Designed and coded from scratch, a custom website is unique and tailored to meet your specific requirements. This allows companies full control of every aspect of their website, from design and layout to functionality, which can personalize your website in ways beyond simple color and font differences. Custom websites require skills in web design and coding to create a website that meets your every need. 2024 Research

Image sourced from bloggingwizard.com

There are pros and cons to both template and custom websites, so let’s examine them first.

The Pros and Cons of Custom Websites



Whether you produce podcasts for software developers or you’re an online boutique, when you choose a custom website, you have full control over the appearance and function of your web pages. This means you can design a platform that meets your and your users’ unique needs.


When you design a bespoke website, you create it in line with your branding, from logos and fonts to color schemes. This means that everything on the website will be consistent with your brand values.


Because you have designed your site to include the plugins you need, there won’t be any unnecessary code hanging around that may slow loading speeds. Your site will have exactly what you need to give an excellent performance for your users and allow for scalability as your needs change or your company grows.


Your custom web design belongs to you and with the support of the right development team, you will have full control over what changes are made to the design and functions. You are not reliant on an unknown design team who may want to withdraw the template or discontinue functions that are vital to your platform. 

This could mean you can no longer use that template and may have to redesign your website. With a custom website, your web design has long-term sustainability, helping you to build trust with your users.


Web design skills required

Like building a custom CRM for your business, creating a custom website requires highly developed design and coding skills. Some larger companies may have in-house teams with those skills, but many do not. If you want a bespoke website that meets your every need, you will need to hire a web developer to do it for you.


Not only is there the upfront cost of hiring a web developer, but you are also responsible for the ongoing costs of maintaining the website to ensure it continues to function effectively, meeting your needs and those of your users.


When developing code from scratch, there is a lot more scope for error. Code will need to be tested and bugs fixed, preferably before launch, which can increase the set-up time for your website.


Unfortunately, it takes time to build a fantastic bespoke website that meets your every need. Timeframes can vary, but it could be anything between three and six months (perhaps longer depending on the complexity) to get your website up and running.

You must plan

When you’re spending your valuable budget on a custom web design, you want to know that it will grow and change in line with your business. To ensure scalability, you must apply long-term planning. There’s no point in investing in a website that does not allow for growth and increased traffic.

You may design a website for your currently small enterprise, but what about five years from now when your customer base may have increased and demand is higher? Planning will allow you to get it right the first time and allow for scalability.

Image sourced from webfx.com

The Pros and Cons of Template Websites


Speedy setup

If you want it to be quick, you can have your website up and running with a few clicks when you use a website template.

A more realistic time frame, however, is two to three weeks, which allows you the time to customize the contact pages with your company’s details, add logos and images, and upload your content.

No special skills required

You don’t need to hire a web developer because the pre-set designs and coding have already been completed for you. You may need to include a plugin or two, depending on what you want your website to do, but there are plenty of online tutorials to help you along the way.


Whether you’re trying to create a CRM on a tight budget or a website, both the above means a template website is much easier on the finances. Plus, the web developer who designed the templates is also responsible for any ongoing costs regarding fixing bugs.

If finances are a problem you could look into other options to raise capital such as revenue share deals, where, for example, a party could put a sum of money upfront for website development and in return receive a percentage of the revenue, or the revenue of one department. 


Perhaps you don’t need a website with complex functions or design. If you find a template design you like that provides the functionality you require, why not use it? There are hundreds of thousands of templates to choose from, so if you want something simple, you should be able to find it without feeling restricted.


Less customization potential

While design templates are perfect for those who want to keep things simple, if you’re in a niche market and require highly specific functionality, you may struggle to find a template that meets your every need.

Requires developer support

Templates also require continued support from the developer (who has not been employed directly by you) and who may at some point decide to pull support for your chosen theme. Without regular support and updates to fix any issues, your website could crash, which could damage customer trust in your brand and send you back to the drawing board to rebuild your website.

It’s a good idea to research the template provider and check reviews to see if they have a history of pulling support for their web templates.

Slow performance

Templates have pre-installed code for any potential plugins that companies may wish to add to their sites. These extra elements can slow performance and lead to a poor user experience. Google doesn’t like slow-performing websites and consistently punishes them with poor visibility on search engine results pages.

Image sourced from webfx.com

Common design

Template designs are not unique, so there is the potential for other companies, including your competitors, to choose the same design. This doesn’t help if you want your website to stand out from the crowd.

How to Decide Between a Custom Website or a Template Website

As we’ve just seen, both website types have pros and cons; however, the best choice for your enterprise is the one that meets your needs and provides your customers with the best user experience.

Like a call center installing an IVR phone system, setting up a website is an enormous investment in both time and money and needs to be done right if you want to enhance rather than damage your brand. Don’t forget, your website design and usability can have a tremendous impact on your company’s credibility.

Before you invest in your website, determine the following to help you find out the needs of your enterprise and your customers.

A Budget

As always, your budget affects all decision-making, including your website design.

If you are a small company or a start-up with a limited budget, a template website may be the best choice, with lower upfront costs. A template website can still offer you a beautiful design with the essential functions you need to get your site up and running.

If you have a larger budget, you can invest in a custom website created from scratch by a web developer that meets your brand requirements and incorporates every function you and your customers require. If you are planning to hire a web developer to build a customized website and want to understand your options, then you may wish to attend the world’s leading event for developers. This will enable you to meet numerous developers and learn about cutting-edge industry trends.

But don’t let a limited budget get you down.

Check out Nodejs Templates😃💁

Budgets are by far the most important factor in deciding the way forward with your web development.

A meager budget doesn’t mean you will be reduced to using a dull, generic website with poor design and equally poor performance.

If you can’t consider a custom design, a template will still allow you to produce a visually appealing and effective website that provides a good user experience.

Do your research and test templates to find the best one to meet your needs and your budget. Find add-ons that will help you provide the functionality you require without damaging the user experience.

If you care about optimizing your position on search results pages, then try to find a template that allows you to include HTML tags and meta descriptions so that you can make the most of your SEO strategies and help search engines to make sense of your content.

If you want to add certain features that are not included with a standard template, find a template that allowed the integration of third-party applications. There are industry-specific template providers that can meet the additional needs of eCommerce retailers or software product marketing, or perhaps you run a beauty salon and want to include an online booking system.

Don’t forget, you can always upgrade to a custom design as your company grows, and you have more resources to invest in your website.

A Timeframe

If you need to have your website up and running quickly, go with a template. All the time-consuming work has already been done, so once you’ve uploaded your company details, logos, images and content, and any additional plugins you require, you can have your site ready to go within a couple of weeks.

A custom website, on the other hand, requires time and patience to set up from scratch. So, if you don’t have a specific deadline, you can use that time to create a website that requires complex coding and testing to meet your individual needs. Once the website is ready, you can enhance its visual appeal by incorporating high-quality images and eye-catching typography that captivate your audience and provide a more immersive browsing experience.


If you just want the basics for your website, such as a blog or simple eCommerce functions, then a template should be enough to meet your needs and be professional and effective. Not every website needs to provide the user with every function, especially if you are a small business.

However, if you need more, like a fully interactive user experience or to allow users to customize their products, a template will be too restrictive. Here, a custom website is the way to go and will allow your web team to create the specialized functions you require. Custom websites are also best if you want to include lots of graphics or provide a customer portal.

Free to use image sourced from Pexels


If you don’t think your website will have to deal with rapid increases in engagement over time that may compromise performance, then perhaps a template is the best choice for you. However, templates lack the flexibility of a custom website and don’t allow you to change the functionality as your business grows.

If you expect your business to flourish and user engagement to increase, then choose a custom website that will allow you to expand its functionality as your company and users grow. You can add new features as and when you need them to ensure your customers continue to receive the best user experience.


If you don’t envisage using a lot of add-ons or need your website to communicate with other business tools like your social media accounts or customer service software, then go with a simple template.

But, if you need to integrate those things, you need your website to offer the compatibility required to ensure a seamless customer experience. When you have more add-ons, you need a website that can be easily adapted to incorporate them. Templates tend not to have that ease of extensive compatibility with other platforms and software.


Templates can be customized enough to help you differentiate yourself from other companies using the same pre-designed template, so this may be the best option if you’re not too bothered about an exclusive web design.

Custom templates, however, allow you the complete creative freedom to design unique web pages that are exclusive to your company and help you stand out from the crowd. You can ensure your website is in line with every aspect of your brand, rather than having to make it fit as best you can.


Templates can often come with imperfect code. Without regular updates and maintenance, this can slow performance, which also affects your position on search rankings. If other things like budget take precedence, then go with a template.

Custom sites are maintained by your team of web developers, so you have no excess code clogging up performance and can keep your coding up to date. This will have a positive impact on SEO and search rankings, keeping you higher on the results page and maintaining decent loading speeds to improve performance.

Updating Content

If you want to update the content on your website yourself, such as adding a UK business phone number, then it doesn’t make a difference whether you choose a template or a custom website.

Templates have a built-in content management system and make it simple to update content yourself, but you can also do the same on your custom website. All you need to do is ensure your web developer integrates a content management system or builds an administrator portal where you can easily access and update content.

Free to use image sourced from Pexels


Unfortunately, a lot of templates, be they website templates or user management templates, don’t provide the same performance across all devices. 

If you’re constrained to using a template but know your customers will access your website via a mobile device and want to provide seamless navigation, then do your research. Some templates are tailored to look and function equally well across all devices. You just need to test them first.

If you want full control over your user experience with a website that is easy to navigate, whether on a desktop or by simply using a thumb to browse on a mobile phone, then go for a custom design.

Template or Custom—Which is Best?

The answer depends on your needs.

Whether you’re a solopreneur or a blue-chip company in any industry, you want a beautifully designed website that provides a seamless customer experience and generates credibility and trust among your customers.

