reactjs – Flatlogic Blog Explore and learn everything about React, Angular, Vue, Bootstrap and React Native application templates Mon, 04 Mar 2024 13:04:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 5+ Benefits of Choosing ReactJS Development Services for Your Business Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:36:53 +0000 Learn how giants like Facebook utilize ReactJS to create engaging mobile apps and how this can boost business growth when adopted.

The post 5+ Benefits of Choosing ReactJS Development Services for Your Business appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

With numerous users opting for mobile apps to conduct their day-to-day activities, building user interfaces that can hold users longer on their applications is now more than necessary. Studies have shown that users’ maximum attention span is only 8 seconds. This means if you want your target audience to stay and scroll through your displayed content, you need to offer them something appealing. Another study showed that about 21% of millennials open a mobile app 50 times each day, while 49% of people open a mobile app 11 times per day. This explains how massively a user-friendly mobile application is dominating users worldwide. 

Thus to create such user-friendly mobile app interfaces, you must invest strategically in its tech stacks and choose the best option. On that note, ReactJS is one of the most trending and used frontend libraries to render client-side programming. It is widely used to build intuitive user interfaces and web applications with comparatively minimal coding efforts. Top mobile apps such as Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Paypal, and WhatsApp extensively use ReactJS to manage and optimize their user interface and update it further to enhance the user experience. Additionally, businesses must partner with a trusted ReactJS development company to build custom, immersive user experiences for their target audiences. 

In this article, we will talk about ReactJS in detail. We will also discuss its key features and the reasons why you should choose ReactJS development services to accelerate your business growth. Keep scrolling to find out in detail about ReactJS.

What is ReactJS? A Quick Overview

ReactJS is a robust frontend library developed and supported by Meta and an individual developer community that constantly maintains and upgrades it to improve its functionality and performance. It was released in 2013, and since then, it has been powering thousands of apps for Fortune 500 businesses as well as newly established startups. 

ReactJS enables the developers of the ReactJS development company to reuse the UI components and implement them in a particular UI design based on the data. This approach is named the “reactive approach,” where the changes are made in UI depending on the data you integrate.

In other words, ReactJS works by leveraging the virtual document object model (DOM) and a reconciliation algorithm which makes it easier for developers to create, edit, and manage the document. They also add new events to this document to make the user interface more dynamic and interactive for the end users.

2024 Research

At the point when there are changes in the application’s state, ReactJS needs to refresh the UI simultaneously. To do this proficiently, the ReactJS development company utilizes a method known as reconciliation. At the point when a component’s state changes, ReactJS makes another virtual DOM display of that component. Then, it contrasts this new virtual DOM and the past one utilizing a diffing algorithm. The algorithm productively distinguishes the two virtual DOM trees and works out the minimal set of changes expected to refresh the original DOM. This approach is a lot quicker than straightforwardly refreshing the whole DOM. You can also check out this complete guide to web app development to understand the steps to build a custom web application.

Key ReactJS Features to Accelerate Success

ReactJS has gained unprecedented popularity in the web and app development space due to its simple syntax, flexibility, and ability to craft intuitive user interfaces. Here are some of the top features that power this frontend framework. 

Component-based Architecture

At the core of React’s basic design is its component-based architecture. ReactJS applications are worked by breaking the UI into little, reusable parts. Every part addresses an independent UI piece with its rationale and delivery. This approach makes dealing with the intricacy of huge-scope applications more straightforward and supports code reusability. Parts can be created together, shaping a tree-like design addressing the whole UI. This measured plan works on advancement as well as improves practicality and versatility.

Virtual DOM

One of ReactJS’s most huge elements is the utilization of a virtual DOM. The virtual DOM is an in-memory portrayal of the genuine DOM. Rather than refreshing the genuine DOM straightforwardly, ReactJS plays out all reports on the virtual DOM first. This reflection layer is a lightweight duplicate of the genuine DOM components, permitting ReactJS to register the base number of changes expected to refresh the genuine DOM productively. By limiting direct controls of the DOM, ReactJS essentially further develops execution and guarantees smoother delivery of UI changes.

JSX (JavaScript XML)

ReactJS uses JSX, a grammar expansion that joins JavaScript and XML-like punctuation. JSX permits engineers to compose HTML-like code straightforwardly inside their JavaScript records. This revelatory methodology makes the code more natural and intelligible. JSX components address the design of the UI, and ReactJS arranges these components to standard JavaScript utilizing devices like Babel. Engineers can insert articulations, factors, and rationale inside JSX components, progressively making it simpler to produce UI components.

Unidirectional Data Stream

ReactJS implements a unidirectional information stream, meaning a data flow system from parent parts to child parts. This unidirectional stream guarantees that information stays unsurprising and forestalls accidental secondary effects. In ReactJS, parent parts pass down information and design to their children parts through properties called props. Youngster parts, thus, can demand changes to the information by conjuring callbacks passed down from the parent. This unidirectional stream smoothes out the administration of the use state and improves troubleshooting.

State and Props

Two basic ideas in ReactJS are state and props. The state addresses the inner information of a part that can change over the long run. Generally used to store information might be adjusted by client collaborations or different occasions. Then again, props (short for properties) are perused just qualities passed from parent parts to kid parts. Props permit parent parts to speak with their youngsters, furnishing them with information and design. By keeping the state and props independent, ReactJS guarantees a reasonable partition of worries and holds a solitary wellspring of truth for data.

Lifecycle Techniques

ReactJS parts have a lifecycle, and the ReactJS development company can guide into various phases of a part’s presence by utilizing lifecycle techniques. These techniques give chances to perform activities at explicit places in the part’s life cycle. For instance, componentDidMount is called after a part has been delivered to the DOM, permitting engineers to execute code that requires the part to be introduced entirely. Likewise, componentDidUpdate is set off after a part’s state or props change, permitting designers to do as needs be answer refreshes. At last, the component will unmount is called before a part is eliminated from the DOM, giving a valuable chance to tidy up assets or occasion audience members.

React Router

ReactJS Router is a famous library utilized related to ReactJS to carry out client-side programming in single-page applications (SPAs). It permits engineers to characterize various courses and guide them to explicit parts. This empowers consistent routes inside the application without requiring full-page reloads. ReactJS Router also uses the browser’s history Application Programming Interface (API) to control the URL and maintain a reliable client experience while guaranteeing the application’s responsiveness.

React Native

While ReactJS is principally utilized for web improvement, ReactJS Local is its kin system intended for building local versatile applications for iOS and Android stages. ReactJS Local permits designers to make portable applications utilizing similar standards of ReactJS, for example, component-based architecture and JSX. By using native tools and resources, React empowers the ReactJ development company to assemble cross-stage mobile applications effectively.

Top Reasons to Choose ReactJS Development Services

From its component-based architecture to its efficient rendering with the virtual DOM, ReactJS offers a set of compelling reasons for businesses to opt for this framework and partner with a reliable ReactJS development company. 

Reusable Components and Faster Development

ReactJS permits designers to make reusable UI parts, which can be used across different application pieces. By building a library of reusable parts, the ReactJS development company can fundamentally accelerate the improvement cycle. Designers can zero in on making significant level parts and immediately gather them to make complex UIs. This reusability saves improvement time, guarantees consistency, and diminishes the gamble of mistakes across the application.

Search Engine Optimization and Server-Side Delivering (SSR)

ReactJS applications can be enhanced for search engine optimization because of their capacity to deliver on the server side. Server-Side Delivering (SSR) permits web search tools to creep and list the substance of the application, all the more bringing about better Search engine optimization rankings. SSR likewise further develops the underlying stacking season of the application, which is essential for conveying a positive client experience. By picking ReactJS improvement administrations, organizations can guarantee that their applications are outwardly engaging as well as advanced for web search tools and execution.

State Management with Redux

While ReactJS itself doesn’t direct a particular way to deal with the state of the board, it very well may be joined with libraries like Revival to deal with the application’s state effectively. Revival is a famous state executives library that follows an anticipated state-holder design. It sorts out the application’s state in a unified store and gives clear rules on the best way to refresh and get to the state. By utilizing ReactJS with Redux, organizations can fabricate adaptable applications with complex state management needs.