However, not all enterprises need a website with every available functionality, and many do not have the budget to create it.

If you’re still not sure which is the best way to go, check out the web development services from Flatlogic. Their experienced teams can help you create a top-notch website, whether you’re a new startup or hoping to upgrade your webpages and improve performance.

There are pros and cons to both templates and custom websites, but when selecting the best option for your business, establish the needs of your company, your team, and your customers, and choose the option that meets those requirements. Check out another top-notch article about custom templates and development:

The post What’s Better: Custom Websites or Template Websites? appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

Updated Versions of Templates! https://flatlogic.com/blog/updated-versions-of-templates/ Tue, 10 Jan 2023 13:03:07 +0000 https://flatlogic.com/blog/?p=13277 We are pleased to announce that Flatlogic has updated the versions of the underlying templates used in our projects on all stacks!

The post Updated Versions of Templates! appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

We are pleased to announce that Flatlogic has updated the versions of the underlying templates used in our projects on all stacks!

The changelog for this update includes a refactoring of the count API, which has been optimized to reduce the time it takes to count a large number of items and improve response times. The new version of the underlying templates offers an improved user experience, scalability, and performance.

We believe that this update will make our projects more reliable and provide a better overall user experience. We are committed to continuing to offer our customers the latest technologies and enhancements to ensure that they are receiving the best possible product. If you face difficulties, please, feel free to leave us a message on our forumTwitter or Facebook. We will respond to your inquiry as quickly as possible!

So, stay tuned and make sure to read the most recent articles:

The post Updated Versions of Templates! appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

How to Build Customized CRM with React and Node.js from Scratch https://flatlogic.com/blog/how-to-build-customized-crm-with-react-and-node-js-from-scratch/ Wed, 04 Jan 2023 15:03:14 +0000 https://flatlogic.com/blog/?p=13169 Looking to build a customized CRM from scratch? Our expert team can help you create a CRM using React and Node.js that is tailored to the specific needs and processes of your business. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you build a CRM that meets your exact requirements.

The post How to Build Customized CRM with React and Node.js from Scratch appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

Do you still think that CRM for business is just a whim of some companies? Such an opinion is far from the truth because modernity dictates the need to use a particular system to manage the relationship with the client and replace paper reporting with electronic records. E-means of calculation have long changed wooden accounts since the world does not stand still. The qualitative introduction of a CRM is the best way to solve several problems simultaneously:

  • ✔ create and systematize the customer base;
  • ✔ attract potential clients;
  • ✔ work with several databases at once, which you have never done earlier due to lack of time;
  • ✔ keep the history of interaction with each customer;
  • ✔ build an omnichannel strategy to increase the number of closed deals and pre-sales;
  • ✔ see the detailed statistics;
  • ✔ control of employees’ performance;
  • ✔ track and improve each stage of the sales funnel.

So not surprisingly, the need for CRM applications is multiplying yearly to meet the growing market’s needs. According to a recent market report, the global customer relationship management market will climb 12.5%, reaching $145.79 billion by 2029. By comparison, the benchmark in 2022 was $63.91 billion. 

So what do you think this massive scale of growth is telling us? While you’re pondering, we’ll answer: it shows the crucial role of the CRM app for any business. And no matter your niche, choosing an effective CRM app is essential to drive business and profit growth. The integration of business software development practices, particularly through frameworks like React, enhances the capability to implement complex business logic seamlessly.

An excellent tool for this can be creating a React js CRM from scratch with several competitive advantages. This article will give you complete guidelines on how to build a CRM in React from scratch with Material UI. So let’s go to build a CRM with React and Node.js

Pros and Cons of Developing Your Own React or Node.js CRM System

CRM allows you to automate routine processes and monitor the number of customers at each sale funnel stage. The tool also helps to keep track of how many leads come in, how many of them are converted into customers, how fast they move to purchase, and where they get stuck. This kind of business software is indispensable in managing customer relationships and optimizing sales strategies effectively. 2024 Research

This data helps improve the funnel, timely troubleshooting, and retention of potential customers. Therefore, developing CRM systems are used by hotels, travel agencies, beauty salons, online stores, real estate agencies, restaurants, and other representatives of large, medium, and small businesses or some start-ups. 

Today on the market, there are dozens of different CRM systems available to choose from. However, some businesses may decide to build their own customized CRM system from scratch, using tools such as React.


  • Customization: Building a CRM with React and Node.JS allows you to tailor the system to your business’s specific needs and processes.
  • Control: With a custom CRM, you have complete control over the features and functionality of the system.
  • Integration: A custom CRM can be easily integrated with other systems and tools your business uses.


  • Time and resources: Developing a CRM from scratch can be a time-consuming and resource-intensive process.
  • Expertise: Building a CRM requires a high level of knowledge in technologies such as React and Node.js.
  • Maintenance: A custom CRM will require ongoing maintenance and updates to keep it running smoothly.
  • Cost: Developing a CRM from scratch can be more expensive than purchasing an off-the-shelf solution.

And since each area’s tasks differ, there are CRMs explicitly designed for real estate agencies, fitness clubs, medical centers, social networks, stores, etc. In addition, they provide extra functionality and differ in cost. So use the following recommendations to choose the most appropriate CRM development idea for your business.

📌 Analyze the features and tools available in CRM. Look at what areas of business they are designed for, how they differ, and what tasks help solve. Make sure that the chosen CRM system will allow you to track the necessary statistics and analyze the effectiveness of your work.

📌 Study the prepared solutions. Look at the features that the CRM system offers within each tariff plan. Pay attention to the trial plan, which will help you try out the functionality. Moreover, some companies like ThemeForest, Envato, or Flatlogic offer free templates and techniques that can cover basic business needs.

📌 Look at the communication channels available. For example, if you use telephony, ensure it can connect to your customized CRM. The same goes for other customer communication tools.

📌 Evaluate the interface. See how easy it is to understand it, how you can manage the functionality, what information is stored in the product cards, etc. It allows you to choose the most convenient CRM system.

In addition, pay attention to the available integrations. Find out how many managers can be connected and the possibilities for teamwork. If you start working with a CRM, you need to know how to create a CRM system using any tool and get free React UI templates immediately. 

Using React.js and Node.js to Give Your Customized CRM a New “Face”

The React library is used to create complex and layered user interfaces. Sometimes it is put on par with full-fledged frameworks, including the popular Angular, which is not entirely correct. This solution does not allow users to work with routing, managing states, and web requests. React is only a library and draws certain elements, which is both a virtue and a disadvantage.

On the one hand, the solution lacks the full functionality and set of tools of traditional frameworks. Still, on the other hand, the developers can use any convenience for their toolkits and are not limited by frameworks. Thus, this flexibility makes it easier for developers to use suitable methods and tools.

Source: Unsplash

React.js supports working with the JavaScript JSX syntax extension, which looks very similar to HTML syntax. The technology resembles a LEGO constructor, where each part is a separate piece of code, namely, a component. 

These components are easy enough to use and assemble even into complex interfaces, and repeatedly use, test, and maintain them in the future. Thanks to it, CRM development and the creation of customized dashboards with Node.js are greatly simplified, and the finished product gets high performance.

Ultimate Guide for Creating Customized CRM System from Scratch in 3 Steps

Want to know how to create a responsive React template but can’t find a clear and understandable guide to help you do it? Now you can sigh with relief because it is in front of you. After reading this article, it won’t be challenging to create a CRM dashboard for reporting as an example. But that’s not the only good news for you today. If at any stage something goes wrong, you can safely contact the experts of the consulting service Howly, which solves user problems remotely 24/7. But now, let’s move on to the main point.

Step 1. Where Does Customized CRM Start: Research and Idea Verification 

Before buying the best React.js templates, you should thoroughly research and test your ideas concerning creating a custom CRM application. So first, let’s understand what you should consider at this stage. Here we mean your business type, niche, target audience, customer relationship goals, and basic management requirements. All of these points will help you do the proper research on your core idea.

The goal, however, is to develop a specific set of requirements or solutions you’re looking for in your custom CRM application. Need some examples? It could increase customer satisfaction, engagement, retention, or client lifecycle value. Of course, you can pursue all these goals, but the main one is getting a set of clearly defined features that you want from React. js web app or CRM development process like in our article. 

Step 2. How to Create a React Business Template: Do a Market Analysis

If you want to create the perfect CRM in React, you should by no means skip the second important step: market analysis. So what will it give you? Well, first, you’ll be able to drill down on the reality of where your CRM application is in today’s market. 

google trends CRM comparison
Customized CRM is rising by Google Trends 2020-2023

Next, you can compare the expected functionality (idea, outline) with existing custom CRM applications. And in the end, you’ll know what areas you need to focus on and what is superfluous. A CRM designed this way will be competitive and help you transform customer engagement and other important KPIs.

Step 3. Master the Art of Building a CRM with React.js

So, put everything aside because the work on creating a perfect CRM in React has already begun. So, what’s the first thing to do?

✔ Set up React. To do it, you need to create a template using the command create-react-app 

✔ Install Material UI. This framework will act as a UI library to speed up development.

✔ Create a ContentTable component. You can use the Table component of the Material 

UI to quickly create a pagination-enabled table since you need the Custom pagination actions. This step provides you with a separate component to handle pagination. You can put this feature in another component to make this process easier.

To create the first component, you must create a directory inside the src directory and name its components. The next step is to create another directory inside “components” and call it ContentTable. Next, you’ll need to create a ContentTable.js file of the same name inside it.


Next, you’ll need to copy the code for Table from the Material UI documentation and then go through your static array to populate the data in the table.


The code you see above probably won’t like the vagueness of TablePaginationActions, so it’s worth elaborating on this step. So, you’ll need to create a component to help you with Pagination. Material UI uses it on the same component as a demo, but taking it outside gives ContentTable more cleanliness. The next step is to create a directory in components, name it Pagination, and create an index.js file inside it.


And now, you can import this Pagination component into a ContentTable component, as it will fix the error.

✔ Create a Modal component. Congratulations! The first action in creating a CRM from scratch is done, and you already have a table ready. Now you should pay attention to the Modal component. It will be convenient if this modal pops up every time you click on any row in the table. You’ll need Material UI’s Modal component for that purpose.

Let’s say there are three columns in the modal:

  • 1st column: detailed information about a particular client;
  • 2nd column: notes about the client;
  • 3rd column: adding a deal to the user and creating a task.


You can use the Grid layout from the Material UI to create the column structure. Then you should do some steps in the ContentTable component:

  • Import the Modal component;
  • Create a state to store the status of whether Modal is open;
  • Third, create an onClick trigger on the table row;
  • Finally, pass customer data to the Modal component.

Congratulations! You’ve gotten closer to completing the CRM process, as you’ve done the Modal configuration tasks.


Now try clicking on any row in the table. If the Modal you created appears, then you’ve done everything right. 

So, you’ve got three props in the Modal component,

  • Data: information about the client from a particular row;
  • Open: the state that contains the boolean value of whether the modal is available or not;
  • SetIsOpen: manipulating the value of “open.” And that’s what you’ll do next. 


The modal should contain dynamic data depending on which line you clicked on.

✔ Create the DetailsCard component. Great, you have managed to create a simple ready modal, but most likely, its appearance leaves much to be desired. To fix it, you must output the user’s data into a separate component. Then you need to create the DetailsCard directory inside the component and create DetailsCards.js. After that, you can use the Material UI card component.


What else is left to do? The next step is to import and pass the customer data as props into the Modal component.


So, you’ve used the received props. 


Double-check your steps to make sure your result is correct. Great! You’re almost done. Before you start working with the notes, you should take care of creating the backend since you will be storing the notes in a database to save the data. 

Now it’s time to get the API ready!

Getting an API for a CRM application is not particularly difficult. And the steps you’ll need to take are minimal. Just clone a production-ready project on Canonic, and that’s it. It gives you the backend, API, and documentation to integrate without writing code. Then you’ll have to create customer records on the CMS by copying the content from the customer statistics array you created.

Backend Integration With GraphQL

Finally, it’s time to integrate and install GraphQL packages.

✔ Install GraphQL packages. You’ll need Apollo Client and GraphQL to retrieve data from the backend.

✔ Configure GraphQL to communicate with the backend. Set up the Apollo client in the project directory. Next, inside the index.js, configure your Apollo client to communicate with the backend.


✔ Query the data. To query data, you need to create a gql directory inside src. Then you make a query.js file in the directory, where you write all the information you need from the backend.


✔ Distribute the API data. The next step is to distribute the data to the ContentTable component. To do this, you’ll need to replace the static client array you had with the code you’ll get from the API. You will then need to return any links made to the static array with dynamic data.


All of the above changes are necessary to integrate the Canonic backend. Next, the focus shifts to creating the Notes component.

✔ Create the Notes component. First, you’ll need to prepare the Modal component to display notes. In the Modal component, you must do the following:

  • Create a state to store all of our notes;
  • Create a state to display the status when a text box is opened to add a new note;
  • Create a button to toggle between displaying notes and adding a note.

Next, you import the Notes component before you create it and enter the data. That way, when you make the component, you already have the data to work with it.


Source: Unsplash

The next step is to add Mutation to send new notes to your API. Now go back to the GQL directory and create a file called Mutation.js.


This mutation will update the database with a new note every time it is created. Now it’s time to create the Notes component. To do this, you must create a directory within the components and name it Notes. Then proceed to create a file inside it and name it Notes.js.


It is where you will need to update the display Notes state when you update the database with the mutation. This way, the component updates, and you’ll see the new note immediately.

✔ Create a Deals component. You’ll have a drop where you can set any deal for a customer. The information will be updated in the database. The next step is to go to the mutation.js file in the gql directory.


It’s worth starting here by creating the Deals component. First, you must create a directory inside the components and name them Deals. Then proceed to make a file inside it and call it Deals.js. The flow is kept pretty much the same as in Notes. However, here you expect the _id prop from Modal. Then it would help if you imported it. 


Great, your Deals component is ready. 

✔ Create a Ticket component. The task of this component is to create a POST request to the Asana API whenever you enter a ticket name. To do this, you should use the task creation API, for which you’ll need a Title and a specific workspace, projects, or parent.


You won’t need to pass props from Modal to the Ticket component, so import them.


Great, now you have the Tickets component ready.

✔ Create a Header component. It will take the form of a simple App bar to display a bar at the top of the page with the Header of your project. Then create a directory inside the component and name it Header. After that, create a file inside the directory and name it Header.js.


Yay, that’s almost done. The following action is to import Header.js into the index.js file.


That’s it. Now you can be congratulated on the final job well done. 

Don’t Miss Out on Future CRM Articles – Follow the Flatlogic Blog

So creating a CRM from scratch in React has been a long and exciting trip. We are sure that you have gained a lot of helpful knowledge from this article, thanks to which you have created a great application with many useful features and a React data dashboard or even an admin panel. You can also Flatlogic Platform to create it.

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For even more helpful information on this topic and to know how to make fully functional database-driven (CRUD) React, Vue, and Angular applications, go to the Flatlogic blog for the next articles.

The post How to Build Customized CRM with React and Node.js from Scratch appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

10+ Top User Management Templates https://flatlogic.com/blog/10-top-user-management-templates/ Mon, 12 Dec 2022 12:23:19 +0000 https://flatlogic.com/blog/?p=12431 With effective user management, organizations can ensure compliance with user-based licenses so that various software products can be used to their fullest extent. User management can also help organizations save money on various software licenses by listing the number of installations/activations remaining for a given software and eliminating the need for repeat purchases.

The post 10+ Top User Management Templates appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

User management is defined as the effective management of users and their accounts, granting them access to various IT resources such as devices, applications, systems, networks, SaaS services, storage systems, and more.

User management enables administrators to grant access, manage user access, and monitor user accounts. User management is an essential component of identity and access management (IAM) and serves as a fundamental form of security.

In the development of business software, implementing an ID system for user authorization and secure access is fundamental. Such systems not only safeguard resources but also facilitate critical operations like service management, human resources, and security, underscoring their importance in creating a secure and efficient digital working environment.

The use of user management helps to better control users, improves the user experience, and ensures access to important resources for all who need them. 

Main Benefits of User Management

By managing users, IT admins can manage resources and access as needed to secure digital assets. It also provides seamless access to the end user, greatly enhancing the user experience. The introduction of cloud technology has improved user management by opening up access to more web-based applications. Users now have many more digital resources at their disposal, so cloud-based user management is quickly becoming the system of choice. In addition, effective user identity management lays the foundation for improved identity access management, which is an important aspect of security.

Effective user management in business software plays a pivotal role in optimizing license utilization, ensuring organizations can fully leverage their software investments. By monitoring user-based licenses and installations, businesses not only adhere to compliance but also achieve cost savings by preventing unnecessary expenditures on redundant software purchases, highlighting the strategic value of sophisticated user management systems.

User management can help organizations plan their budgets by identifying areas of potential software spend. User management helps companies figure out which areas or users need new licenses and when. It also helps companies identify when users no longer need a particular piece of software and then mark it for disposal or rental to other users who do. 2024 Research

Light Blue


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Light Blue is an undeniable find for developers, created with React and Bootstrap 4. The name of this React admin template may seem confusing, because it’s not the color of the template that is meant here, but the “lightness” of the dashboard. It uses server-side rendering for SEO optimization and Node.js for the backend. The light blue React admin template is used to create analytic dashboards, e-commerce apps, CMS, SASS web apps, CRM, and many other web projects.

Sing App


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Sing App is one of our advanced React templates with rich functionality developed by Flatlogic. This template has become a real bestseller since 2018 and is praised by developers worldwide. Sing App Admin template is developed with the help of popular Bootstrap 4, React 16, and Vue.js. It features 8 chart libraries, a user management option, a rich eCommerce panel, a static and hover sidebar, nice looking user growth, profit and order sections, and well-detailed documentation. Explore all the perks of the template yourself. Use Sing App React to build online stores, SaaS, CMS, financial dashboards, project management tools, etc. 



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With ArchitectUI, a React dashboard template that specializes not only in design but also functionality, you have full control over the entire application to make it as successful as you want it to be. There are a variety of templates to choose from in the kit, all of which support mobile devices that are cross-browser compatible and compatible with Retina screens. More precisely, ArchitectUI offers 9 dashboard templates that you can use and improve until they fit your application.

ArchitectUI showcases the latest innovations in web admin design, such as powerful integrations, bulk elements, updated tools, improved navigation, and reduced white space. ArchitectUI includes 150 components, 23 button styles, five dropdown styles, five icon packs, eight color skins, and more. Reach your full potential with ArchitectUI.



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Wieldy offers nine dashboards and three different layouts to launch your new admin area or control panel. This elegant admin template and starter kit includes all the libraries you need to create your own small or complex app without much effort. To help you get started, Wieldy provides you with over 120 pages that you can use in your project. The selection includes over 100 widgets and metrics that will let you easily populate your app pages with elements such as maps, chats, and signup forms. Applying one of the preset color schemes to your dashboard is also easy with Wieldy. As for the code, everything is well documented, making it easy to create a custom app.

Another reason to choose Wieldy is the ability to extend your dashboards with the included apps. Whether you want to add a postbox, chat, or notes app to your management area, this product will help. Saving and managing contacts within a dashboard created with Wieldy is also possible, thanks to this product’s built-in features, which make these templates a suitable option for creating a CRM system.