Strong Developer Community and Industry Adoption

ReactJS has acquired boundless reception in the native web development space, with various notable organizations and new companies picking ReactJS for their tasks. The solid designer local area and inescapable industry reception guarantee that ReactJS advancement administrations are promptly accessible and ceaselessly moving along. The abundance of assets, open-source commitments, and ordinary updates from the ReactJS group make it a future-verification decision for organizations hoping to put resources into a powerful and generally upheld innovation.

Excellent Performance and Scalability

React’s virtual DOM and effective diffing calculation add to its fantastic presentation. The library’s capacity to deal with refreshes proficiently, combined with its attention to reusability and code particularity, guarantees that ReactJS applications can scale to satisfy the needs of enormous and complex activities. Whether you are building an independent company site or a huge undertaking application, it gives the presentation and versatility expected to deliver a smooth client experience.

Consistent Incorporation with Other Tech Stacks

React’s adaptability permits it to incorporate consistently with different libraries and structures. Whether you want to utilize React with other JavaScript libraries, for example, Revival for State, the board, or incorporate it with backend advancements like Node.js or GraphQL, ReactJS plays well with others. This joining ability makes it more straightforward for the ReactJS development company to adjust its functionality to your particular undertaking necessities.

Rich Developer Tools

ReactJS offers a bunch of solid developer tools that fundamentally facilitate the investigating and development process. The ReactJS development company gets access to a wide set of tools and resources that accumulate state changes and the performance of your ReactJS application. These instruments help you distinguish and fix potential issues rapidly, prompting more effective turn of events and better general code quality.

Top Tips to Choose the Best ReactJS Development Companies

As mentioned before, to build a dynamic and custom user interface, you need to hire a trusted ReactJS development company. The tips discussed below will help you make an informed decision:

  • Evaluate the Company’s Experience 

The first and most crucial tip for hiring the right ReactJS development company is thoroughly examining the company’s industry experience. Whether they have delivered projects involving ReactJS tech stack in the past and have a connection with their development team and project managers to analyze their working style and professionalism. Checking the company’s experience is essential to learn in detail about their work ethics and whether they can deliver your project on time or not.

  • Verify Technical Expertise

Developing a dynamic user interface or a web application and using ReactJS at its full potential demand a deep understanding of this framework. Ensure the ReactJS development company you are working with has a team of seasoned professionals who have worked with ReactJS earlier and can promptly handle your project requirements. This will ensure the right team develops your app’s UI and functions seamlessly before the end users. 

  • Verify Client Testimonials

Another important tip is to properly verify client testimonials and past reviews on third-party platforms or the company’s website. You can go through Clutch or Goodfirms to read testimonials and reviews given by their clients and understand what customers say about their ReactJS development services. Furthermore, you can ask the company for their work portfolio and check their website for case studies to learn their work quality and ability to deliver the project in the given timeframe. It will build a sense of confidence in you. If their portfolio and client reviews are persuasive enough, you can move forward to work with them. 

  • Check the Company’s Communication and Project Management Process

Communication is the key to every successful project. Hence, you need to check and ensure that the ReactJS development company you are hiring follows a transparent communication process and is open to suggestions. It will ensure they keep you in the loop throughout the project development process and update you on its progress. It is also essential to check their project management process. Keeping a check on their project handling style is vital to ensure they complete it within your requirements and under your desired budget. Hence, thoroughly check their communication cycle and how they handle the project.

  • Analyze Pricing Structure

The development cost is the most critical factor in any project–whether for an app or a website. Hence, consulting the ReactJS development company and explaining your requirements in detail is essential to get a complete cost breakdown. The company will offer you a proposed cost estimation which you can check if it aligns with your budget. Moreover, make sure to look for extremely low-cost budget proposals. Often, the low cost tends to result in poor quality of work, and you cannot afford a poor app in exchange for the low prices. Hence, align your budget practically with the market standard and then discuss the same with the development team.