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Lexa designed a simple and beautiful admin template using Bootstrap ^5.0.0-beta2. It has 6+ different layouts and 3 modes (Dark, Light, and RTL). You can easily change any layout or mode by changing a few lines of code. With Lexa, you can start small and large projects or update the design in an existing project. It’s very fast and simple, beautiful and elegant, and offers the ultimate user experience. 

Lexa Django is an admin dashboard template that is a beautifully designed, clean, and minimal admin template with a dark and light layout with RTL options. You can create any web application like Saas interface, e-commerce, cryptocurrency, CRM, CMS, project management applications, admin panels, etc.



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HIX App is a professional UI mobile dashboard kit for Sketch. HIX is a powerful and super customizable template that is best suited for all types of admin and client dashboards. This template includes 38 pre-built layouts and 50+ widgets with various features and options. The template is designed using the latest design standards and Apple iOS guidelines.

HIX App is a great choice for creating a flexible multipurpose mobile dashboard as well as an admin area. This template is ideal for analytics, traffic statements, stock trading, cryptocurrency, and trading tools, task manager and planning, regional sales statements, GPS tracking, e-currency wallets, CRM, chat, and user management. It includes easily customizable components, widgets, modules, charts, and apps that let you create interfaces and powerful mobile applications.



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Wafi is a premium Bootstrap 4 Admin Template that comes with 7 Unique Dashboards and 36 Layout Options. It is fully responsive and built with Bootstrap 4 Framework, HTML5, CSS3, and Sass. It has a huge collection of reusable UI components and is integrated with the latest jQuery plugins. It can be used for all types of web applications like custom admin panel, Project management dashboard, Admin dashboard, Sales dashboard, eCommerce dashboard, Helpdesk dashboard, Backend application, or CRM.



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Minia Codeigniter is a simple and beautiful admin template built on Bootstrap ^5.1.0. It has 6+ different layouts and 3 modes (Dark, Light, and RTL) controlled by body attributes. You can easily switch to any layout or mode by changing a few lines of code. You can start small and large projects with Minia Codeigniter 4 or update the design in an existing project. It is fast and easy as it is beautiful, nimble, and provides the ultimate user experience. While it is permissible to use stock images and stock videos in a project, too many generic photographs cheapen a design. Designers must also use discretion in terms of selection.

Minia is an admin dashboard template that is a beautifully designed, clean, and minimalist admin template with a dark and light layout with RTL options. You can create any kind of web application like Saas interface, e-commerce, cryptocurrency, CRM, CMS, project management applications, admin panel, etc.



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Stor is an admin website template based on the React platform. It uses the Lerna mono repo architecture and includes Storybook-compatible UI components. In this React JS dashboard template, all elements are written in strict TypeScript. React Context manages the global state. Tailwind CSS is used to create reusable components. Form validity checks are performed by React Hook Form.

In addition, charts are created using ChartJS, Echarts, and Chartist. The charts are interactive and React hooks are used throughout the application. There is no jQuery dependency in this React HTML template for an admin website.

Stor – React JS admin dashboard template comes with 5 pre-built dashboard templates, pre-built apps (chat, contacts, file manager, calendar, etc), pre-built pages (login and registration, etc), responsive layout, and more. It is fully compatible with browsers.

Epic UI


More Info

Epic Angular UI Application is a responsive Angular 8 admin template based on the Bootstrap 4X framework. It uses all Bootstrap components in the design and rebuilds the styles of many commonly used plugins to create a consistent design that can be used as UI for backend applications.

Building your User Management Template using Flatlogic Platform

The Flatlogic platform is our way of bridging the gap between developing your applications and using templates. Applications running on the same technologies usually use the same elements and components. In many cases, the main difference at the technical level is the database schema, which takes into account different data processing and storage mechanisms. The Flatlogic platform allows you to create your user management templates with a beautiful design, combining parts and creating only those that need to be unique. It’s as simple as it sounds, and sometimes even simpler.

Step 1. Choosing the Tech Stack

In this step, you’re setting the name of your application and choosing the stack: Frontend, Backend, and Database.

Step 2. Choosing the Starter Template

In this step, you’re choosing the design of the web app.

Step 3. Schema Editor

In this step, you can create your database schema from scratch, import an existing schema, or select one of the suggested schemas.

To import your existing database, click the Import SQL button and select your .sql file. After that, your database will be opened in the Schema Editor where you can further edit your data (add/edit/delete entities).

If you are not familiar with database design and find it difficult to understand what tables are, we have prepared some ready-made sample schemas of real applications that you can modify for your application:

  • E-commerce app;
  • Time tracking app;
  • Book store;
  • Chat (messaging) app;
  • Blog.

Next, you can connect your GitHub and push your application code there. Or skip this step by clicking the Finish and Deploy button and in a few minutes your application will be generated.

Summing up

The Flatlogic platform also has numerous ready-to-use templates with built-in user management features with modern design and various stacks that will help you create a powerful application with the platform. Flatlogic is also a hosting platform where you can host your fully functional web applications. With this approach to building a CMS, you’ll be able to create and host any web application, reducing the time and cost of web development.

The post 10+ Top User Management Templates appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

10+ Best Vue Starter Kits and Boilerplates https://flatlogic.com/blog/best-vue-starter-kits-and-boilerplates/ Sat, 10 Dec 2022 09:00:00 +0000 https://flatlogic.com/blog/?p=12357 Boilerplates provide a great way to get a project up and running rapidly by focusing on what's most important to you. Boilerplates combined with reusable components accelerate development processes and, often, improve the code and simplify maintenance.

The post 10+ Best Vue Starter Kits and Boilerplates appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

Boilerplates provide a great way to get a project up and running rapidly by focusing on what’s most important to you. Boilerplates combined with reusable components accelerate development processes and, often, improve the code and simplify maintenance.

Features of ideal boilerplate:

  • Well-readable documentation
  • Coding structure with a deeper level of abstraction
  • Complies with correct coding standards
  • Features a CLI tool ( for fast prototyping and customization)
  • Scalable
  • Simple testing tools
  • Required API modules
  • Supports internationalization and localization
  • Separate code
  • Configuration server and client code
  • Proper navigation and routing structure

Why use VueJS

VueJS, a sophisticated JavaScript framework, is tailored for creating dynamic/single-page applications, essential for front-end development in business software, leveraging the versatility of JavaScript and its extensive library of web components.

Thanks to its lightweight, easy-to-learn, and fun-to-write, Vue is easy to integrate with legacy technologies or an application without a specific framework. With its familiar template syntax and use of components, integrating or migrating existing projects to Vue is quicker and hassle-free.

Sing App Vue

Github Stars: 639

License: MIT

Sing App Vue is designed using VueJS and Bootstrap. It features a toolkit that will enhance the speed, build quality and support of the web application. Better yet, you can use this admin template to build different web applications that include SAAS, dashboard assets and tracking management software.


  • Diagram library.
  • Consists of an e-commerce section.
  • jQuery-free.
  • Fully documented codebase.
  • Developed on VueJS.
  • Fully responsive.
2024 Research

Light Blue Vue

Github Stars: 310

License: MIT

Light Blue is designed using Vue and the Bootstrap framework. It’s the second theme on this list from Flatlogic Platform.

The Light Blue dashboard features a transparent style and looks cool on both screens and tablets due to its superior responsiveness.

With its dark blue background and semi-overlapping dashboard information blocks, it gives a modern, professional look, even with SVG maps.

There are several pages in the Light Blue dashboard to showcase the functionality and its components, such as login, logout, notifications, graphics, icons, maps, tables, chat, error pages, etc.

Electron Nuxt

Github Stars: 658

License: MIT

Electron & Vue.js is a quick-start template with Vue-CLI. It also comes with preinstalled general Vue plugins, and an electron-packager/electron-builder. You can package your application as an installable package, it supports unit and E2E testing, Vue-dev tools, and much more. The project also focuses on eliminating the need to configure electron applications with Vue manually. Electron-Vue adds the benefits of Vue-CLI for scaffolding, Webpack with Vue-loader, electron-packager or electron-builder, as well as some of the most commonly used plugins such as Vue-router, Vuex and others.


  • Automatic updatable template to simplify development.
  • Typescript support, only during application rendering.
  • Parallel code support
  • Support unit & e2e testing.
  • UI pre-built components and icons support for quick launch and offline use of the project.
  • ESLint customization.
  • Vue installation of the latest development tools
  • Support for CSS pre-processors such as Sass.
  • User interface for lightweight components like Buefy, and support for Vuetify.


Github Stars: 2.6K

License: MIT

Vuesion is a PWA template. Beyond that, it is an extensively maintained production-ready template for enterprise-grade PWAs. The template also focuses on performance, speed of development and best practices. Besides, it is built around the idea of microservices or service-oriented architecture. Also, you can see best practices for getting async data, i18n configuration, saving Vuex state on page update, Typescript support, routing with prefetching data and much more.


  • Allows scaffolding. Generating components and plugging them into modules is effortless. Dynamic development of the UX and UI can be done easily with Vuesion.
  • Instant display of UI changes. When Vuesion provides accelerated development, UI and UX updates are reflected in a moment. The changes to CSS and Typescript are similarly reflected instantly, with no page reload or a server restart.
  • Application status is saved during code updates.
  • Well-documented.


Github Stars: 113

License: MIT

A fully featured Vue 2.6 PWA boilerplate.


  • PWA (Progressive Web Application) with Service Worker
  • Split code and asynchronous component/routine loading
  • Automatic hot loading during development
  • Load-balanced dockerized production setup pm2
  • Auto-removal of unused CSS/SCSS
  • SCSS global variables and easy theme customization
  • Linking and formatting with eslint and prettier
  • Uses Buefy for styling

Vue enterprise boilerplate

Github Stars: 7.6K

License: MIT

Vue enterprise boilerplate is a very well-made and detailed boilerplate from the Vue Core team member Chris Fritz. In addition, it includes an opinion-based architecture, first-class testing methods, generators to speed up day-to-day development tasks, globally auto-registered components, copied Vuex modules and much more.