In today’s mobile-driven era, more and more customers are looking to utilize mobile apps to solve their issues and cater to their changing needs. In such a case, businesses are compelled to build a user-friendly mobile application. To handle the app’s front end and make an intuitive user interface, ReactJS is termed one of the best JavaScript frameworks. It offers various benefits, such as reusable components, excellent scalability, seamless integration with other technologies, and rich developer tools. By leveraging this frontend framework and partnering with a reliable ReactJS development company, businesses can quickly create an interactive user interface and web app that aligns with their business goals and attracts their target audience. Lastly, it is also important to choose the right development partner. You can follow the above-mentioned tips to hire the right ReactJS development company and empower your business growth.

The post 5+ Benefits of Choosing ReactJS Development Services for Your Business appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

What is React? Fri, 18 Feb 2022 16:56:33 +0000 React is a JavaScript library often credited for its scalability and simple, strict logic. In this article we're detailing the pros, the cons, and the best practices of React development.

The post What is React? appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

Are you curious about React and what it can do for you? Have you been wondering what makes React stand out from the competition? Have you been looking for a way to make developing user interfaces easier? With React, you can do all this and more.

The importance of React cannot be overstated. React has quickly become a popular choice for frontend web development, and its usage has been steadily increasing since its introduction in 2013. According to a 2020 survey, React was the most popular JavaScript library, with nearly 80% of developers using it.

By reading this article, you will learn what React is and how it can help you create powerful user interfaces. You will also get an overview of the core concepts and components of React, as well as an introduction to the popular React libraries. Finally, you will learn how to set up your development environment and get started using React.

What is React?

React.js was released by a software engineer working for Facebook – Jordan Walke in 2011. React is a JavaScript library focused on creating declarative user interfaces (UIs) using a component-based concept. It’s used for handling the view layer and can be used for web and mobile apps. React’s main goal is to be extensive, fast,  declarative, flexible, and simple. 

React is not a framework, it is specifically a library.  The explanation for this is that React only deals with rendering UIs and reserves many things at the discretion of individual projects. The standard set of tools for creating an application using ReactJS is frequently called the stack.

Why use React?

Let’s take a more detailed look at what sets React library aside against other frameworks and libraries and makes it so powerful and popular for application development.

Virtual Document Object Model (VDOM)

The Document Object Model (DOM) is an API for valid HTML and well-formed XML documents.

A virtual DOM is a representation of a real DOM that is built/manipulated by browsers. Advanced libraries, such as React, generate a tree of elements in memory equivalent to the real DOM, which forms the virtual DOM in a declarative way. The virtual DOM is one of the features that make the framework so fast and reliable. 2024 Research

react dom

Image source:*HyoU7X-SMyT8xQD1PjrRGw.png


React uses a syntax extension to JavaScript called JSX. We use it to create ‘elements’.

const element = <1>My React element using JSX</1>

JSX uses Babel preprocessors to convert HTML-like text in JavaScript files into JavaScript objects to be parsed.

React doesn’t require the use of JSX, but most developers find that it makes for a more user-friendly experience within the JavaScript code.

We use JSX to create React components, so this is why it is an important part of ReactJS.

React Native

React Native is an open-source JavaScript framework for building apps on different platforms, such as iOS, Android, and UPD. It is React-based and gives all its greatness to mobile app development.

React Native uses JavaScript to build the UI of an application but also uses OS-native representations. It allows code to be implemented in OS-native languages (Swift and Objective-C for iOS and Java and Kotlin for Android) for more sophisticated functions.

Main components 

ReactJS is a component-based library where components make our code reusable and split our UI into different pieces. Components are divided into two types: Class components and Function components. All React components follow the separation of concerns design principle, meaning that we should separate our application into different sections to address separate concerns.

Function components

React components work similarly to JavaScript functions. A component takes random inputs, which we call props, and must always return a React element that defines what is intended to be displayed to the user.

The simple method to specify a React component is to define a JavaScript function and return a React element. The React component must always return a React element, or it will throw an error.

function HelloWorld (props){
return [h1]The first React component</h1>;

We’ve defined a ReactJS component called HelloWorld that takes one prop, which stands for properties and returns a ReactJS element, in this case, a simple h1 element. 

Class components

The Class component must have the extends `React.Component` statement. This statement sets up a `React.Component` subclass that allows your component to access `React.Component` functions.

The component must also have a `render()` method, which returns HTML.


So the main question is why you should choose ReactJS as a frontend development stack while there are a lot of others. Here are some reasons:

  • Speedless. React allows developers to use individual parts of their application on both the client and server sides, and any changes they make will not affect the application’s logic. This makes the development process extremely fast.
  • Components support. The use of HTML tags and JS codes makes it easy to work with a huge dataset containing DOM. React acts as an intermediary that represents the DOM and helps you decide which component requires changes to get accurate results.
  • Easy to use and learn. ReactJS is incredibly user-friendly and makes any UI interactive. It also allows you to quickly and efficiently build applications, which is time-saving for clients and developers alike.
  • SEO Friendly. A common problem complained by most web developers is that traditional JavaScript frameworks often have problems with SEO.  ReactJS solves this problem by helping developers navigate different search engines easily through the fact that the ReactJS application can run on the server, and the virtual DOM renders and returns it to the browser as a  web page.
  • One-way Data Binding. One-way data-binding implies that absolutely anyone can trace all the changes that have been made to a segment of the data.  This is also one of the reasons that makes React so easy.

Who uses React?

Here is the list of popular ReactJS websites:

How to build your first application on React

Create an app on React.js from the terminal of your IDE

  1. First, you should install the framework package using `npx create-react-app`

`npx create-react-app my-app`, where is the `my-app` name of your application.

  1. The next step is navigating to your new application.

`cd my-app`

  1. The last step is to start your application.

`npm start` 


In the end, you will have only a frontend application without any database and backend, which takes a lot of work to get a full-fledged application.

How to create your app with Flatlogic Platform

There are two ways to build your application on the Flatlogic Platform: you can create a simple and clear front-end application, generated by the framework CLI, or the CRUD application with frontend+backend+database.

Creating a CRUD application with Flatlogic

Step 1. Choose a Tech Stack

In this step, you’re setting the name of your application and choosing the stack: Frontend, Backend, and Database.


Step 2. Choose the Starter Kit Template

In this step, you’re choosing the design of the web app.

Step 3. Schema Editor

In this part you will need to know which application you want to build, that is, CRM or E-commerce, also in this part you build a database schema i.e. tables and relationships between them.

If you are not familiar with database design and it is difficult for you to understand what tables are, we have prepared several ready-made example schemas of real-world apps that you can build your app upon modification:

  • E-commerce app
  • Time tracking app
  • Book store
  • Chat (messaging) app
  • Blog

Deploy your app and get a fully functional CMS for your application.

Creating a One-Page application with Flatlogic 

You can create a frontend-only app with the Flatlogic Platform. This assumes you will host the back-end somewhere else or won’t need it at all. To generate a one-page application you don’t need to enter anything in the terminal of your IDE, you just need to go to the page of creating an application on the Flatlogic website and make only 2 steps:

Step 1. Choose Tech Stack

In this step, you set the name of your application and choose the stack: React as Frontend, No-Backend as Backend.

Step 2. Choose Starter Template

In this step, you choose the design of the web app. Since this is a standard one-page application created using the CLI framework, it will have the design of a standard one-page ReactJS CLI application.

Now, finally, you can deploy your app and get a one-page React application, which you can further modify if you’d like.

The post What is React? appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

[Update] Typescript vs. Javascript: The Key Differences You Should Know in 2023 Fri, 11 Feb 2022 13:26:34 +0000 JavaScript or TypeScript, that is the question. See the comparison guide and evaluate all the pros and cons of both technologies step by step.

The post [Update] Typescript vs. Javascript: The Key Differences You Should Know in 2023 appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

Let’s start the battle TypeScript vs JavaScript with an introduction of both technologies. JavaScript is a scripting language, that was developed by EMCA’s Technical Committee and Brendan Eich. It works perfectly in web-browsers without the help of any web-server or a compiler. It allows you to change HTML and CSS in the browsers without a full page reload. That is why it is used to create dynamic and interactive web pages. 