The project is also very well-documented. Each section is also explained in detail. For VSCode, it also comes with a pre-configured installation, adding IntelliSense when importing and working with files.


  • Thorough documentation
  • Guaranteed consistency
  • First class tests
  • Rapid development


Github Stars: 23.7K

License: MIT

Vuetify is used to embellish your Vue projects. Due to his generous donations, it has been under active development since 2016. Presented as Material Design Component Framework on Github, which reduces workload around Vue development.


  • Includes 82+ components and server-side rendering support.
  • Template designs and layout support for long-term projects.
  • Supports  RTL layout and premium, theme provider.
  • Automated template trees reduce package size and increase performance.
  • Tracks weekly releases.
  • Active community support.
  • Well-documented. Documentation shows examples of ready-to-use layouts as well as supporting customisation according to the application’s required design and functionality.
  • Completely supported by all browsers.

Vue WordPress

Github Stars: 145

License: MIT

Vue WordPress is a SPA template that is built using the WordPress REST API and Vue. Optimised by performance, the template improves SEO by rendering pages and content on the server side. Running as a SPA, and using WordPress and the WordPress Rest API for managing backend data. 


  • Comprehensive documentation.
  • Frontend and backend run on the same host, reducing the load of сross-origin resource sharing setup and avoiding any further misconfigurations.
  • Supports client/server split code to enable SEO optimisation.
  • Supports Axios, Vue, Vuex and Vue Router libraries to simplify style, deployment and dependencies.
  • Snap-in optional hot plugins to simplify module replacement during runtime operations to avoid the need to reload the entire page.
  • Integrates REST API component-based sampling and allows caching and batch processing of REST APIs.
  • Handles via hot-routing, configurable in the WordPress dashboard.


Github Stars: 407

License: MIT

Mevn-CLI works with the MEVN framework, which provides a quick start for web applications and automatically configures the local environment.


  • Extensive tools and commands are included to build the MEVN stack.
  • Allows choosing a template from the basic Progressive Web App, Nuxt and GraphQL templates. By using them, you have a platform to build up your project.
  • Several databases can be configured, such as MongoDB / MySQL and mongoose ODM and sequelize ORM.
  • Enables running an application in a Docker environment using a single command. Uses Mevn-CLI, an external docker image can be extracted to create a local Docker-based environment and run the local application.
  • Comes with additional Vue-related packages on the fly, providing automatic integration with your project.
  • Developer-friendly syntax makes for clean and simple code.
  • Component-centric modules make code clean, readable and compact.
  • Template code generation and automation of redundant tasks.

Vue Skeleton MVP

Github Stars: 234

License: MIT

Vue Skeleton MVP provides a way to create Vue applications using VueJS, Vuetify, Vue Router and Vue Skeleton. All the features of the MVP are in Javascript, with async/await functionality and a link to a demo application. 

  • Features:
  • Makes use of Vuetify, to boost design with the Material Design component framework.
  • Build-in support for Vue Router, Vuex, i18n and Google analytics.
  • Has a landing page, a secure homepage and other pages for basic CRUD operations.
  • Implements cypress and mocha/chai testing.
  • Connected with ESlint for good coding practices and npm for dependency setting.
  • Secure transmission is done using JSON Web Tokens.
  • Schema uses Vue Router with HTML5 history mode and requires a router history mode change to allow navigating through URLs without reloading the page.
  • Since it uses Vue-CLI, the global configurations can be set in the vue.config.js file. Alternatively, feel free to use the Vue config command to check or change the global CLI.


Boilerplate plays a key role in programming and development. As discussed above, they are helpful when codes are repetitive. The use of templates is recommended irrespective of the size of your project. However, depending on the size of your project, there are some considerations such as scalability, API modules and ease of use.

So once you have researched the requirements for your projects, it will be easy for you to choose programming templates for your project. Make sure you use them correctly.

The post 10+ Best Vue Starter Kits and Boilerplates appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

Hard limits of low-code/no-code and what is an alternative solution. The Flatlogic thesis https://flatlogic.com/blog/hard-limits-of-low-code-no-code/ Tue, 23 Aug 2022 11:06:35 +0000 https://flatlogic.com/blog/?p=12195 Introduction If you work in the internet business, especially as a software engineer, you must have heard about low-code/no-code (LCNC) tools. Popular tech portals frequently mention no-code nowadays; for example,...

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If you work in the internet business, especially as a software engineer, you must have heard about low-code/no-code (LCNC) tools. Popular tech portals frequently mention no-code nowadays; for example, the google trends chart shows a constantly growing interest in the phrase “no code low code”.

The number of investments in low-code/no-code grew constantly as well. At least before 2022. Here is the chart based on the Spreadsheetweb data that shows the data before 2022:

Investments in Low-Code

Unfortunately, there is no fresh information that describes the LCNC venture market reaction to the recent financial downturn in Q1 and Q2 2022, however, in my opinion, it should correlate with the common venture market downturn in general and not deviate much. Furthermore, according to the Spreadsheetweb report that contains various forecasts, the projected size of “Low-code Development Platform Market” is even more sweeter, expected to reach 84.8 Billion by 2027 (average of projections). This is a lot.


So the data shows that low-code/no-code is a very hot topic that receives lots of investors’ attention and media coverage, but the question is do they really help with software development?

This article compares LCNC tools to the classical way of creating applications, questions their ability to create truly custom applications, and talks about an alternative solution (website templates and classical IDEs) to the problem LCNC tools try to solve. 2024 Research

Briefly, what is low-code/no-code?

Low-code/no-code tools promise to solve the problem of huge costs and time involved in building web/mobile applications minimizing or eliminating the amount of money spent on expensive engineering resources. At least this is the promise.

Typical LCNC tool tries to approach the development of web applications by providing a user with a drag and drop interface where the user is intended to build an application by placing UI elements on a canvas and connecting them between each other, to data sources, and attaching some actions to particular elements. In other words, LCNC tools provide an environment for visual software development as opposed to the traditional way when an engineer writes code in an IDE. The new way is assumed to be more productive and requires less technical knowledge, hence claiming to eliminate software engineers from the process completely. This is used as a marketing message promising to deliver exceptional results in a revolutionary way.

Below are examples of some LCNC tools that a mentioned on the first google page when searching for “no-code tools”:

The picture includes Bubble, Retool, Microsoft Power Apps, Adalo, Webflow, Google Appsheet

Old-school visual programming language

Contrary to the widespread claim of being a completely new approach in software development, LCNC tools are in fact not new and look familiar to experienced engineers by a different name – “visual programming languages”. The idea of creating programs visually was there since the early days of programming itself, but for a very specific reason never experienced broad adoption.

According to Wikipedia, “a visual programming language (VPL) is any programming language that lets users create programs by manipulating program elements graphically rather than by specifying them textually”. OK, now let’s compare this to the definition of a no-code development platform by Wikipedia: “No-code development platforms (NCDPs) allow programmers and non-programmers to create application software through graphical user interfaces and configuration instead of traditional computer programming”. Does it sound somewhat similar? Or completely similar? Both promise to create software graphically, rather than visually. So it makes sense to analyze and later extrapolate what happened with VPLs and why they never become the standard of software development.

Ivan Danyliuk greatly explained in his article that visual programming is best to define relations in space (graphical elements, UI), but textual programming is best for defining relations in time (the order of events on a timeline). In other words, it is easy for a human brain to map physical objects in space visually, rather than describing them using text, and to describe the sequence of events (algorithm, instructions) textually, rather than draw a flow chart diagram. This is sort of a natural attribute of the human brain, hence, can not be overcome easily and is better to be adjusted to.

Another problem with using visual programming is that rather than making it easier to put one’s ideas into action more quickly (use keyboard to type), it actually adds another layer of abstraction (mouse and screen). In other words, it is faster to type, rather than to drag a mouse.

Ivan also argues (and I agree) that this is the reason why “visual programming languages” never achieved broad popularity – one wants to give instructions in a textual way, not visual. From my point of view, this is the same reason why LCNC tools are going to fail in the long run – algorithms are better read and written as text. Trying to approach software development visually just like “visual programming languages”, low-code/no-code tools derived VPL’s weaknesses too, and in my point of view, are doomed to share the same fate.

Low-code/no-code and Turing completeness

Also, drag and drop is limited in its nature – you can only design the system within limits defined by LCNC tools. In other words, low-code/no-code tools are not Turing complete – there is only a finite set of configurations one may reach with the LCNC tool. A system is said to be Turing complete if it can address any computational problem, regardless of how difficult it is, provided that it has sufficient time and memory as well as the relevant instructions. Since the best way to specify instructions (relations in time, sequence of events) is a textual form, the ability to specify these instructions will be very limited due to the nature of the LCNC tool, hence making the whole approach limited. While programming language is in fact a computer-readable version of a natural language, which is enough to describe any relations between whatever number of objects, hence programming language is universal.

Eventually, it means that in order to be flexible within the LCNC tool, to build a truly specific application that matches specific requirements one has to write code within the LCNC tool (SQL queries, javascript injections, templates, etc), which is already possible in some of the mentioned tools, which eventually makes the LCNC tool an IDE

The logic is the following, as an ordered list: 

  1. I want to build an app minimizing the amount of coding;
  2. I go to the LCNC tool and create an app;
  3. I need to extend the app to fit my particular needs, hence I write the code in the LCNC tool;
  4. Since I am already writing the code, then why shouldn’t I go full speed and set up an IDE in the first place, and write the code the normal way?

So in order to be able to allow to build full-fledged software, low-code/no-code tools need to converge to IDE’s, hence are going to compete with current products (Visual Studio, JetBrains). From the author’s point of view, it is easier to add low-code/no-code features to IDE (i.e. UI builder) rather than build a new sophisticated IDE from scratch. Moreover, LCNC tools are browser-based, hence the IDE has to be browser-based as well, which limits its capabilities. This is why I believe that writing code will never become outdated in the software industry.

What about templates?

Template, starter kit, theme, boilerplate – these are the words with a very similar meaning – a set of files and folders that serve as a starting point for an application. There are various examples, such as free templates on Github like create-react-app or react-material-admin, ThemeForest with lots of WordPress themes, Template Monster, Creative-Tim and Flatlogic with premium react, angular, vue templates, and other resources that specialize in web templates, and so on. Flatlogic alone sold at least 20,000 licenses since its launch in 2013. Metronic has more than 100,000 sales. The number of usages of free templates is even higher and is doubtly countable. How many users use create-react-app on a daily basis?

While templates, in my opinion, create real value. Maybe that’s my bias, but I do not know any real-world app built using LCNC alone. Eventually, one needs a custom application as a code, not as a service because having the code gives unlimited opportunities for customizations, scaling, and integration. 

So the point is that the templates market is the one that requires disruption and innovation. Not the LCNC one, since eventually everyone needs to write code. First of all the templates market is alive. Probably the most significant player there is Envato, which alone generates more than $200M of annual revenue, being a profitable company with $36M of profit. My estimation is that the whole market size today is at least $1B of real revenue produced by market players today. But you never hear about this market in the news. It simply works. 

I believe there are so much more investments in LCNC tools, and NO investments in templates/themes, because it is much easier to sell the “silver bullet” of creating web apps without coding to investors since the majority of them are not technical, hence do not understand theses explained in this article. This is also being warmed up by various “studies” projecting LCNC market size to hit $XXXB in some years, while no one speaks about the templates market at all.

This is why we created a tool that generates codebases of full-stack web applications based on some input, such as technology stack, UI design, and database schema. We do not pretend to be fashionable by placing the no-code label on our product, instead, we solve the real problem of a real market that exists here and now.

About the author

Philip Daineka is a computer science professional with more than 13 years of experience in the field of software development. Philip is also a master of economics and the CEO of Flatlogic for the last 8 years. You can follow Philip on Twitter @okendokenn.

The post Hard limits of low-code/no-code and what is an alternative solution. The Flatlogic thesis appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

37 Simple and Useful Table Templates & Examples for Web Developers https://flatlogic.com/blog/37-simple-css3-html-table-templates-examples/ Tue, 19 Apr 2022 14:54:00 +0000 https://flatlogic.com/blog/?p=5270 Check our top 37 simple and useful table templates and examples for web dev.

The post 37 Simple and Useful Table Templates & Examples for Web Developers appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

Are you curious about how to create tables for web developers? How can you make your tables more user-friendly? What table templates are available for web developers? Look no further, in our article we will provide 37 simple and useful table templates and examples that web developers can use.

Creating tables for web developers can be a daunting task. It’s important to understand the basics of table structure and design in order to create tables that are both effective and user-friendly. In addition, it’s important to consider the different types of table templates available and how they can be used to create the best tables for web developers

In our article, we will provide a comprehensive understanding of table templates and examples for web developers. You will also gain the knowledge to create useful and user-friendly tables for your web development projects.

What is a table template?

Choosing the right table template is crucial in business software development, as it not only streamlines data presentation but also enhances user interaction and experience within your web application.

So, first thing first, we are to set a definition for a table element. The <table> element in HTML and CSS3 is used to display data in tabular form. In other words, it is a way of displaying and describing data in the form of rows and columns.

A table template is simply a table that is ready to be used in the process of a site’s web design.

See the list of 37 simple and useful CSS3 & HTML table templates.

CSS3 & HTML table templates and examples

NameKey Features and Description
Fixed Header Table CSS TemplateOffers a fixed header feature with options for different colors and styles, catering to various purposes.
Fixed Column TableIdeal for large datasets; provides a fixed column for easy navigation through extensive data.
Tables from Light Blue React Node.jsPart of Flatlogic’s admin dashboard packed with a variety of table templates, integrated with Node.js and PostgreSQL.
Fixed Table HeaderSimplifies the creation of custom tables by fixing the header, helping users understand data context.
Bootstrap TablePopular Bootstrap-based table with clean design, numerous features, and an online builder for customization.
Tables from React Material UI Admin Node.jsPart of an admin dashboard with multiple table templates; uses Google Material Design.
CSS3 Pricing TableVersatile for displaying product prices and highlighting offers, with an easy-to-change outline template.
Table with Vertical and Horizontal HighlightOffers several table variations with highlights for rows, available in different colors and styles.
HTML5 Editable TableAllows adding and removing items directly from the browser, with options to edit each item.
Fade and Blur on Hover Data TableUses advanced JavaScript for fading and blurring effects, simplifying data focus in extensive tables.
Responsive Tables Using LIA collection of CSS table templates, ideal for tracking sales or affiliate payments with customizable functionalities.
HeavyTableJavaScript library offering direct manipulation of table data, with CSS3 snippets for customization.
Flat University TimetableTimetable template with integrated hover effects, allowing implementation of tooltips and notifications.
Sortable Tabular Data Table TemplatejQuery-optimized for quick sorting and aligning of data in ascending or descending order.
Bootstrap CSSWidely used front-end framework with predetermined elements for rapid website building.
PureCollection of 10 elements for quick web development, though styling options are limited.
Responstable 2.0Responsive table template with CSS3 modifications, suitable for various web applications.
Slick Table CSS TemplateOffers pre-installed options like hover highlighter and neat segmentation, suitable for real-world data.
Modern Pricing TablesIncludes 5 different variants for creating pricing tables without starting from scratch.
CSS Table Module Level 3Documentation excerpt from the official CSS3 standard to learn more about tables and their interaction with CSS3.
Pure CSS Responsive Accordion TableLightweight and compliant, suitable for any device or browser.
Nutrition Facts Table in HTML & CSSDisplays nutrition facts for food items, essential for websites dealing with edible products.
Dark Sliding TablesStylish template with static layout and options for text color variation and important point highlighting.
Word Wrap TableAllows text and images to wrap around cells, maintaining consistent size and format for readability.
CalendarA CSS3 template that treats calendars as tables, customizable for displaying various information.
Bulma Pricing Table CSS TemplateOffers three types of pricing table arrangements with a flat style design and customizable elements.
Crisp TableReady-to-use design, known for its crisp and clean appearance.
Codyhouse TablesConsists of three pricing tables with options to switch between monthly and yearly subscriptions.
Mobile Table with Comparison ViewDesigned for mobile apps and sites to compare prices and differences between products.
Codrops Pricing Table CSS TemplatePackage of twelve unique pre-made pricing tables with distinctive designs and elements.
Hosting Pricing Table CSS TemplateFacilitates easy comparison of different plans, suitable for businesses with multiple plans.
<Table> ResponsiveModern CSS3 and HTML5 table with 3D highlighting effects, customizable for any site or app.
Fitness PricingTailor-made for fitness websites, offering variable subscription models and clearly highlighted plan features.
Diamond Pricing TableSuitable for startups and modern websites, with transparent content blocks and star ratings for each plan.
Add Rows to TablePractical for adding and deleting rows with ease, suitable for dynamic data presentations.
Simple Table ConceptBasic design, ideal for mobile apps, with options for alternating row colors and minimalistic layout.
Dynamic Background TilesSuitable for handling large datasets, allows creating gradient color schemes and key buttons.
Flip Pricing TableSimplified design with visual and transitional effects, ideal for beginners and small projects.
2024 Research

Fixed Header Table CSS Template

We are starting the list with the simple, yet often necessary feature – fixing header. This template comes in a package, giving you the option to use different colors and styles, which is somewhat unique. And that’s not all, as Fixed Header Table CSS Template supports a number of different aims and intentions to ensure catering to a variety of purposes.

Fixed Column Table

Number two on our list is somewhat of a classic. The fixed column table template is most widely used in situations when it’s impossible to show the entirety of data in a single table. This makes it necessary to scroll to help the user to see the whole mass of information. And that’s where fixed column comes around, providing the web-designer with the opportunity for a simple and elegant solution.

Tables from Light Blue React Node.js

Light Blue React Node.Js is Flatlogic’s very own creation and we hold it to a higher standard. And despite it not being a table template in its standard definition, a fully functioning admin dashboard is packed to the brim with different table templates that unequivocally deserve your attention. Keep in mind that Light Blue React Node.Js is integrated with the Node.js backend and PostgreSQL database. This gives you the possibility to take a look at a lot of table templates included. But we are not even close to being finished here. In the pictures below you can see a couple of table templates you’re welcome to inspect and experiment with. Here we attach a link to the Light Blue React Node.js admin access, where you will find a plethora of different table templates that you will be able to easily use in your own projects. Feel free to do so.

Fixed Table Header

This table template is similar to the previous ones, which is not a surprise, given that they all share a category. The main purpose of this template is to fix the header of a given table. It gives the user an opportunity to always keep in mind the meaning of the table’s data and recall each row’s name. Using the Fixed Table Header template, you simplify the creation of your own custom tables, which is always a big plus.