TypeScript is a superset of the JavaScript language. It was presented and developed by Microsoft technical fellow Anders Hejlsberg in 2012. Typescript has appeared for a certain reason: the more JavaScript grew, the heavier and more unreadable js code became. It turned up especially evident when developers started to use JavaScript for server-side technologies.

TypeScript is an open-source language that has a compiler, that converts TypeScript code to JavaScript code (see TypeScript playground service). That compiler is cross-browser and also open-source. To start using TypeScript, you can rename your .js files to .ts files, and if there are no logical mistakes in the js code, you get valid TypeScript code. So, TypeScript code Is JavaScript code (and vice versa) just with some additions. To learn more about those additions, watch the original video presentation of TypeScript. Meanwhile, we discuss the key differences between JS and TS in 2023. 

TypeScript vs. JavaScript Short Comparison

To be honest, almost nothing has changed in JavaScript and TypeScript technologies (and as a result in differences between them) for previous years. If you are already familiar with them, be calm because your knowledge is still up-to-date. 

And yet, there is one black swan that the world hasn’t faced before. It’s a coronavirus that made a shift not only in the technology sector but in the whole world. Companies went to remote working, economies have been isolated from each other for several months; some still do. That led to a disruption in the world value chain for hardware production. Even when factories will be reopened and deliveries will be resumed, it will take time to revive the production. It’s possible, that software becomes the growth catalyst for the technology sector in the coming time, and demand for software programmers will increase. We expect growth both in small and large projects, so use any language: either JavaScript that is convenient for development not very complicated projects in small teams, or TypeScript that is designed to work with large projects in huge teams from all over the world.  2024 Research

And yet, JS and TS – key differences

Type system

The first important thing to speak about is a type system. JavaScript is dynamically typed. That means that technically you can do anything you want because JavaScript doesn’t know the type of a variable until the code is running. That leads to irritating bugs when you try to use the variables with wrong types for some commands. One of the instrument JavaScript offers to solve that problem is “use strict” mode that prevents you from using undeclared variables and throws an error for any assignment to a non-existing property/variable/object.  

For its part, TypeScript has a static typing. TypeScript type system offers you incredibly rich opportunities: interfaces, enums, hybrid types, generics, union/intersection types, access modifiers, and much more. And you are not allowed to use undeclared variables. 

Dynamic typing is more flexible by allowing programs to execute the code skipping some insignificant errors that static typing never allows. That decreases the development time, learning is easier in JavaScript, the amount of lines of the code is less. Nevertheless, dynamic typing may lead to errors we have mentioned. And since JavaScript tries to execute the code anyway despite the run-time errors, debugging becomes difficult. 

The advanced static type system of TypeScript helps to avoid such a situation, but cost you more time to set up a codebase with proper strict typing. However, one of the goals for the development of TypeScript was to help catch mistakes early and make development efficient. 


JavaScript code doesn’t need to be compiled, while TypeScript code does. After code compilation TypeScript code becomes pure JavaScript, so it’s a development instrument first.

Server-side / client-side

Some people compare JavaScript and TypeScript in terms of their usage on client / server-side and claim that js has an advantage because it’s both client and server-side, while ts is not. From our point of view that is an incorrect comparison, because TypeScript code compiles to pure JavaScript that is both server and client-side. So here you shouldn’t worry about the differences.

Declaration files

The basic principle that needs to understand is that TypeScript basically stays very true to JavaScript type system and just allows you to statically describe what is going on in JavaScript. The purpose of declaration files is to define a semantic subset of JavaScript libraries and that makes sense. 

Let’s get on with it. 

Declaration files, if you’re not familiar with them, are just files with d.ts. extension that contains declarations of modules and namespaces, where a module is any file containing values, functions, or classes. And we speak exactly about declarations of them, not implementation. That files are generated automatically by the TypeScript compiler when you run your code through it. When TypeScript code is compiled, it becomes pure JavaScript code with all functions that the original code has. Sharing JavaScript code and a declaration file allows developers to use the original code without the presence of the original TypeScript code. In other words, declaration files help distribute js libraries. 