Bootstrap Table

This is the most popular table made with the help of Bootstrap. It has a nice and clean design and a wide variety of features. You can install the table using npm or CDN. The website has a big number of examples of what you can do with this table. There is also an online builder on the bootstrap table website which helps to play around with its capabilities.

bootstrap table example

Tables from React Material UI Admin Node.js

Another Admin Dashboard template that Flatlogic, in all modesty, is proud of. And let’s be straight, there is, just like with Light Blue React Node.Js, a lot to be proud of. Judge for yourself: once again it’s a full admin dashboard with an abundance of table templates to choose from and experiment with; once again containing a Node.js and a PostgreSQL back-end; once again made on a React.js. However, there is a very distinctive difference in the design of this entry and the fact that React Material UI Admin Node.Js is made with the help of Google Material Design. With that being said, we have attached a link to this Admin Dashboard demo version for you to quantify.

CSS3 Pricing Table

The first pricing table template on our list is quite commonly used on all sorts of sites that include products to sell. And for good reason, because it is quite versatile. CSS3 Pricing Table is used to display the product’s prices and can also be used to outline the best of offers with the outline template, which is in-build and easy to change to suit your particular goals and design.

Table with Vertical and Horizontal Highlight Template

This table template is a neat tool to simplify the user’s understanding process by using one of several included table variations with highlights for both vertical and horizontal rows of information. It’s also worth mentioning that there is a great variety of highlighting, such as solid colours, gradient effects, round and sharp edges and many more to tailor the table to your site’s needs.

HTML5 Editable Table

Thanks to Query and HTML5’s addition to the nowadays developing experience we are now able to use the HTML5 Editable Table template. And what a treat this is: with this jQuery amped template you are now able to add and remove items from your temple directly from the browser. But wait, there is more – you can also edit each and every particular item on the list to your specific requirement in a nice and easy way.

Fade and Blur on Hover Data Table

Despite this table template using some advanced JavaScript elements, it is undoubtedly helpful to developers, who wish to achieve the simplification of the table’s data understanding. The fading of the hover effect helps the end-user to ease the focus on needed materials in tables that are, otherwise, extensive and stretched out.

Responsive Tables Using LI

This entry is a collection that has loads of different CSS table templates, so you get a plethora of options in a single free package. It also has practical usage, because if you are tracking sales or affiliate payments this table should be considered. You can add IDs, names, amount of payments and their statuses, but the usage is quite versatile, as you can quickly and effortlessly update the functionality of this table to your needs.


One more collection on the list. Heavy Table is a JavaScript library that doesn’t use CSS3 for its stylings. And although you are, most likely, not going to use the whole library, you are, most probably, able to use the CodePen page to find and extract the CSS3 snippets that satisfy your needs. Also, you can find that the table template is useful in itself. The possibility of direct manipulation of the table data for each assigned row is also definite advantage of this table template.

Flat University Timetable

This Table Template might not be the most versatile in the usage department, but it surely fulfills its main purpose to a T. And its main purpose is to create a classy and effective user-friendly table. Due to the smartly integrated hover effect, the web designer is given the opportunity to implement tooltips and short notifications that create a pleasant and engaging experience for the end-user. Also, since this is a timetable template, feel free to use all the different colors to efficiently organize the related content.

flat university timetable

Sortable Tabular Data Table Template

We don’t know for sure whether Jake Rocheleau – the creator of this table template, is an efficiency fanatic, but we are glad that he developed such an efficient template. Optimized with jQuery, this table template helps you and the end-user to sort and align the needed data on the basis of ascending and descending information quickly and effortlessly. Numbers, letters, or any other sortable information mass – you name it, this table sorts it, which is very useful when working with data libraries, that need a quick way of sorting data within the browser.

Bootstrap CSS

If you thought that this list would miss one of the most famous and widely used front-end development frameworks you would be wrong. Bootstrap CSS helped an uncountable number of front-end developers to build websites quickly. There is a possible downside to consider: all the elements are pre-determined, leaving no place for any creative input if you don’t count the position allocation and color changes as such.


Another framework library on our list. Pure is a collection of 10 elements that are able to be added to your websites and projects to make the process of web development much quicker and more enjoyable. You can use Pure to build elements more rapidly, but without the possibility of styling them, unfortunately. But there is no perfection in this world, which can be a pacifying moment.

Responstable 2.0

Adding to our previous statement, HTML5 is not perfect. As such, native HTML5 is not responsive to the browser. But fortunately, a few CSS3 modifications could be made to improve the results. If your goal is to include a responsive table template into your app or website, you can use Responstable 2.0.

Slick Table CSS template

The name is Table CSS template… Slick Table CSS template. This one doesn’t have it name for nothing, because there are pre-installed options, such as hover highlighter and neat segmentation, as well as the option to dim down the expired data. Slick Table CSS template would also be useful if your goal is to create a table that includes real-world data.

Modern Pricing Tables

Despite the fact that there is already a pricing table template on this list, it is no reason not to include another one, because Modern Pricing Table allows you to skip the painstaking process of creating a pricing table from scratch and enjoy the lovely design and tinkering possibilities that this template provides. Modern Pricing also includes 5 different variants to choose from, each one of which provides the possibility of presenting different information.

CSS Table Module Level 3

If you want to comprehend things and not just do a blind rule of thumb poking around, it’s wise to read the actual documentation on something from time to time. If you are a responsible developer that is definitely the case and you should read the table module/element. Flatlogic, as well as other respectable sources, recommend this excerpt from the official CSS3 standard to learn more about tables and table modules. Additionally, learn more about how they interact with CSS3 to become a master instead of being an apprentice.

Pure CSS Responsive Accordion Table

Going back to basics, if we might say so. This lightweight, reliable and compliant table template is easy to put into operation and easy to use in the process on any device or browser. And that’s, as they say, already enough.

Nutrition Facts Table in HTML & CSS

Another table template aimed at pretty particular usage on this list. But if it wasn’t useful and worthwhile we would not include it. This table template is to do exactly what it says on the tin – display nutrition facts for literally any food item out there. It’s a must-have for those sites, that include any kind of edible products to output their nutritional information and filter all your data through this template.

Dark Sliding Tables

A dark and stylish table template that provides a static table layout that can be changed within. Dark sliding tables effects are sleek and quick, the text colors are varied and there is an opportunity of highlighting the important points. So, all and all, this table template is simple and nice.

Word Wrap Table

Word wrap table is a type of table that allows text and images to wrap around the table’s cells. By using word wrap, the text is automatically re-sized, and paragraphs are automatically split to fit the table’s width. By using word wrap, tables can maintain a consistent size and format, improving readability. Word wrap table also allows greater control over text formatting, making it easier to adjust font size, color, and other text attributes. This type of table is also useful for displaying a large amount of data in an easy-to-read format. Finally, word wrap table allows for faster loading time and better performance since all the content is within the same cell.


If you get down to it, a calendar is a table. That being said, we are happy to tell you that in case your site needs a calendar, there is a ready-to-use CSS3 template, made by Marco Biedermann. Based on the approach all the tables take as well, this calendar is customizable, so you can display different needed information for each and every row/date.

calendar table

Bulma Pricing Table CSS template

This CSS template is designed to serve the needs of those who are bored off the standard vertical boxed pricing tables. In this little collection, three types of pricing table arrangements are presented, each more unique than the other one. And although all three of them use the same flat style design, you can add additional variability in the arrangement of the pricing table and its elements.

Crisp Table

If you’ve already hungry for alternative solutions, Crisp Table CSS Template is the thing for you. A ready-to-use table design that you can use to save time. And that’s not mentioning the fact that this table template is not called Crisp for nothing, as you’ll have to do a lot of work to find a table template that looks crisper.

Codyhouse Tables

The Codyhouse Tables collection amounts to three pricing tables that give you the option to switch between monthly and yearly subscriptions. If you are looking for clean and smooth card flipping animation and switching effects then Codyhouse Tables are the table templates for you. The only downside to writing home about is the fact that this table CSS template lacks the possibility of showing the end-users how much they do save when buying a yearly plan.

Mobile Table with Comparison View

Thanks Chris Ota for this table template. He put into time and effort to produce Mobile Table with Comparison View – a special piece of design that was created for mobile apps and sites to depict the prices and particular differences between the products of users choosing.

Codrops Pricing Table CSS template

This CSS table template comes from Codrops. But that’s not all of the obvious facts we would like to share with you. We would also like to add that Codrops Pricing Table CSS template is a package of twelve pre-made pricing tables that each has its own unique design and elements. Some of the tables from this package are packed to the brim with cool effects and some of them have clean and distinctive designs. So, you are free to choose a pricing table that suits your particular needs and interests and will fit like a glove.

Hosting Pricing Table CSS template

hosting pricing table

Open your heart to this pricing table template and it will not disappoint you, especially if your business has more than one plan to offer. Hosting the Pricing Table CSS template makes comparing the pricing as easy as it can get. Even if your goal is to give a separate comparison option, the pricing tables would give you the opportunity to understand the principal differences between plans in a simple manner.

<Table> Responsive

A dazzling example of what modern CSS3 and HTML5 standards can do. Armed with 3D highlighting effects, this borderless table template is ready to be used on any site or app of your choosing. And yes, the dark styling of this table template can be questionable on some occasions, you are always free to play with this styling and tailor it to work flawlessly with your design.

Fitness Pricing

If you are building a fitness website and you are in need of a pricing table template – look no further than the next entry on our list. The reasoning behind this statement is simple – this table template was tailor-made for such sites. It exceeds all your expectations when you work on a website for a business that implements any kind of membership system. The model of subscription is variable to allow everything between the lines of a month and lifetime access. In the end, the end-user gets clearly highlighted benefits and features that are unique for each plan.

Diamond Pricing Table

Now let’s take a look at the table template that would come in most handy for startups and modern websites. The Diamond Pricing Table template has neat transparent content blocks to improve the readability of the text, while not spoiling the visual aesthetics of the design. In addition to this, Diamond Pricing Table has a star rating on each pricing table to provide end-users with more leverage while choosing a plan.

Simple Table Concept

simple table concept

Back to the basics with this table template. The clean and simple (that’s where the name comes from) design, makes it a good option for mobile apps. You can alternate between the light and dark row colors to make a clear distinction for each row entry. This table template avoids using table grids. That makes the table look less bulky on screens, and the call-to-action button, as well as dismiss button in the default design. The front-end nature of this table template has a downside: it is not as functional as it could have been.

Dynamic Background Tiles

This entry is suitable for the occasions of handling large data when the end-users should easily understand the categories. With this table template, you can, for example, create gradient color schemes and key buttons. The main downside to writing home about is the inability to change the colours. But this downside can be corrected with some quick-to-do code tinkering.

Flip Pricing Table

The last entry to our list is somewhat similar to the Codyhouse table template but in a simplified way. This table template has only one design, but the visual and transitional effects are pretty similar to the upper-mentioned Codyhouse. It will be the most useful one if you are a beginner web developer and if you work on a small project. The latest HTML5 and CSS3 were used in the development of this table template, so rest assured that it is up-to-date. The whole coding is shared with you directly, you can change it in the editor and visualize the results directly.


As you can see, leveraging HTML5 and CSS3 table templates is a smart move in business software development, enabling you to focus on the broader strategy and user experience aspects, rather than getting entangled in the minutiae of coding table structures. Using them properly, you will be able to forget about the little troublesome things, such as writing your code for the tables and concentrating on the grander picture of developing a worthwhile site. 

Thanks for tuning in. Visit us in a short time to read more useful articles like this one or give one of our older articles a read. And, as always, stay awesome.

Create a React table app in minutes with Flatlogic

At Flatlogic, we have built a development tool that simplifies the creation of web applications – we call it the Flatlogic Platform. The flatlogic platform allows you to create the React app in minutes. Tables, forms, and other components, all without any special expertise. Pick a stack, design, and make a database model with the help of an online interface and that is all. Moreover, you can preview generated code, push it to your GitHub repo and get the generated REST API docs. Try it for free!

See the quick guide below on how to do a full-stack web app with the help of Flatlogic Platform.

Step №1. Choose your project name

Any good story starts with a title, any good React App starts with a name. So, summon all of your wit and creativity and write your project’s name into the fill-in bar in Flatlogic’s Full Stack Web App Platform.

Flatlogic Platform: Name The Project

Step №2. Select your Web App Stack

Choose the frontend, backend, and database stack of your app. And, to correlate with our illustrative React App, we will choose here React for the frontend, Node.js for the back-end, and MySQL for the database.

Flatlogic Platform: Choose Tech Stack

Step №3. Choose your Web App Design

As we’ve already mentioned, design is quite important. Choose any from a number of colorful, visually pleasing, and, most importantly, extremely convenient designs Flatlogic’s Full Stack Web App Platform presents.

Flatlogic Platform: Choose the App's Design

Step №4. Create your Web App Database Schema

You can create a database model with a UI editor. There are options to create custom tables, columns, and relationships between them. So basically, you can create any type of content. Also, you will receive automatically generated REST API docs for your application.

Flatlogic Platform: Database Schema Editor

Step №5. Review and Generate your Web App

In the final step, make sure everything is as you want it to be. After that, click the “Finish” button. After a short time to generate, you will have at your fingertips a beautiful and fully functional React Node.js App. Voila! Nice and easy!

Flatlogic Platform: Finishing the Project

Try it for free!

Suggested Articles

The post 37 Simple and Useful Table Templates & Examples for Web Developers appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

4 Days Only! 61% Discount On All Templates https://flatlogic.com/blog/4-days-only-61-discount-on-all-templates/ Thu, 08 Jul 2021 07:56:02 +0000 https://flatlogic.com/blog/?p=6809 The biggest sale of this summer on Flatlogic kicks off. We give you a 61% discount on any of our products.

The post 4 Days Only! 61% Discount On All Templates appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

The biggest sale of this summer on Flatlogic kicks off. We give you a 61% discount on any of our products. If you are following our news, you may have already noticed that we have released an unusually large number of products for us over the past year. Let’s take a look at all the 2021 releases in this post.

Sofia React Admin Template

  • Made with React.js & Bootstrap
  • Fully-documented codebase
  • Beautiful charts made with Apexcharts
  • Error page
  • React Bootstrap Tables

Ready-To-Use E-Commerce Template 

  • Server-side rendering
  • SEO module
  • Blog and CMS for it
  • Registration with email / password / name
  • Stripe integration
  • Node.js & PostgreSQL integrated

Sing App Vue Laravel Template 

  • E-Commerce Section
  • Doctrine ORM with PostgreSQL and MySQL support
  • Sass and Vuex inside
  • User Management with admin/user roles
  • JWT based authorization
2024 Research

Vue Material Laravel Template

  • Vue Router
  • Vue CLI
  • Doctrine ORM with PostgreSQL and MySQL support
  • User Management with admin/user roles
  • JWT based authorization
  • Social logins (Google and Microsoft ID)

Angular Material .Net Admin Dashboard

  • E-Commerce Section
  • No jQuery and Bootstrap
  • .NET Core 3 & MS SQL Server integrated
  • Authentication
  • Four colors themes
  • Modular architecture

Sing App React Java Admin Template

  • CRUD Application
  • Java & PostgreSQL integrated
  • Spring, JDBC, Swagger inside


As you can see, these templates are made with JavaScript. JavaScript is a multi-paradigm language that supports event-driven, functional, and mandatory (including object-oriented and prototype-based) programming types. Originally JavaScript was only used on the client side. JavaScript is now still used as a server-side programming language. To summarize, we can say that JavaScript is the language of the Internet.

What is JavaScript Framework? Why we use frameworks for our templates?

Frameworks are JavaScript programming libraries that have pre-written code for use in common programming functions and tasks. It is the foundation for building websites or web applications around.

Let’s start with why do we need JavaScript frameworks? Coding is quite possible without using them, but the right environment can make things a lot easier. Moreover, they are free and open source, so there is no risk
This will increase your productivity in the first place. Consider this as a kind of workaround: you have to write less code by hand, because there are already pre-written and ready-to-use functions and templates. Some of the components of the website do not have to be custom made, so you can create and extend the pre-built components. Frameworks are more responsive for website design and are preferred by most website builders.

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The post 4 Days Only! 61% Discount On All Templates appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

30% Discount on All Templates. Create Powerful Apps with Flatlogic https://flatlogic.com/blog/3-days-only-30-discount-on-all-templates/ Wed, 12 May 2021 13:12:14 +0000 https://flatlogic.com/blog/?p=5971 We have a huge discount at Flatlogic. For three days only you have an opportunity to buy all templates with a discount. Use the APP NOW or APP_NOW promo code...

The post 30% Discount on All Templates. Create Powerful Apps with Flatlogic appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

We have a huge discount at Flatlogic. For three days only you have an opportunity to buy all templates with a discount.

Use the APP NOW or APP_NOW promo code to get a 30% discount!

Please note, that the promo code is valid till May 14th at midnight.

So what templates Flatlogic is currently offering you? Here are the options:

  • Material/Bootstrap designs
  • Various backends (.NET, Java, Node.js, Laravel)
  • Transparent/Classic design
  • Made with React/Vue/Angular
  • Made with jQuery/jQuery-free

Templates with Material design

Each element that a site can consist of, created in the style of Material, is described in detail in the documentation. Starting from how to create a new element and what is exactly it should look like, to its place, method and moment of appearance on the user’s screen. In general, it is difficult to come up with something that the creators have missed or not. The list includes 19 major structural components. Here are Flatlogic Material templates:

  • Made with React.js
  • Material UI
  • No jQuery and Bootstrap
  • React Hooks


2024 Research
  • Made with Vue.js
  • Based on Vuetify
  • No jQuery and Bootstrap
  • Sass and Vuex inside


  • Made with Angular
  • Angular Material
  • Router
  • Typescript


Templates made with Bootstrap

There are a lot of different sites created on Bootstrap, you can see them on the Bootstrap Expo page. It is used mainly for front-end development of websites and admin panels. Among similar frameworks (UIkit, Semantic UI, Foundation, InK, and many more), Bootstrap is the easiest and the most popular.

  • Beautiful charts made with Amcharts, Echarts and Apexcharts
  • Flatlogic Typography
  • Flatlogic Icons
  • Datatables made by Flatlogic


  • 8 Charts Library
  • 2 Dashboards
  • Ajax Page Reloading


  • Deep background
  • Easily Customizable Widgets
  • Over 30 unique pages


Templates made with Node.js backend

Node.js is not a separate programming language, but a platform for using JavaScript on the server side. In terms of language, the same JavaScript is used for both the frontend and the backend. The only difference is in the set of APIs that frontend and backend use.

  • Made with React
  • Google Material design
  • No jQuery and Bootstrap
  • Material UI


  • Made with React
  • Products listing
  • Product filter
  • Registration with email/password/name


  • Theme Support
  • E-Commerce Section
  • Authentication system


  • Full Authentication Implementation
  • Registration with email/password/name
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Accounts and Subaccounts


  • Fully Responsive
  • CRUD Application
  • Static & Hover Sidebar


  • Full Authentication Implementation
  • Registration with email/password/name
  • Social login via Google or Microsoft
  • Static enum of user roles (admin, manager, developer) with a single dropdown


Admin Templates with Laravel Backend

Laravel is constantly evolving and follows current trends. Using it, you will not lag behind the world of web development, the main thing is not to get hung up on a particular version of the framework, but to develop with it. To do this, you must also learn the innovations of Laravel.

  • Vuetify Admin
  • Vue Router
  • Vue CLI
  • Doctrine ORM with PostgreSQL and MySQL support


  • V-Calendar
  • Sass and Vuex inside
  • User Management with admin/user roles
  • JWT based authorization


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The post 30% Discount on All Templates. Create Powerful Apps with Flatlogic appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.