To learn more, you can clone the “DefinitelyTyped” repository from GitHub to get access to all popular libraries. When you need to use external script files in TS, you understand how convenient declaration files are.

Another feature that declaration files offer and that can be helpful is completion in your editor. That speeds up your development process and makes coding easier. 

When the code is converted, JavaScript doesn’t use declaration files, so they need only to TypeScript compiler and your TypeScript code. 

Size of projects

TypeScript is a language that makes the code more consistent, clean, simple, and reusable. Thanks to static typing and declaration files TypeScript code is much easier to maintain and share. Also, TypeScript works great in bug prevention and helps to avoid spending time looking through code to find a silly mistake. So, it is better to use TypeScript for large projects.

Should you use TypeScript in all projects? No. 

You can’t debug TS code in a browser, but using JS you can. It is impossible to skip the compile step in TS (and the step takes time), in JS there is no need to wait. You can’t quickly write a code in TS because you need to declare everything, in JS you can write whatever code you want and it will work if there are no logical errors in it. We can say, that JavaScript is perfect for simple web applications, and that will stay true for much longer. 


According to Stack Overflow, salaries for TypeScript and JavaScript developers are approximately the same both in the United States and all over the globe. In the United States companies pay TypeScript developers 120 thousand dollars a year, while they pay 8 thousand dollars less to JavaScript developers. Over the globe, these numbers are 57 and 53 thousand dollars respectively. 


TypeScript supports a lot of different IDEs, while JavaScript does not. For most developers that is a basic tool required to write and test the code, and refactoring becomes much easier as well. Using IDEs, you get intelligent code completion and error catch as you type that drastically speeds up the process of coding. The best and most popular IDEs are Visual Studio Code, WebStorm, Atom.  

Typescript vs. Javascript. A comparison table

Type systemStatic typingDynamic typing
CompilerNeeds to be compiledDoesn’t need to be compiled
Declaration filesDeclaration files are used with TypeScript compiler and TypeScript codeJavaScript doesn’t use declaration files
Size of projectsIt is better to use TypeScript for large projectsJavaScript is perfect for simple web applications
IDE’sSupports a lot of different IDEsSupports much less IDEs

So what to choose?

As a novice

You should definitely start with learning JavaScript. But when you learn the basics of that go to TypeScript. The biggest hurdle for TypeScript is the learning curve. Yeah, TypeScript offers a lot of useful tools to manage, share, debug, and write the code, but you need to know how that tools work to use them efficiently. Besides that, TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, so you must know JS before starting to learn its more complicated roommate.  

As a middle developer

If you don’t know TypeScript but have a desire to work on more complicated projects, it’s time to learn TS. On the other side, if you are an experienced developer who is working on relatively small coding projects and in small teams, JavaScript is fine. Since salaries are almost equal, there is no financial reason to switch to TypeScript too. However, if you have knowledge, ideas, or need for team development, then Typescript becomes a more preferred option.  

As a senior developer 

Well, you have already known everything possible about JavaScript and TypeScript, and we guess that you have skills in them both. You do not need to choose any of them and the only thing you should know is that this year we don’t think anything will change in those technologies.  

Typescript vs. Javascript. Resume

JavaScript is an easy language to learn, while TypeScript has a tough learning curve and requires prior knowledge of scripting. Airbnb, Codeacademy, and Instagram are a few companies that use JavaScript, while TypeScript is used by Asana, Clever, Screen Awards, etc. TypeScript supports static typing, which allows you to type-check at compile-time, whereas JavaScript does not. The compiler significantly reduces the likelihood of “dumb” mistakes, such as missing commas and misspelled variable names, but it also kills the beauty of JS when most of the solutions could be written on their knees and tested in the browser console.

Strong typing of TypeScript allows you to more fully describe the properties and methods of objects and classes, which eliminates the need, which, for some developers, is very annoying, to check all arguments included in a method or function. This item works both for good and for bad because it is necessary to describe all types for all objects, classes, variables, which was not typical of JavaScript before.
It will be easier to read the code in TypeScript since there is no jumble of code typical of Javascript. But it should be noted that if you use abstractions can in JS, that greatly simplifies the perception of the code.

It should be noted that many are attracted by JavaScript. But as soon as they begin to study it, a kind of chaos and unpredictability of the language strikes the eye. If you prefer TypeScript, it is possible to transfer all your favorite libraries from JS to TS, if necessary. However, migration of existing popular JS solutions to TS requires labor costs. You see, for each ported lib it is necessary to describe the .d.ts file, which contains all the returned types and the description of all methods. Although porting monsters like jQuery, for example, took a lot more effort. So maybe this is not that much work after all. TypeScript currently has support in every popular IDE, including IDEA, WebStorm, Sublime, Atom, and so on. That is why you won’t have to change your favorite development environment.

Thanks for reading!

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Top 8 Material UI Templates and Themes to Try in 2024 Tue, 18 Jan 2022 16:55:18 +0000 Best Material UI templates to check before starting your web development process.

The post Top 8 Material UI Templates and Themes to Try in 2024 appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

The evolution of Material UI, from Google Now to the distinctive Material Design, underscores its importance in crafting intuitive and visually appealing interfaces for business software, reflecting a commitment to usability and aesthetic consistency across platforms. In 2012 Google released Google Now, the predecessor of Google Assistant. On October 29 of the same year, the update added Gmail cards. The cards pulled information from the Gmail accounts and displayed it without opening dedicated apps. Google used tile-like design and depth effects as the foundation to keep building on. On June 25, 2014, Material Design was announced. Gmail Cards’ legacy was visible, but a lot had changed. Transitions were smooth and responsive. Depth effects became more complex. Finally, the padding and grid-based layout gave Material-compliant applications a distinctive minimalist look. The look we would grow to associate with Google and Android.

Why Use Material UI

What’s the value of this decision? Usually, a company uses design languages to give its software a recognizable view. Products from the same manufacturer look different but are related thanks to patterns in shapes, colors, and construction elements. Apple is a nice example. If you covered the Apple logo on an iPhone or a MacBook, the distinctive simple shapes and smooth colors would still give them away. But we have a different situation with Material Design. While most companies guard their proprietary designs, Google encourages developers to use theirs. Everything falls into place when we remember the company’s trade. Docs, Spreadsheets, Calendars, and other services don’t exist in a vacuum. 

Google services are easy to integrate, both with each other and outside platforms. 

A link to an online document you send via messenger often comes with a preview. The said document can contain links to calendar events. You can connect said events to outside software, which could lead the user to yet another Google service. They encourage integration, making each app and each service an extension of something else. More websites and apps complying with Material UI guidelines make the web more seamless. This brings smoother transitions and a deeper and more consistent experience.

Material UI

Material UI’s synergy with React principles facilitates the creation of SEO-friendly, reusable components, making it a cornerstone for developing business software that is both efficient and aesthetically aligned with modern design standards. There’s a good reason React is so popular. Whatever metric you choose to evaluate frameworks by, React will be among the top spots or at least a decent contender. As we can assume, Material UI inherits a lot from both React and  Material Design. Keep reading for more details on Material UI’s pros and cons. 2024 Research

Material UI Pros

1. Space for maneuvering

MUI offers a huge selection of components. Few libraries offer you the same freedom within one framework while adhering to design standards. Whatever admin panel you want, chances are it can be built with Material UI.

2. Flexible styling

Managing CSS styles with JavaScript isn’t exactly new. But within Material UI this feature opens up on a new level. Change one style and one class at a time or adjust the whole theme. Use unique class names and scope classes to components. MUI can be as precise or as broad as you need it to be.

3. Popularity

A solution’s popularity is good on multiple levels. Social proof means it’s either good or at least not bad enough to cause serious issues. A wide pool of users means that any problem you might face was likely dealt with by many before you. And some of them are bound to have shared their valuable experience online.

4. Proven success

Material UI is a solution that works. It’s a merger of two solutions that have been tried and tested thoroughly over the years. When it comes to feedback, there was never a shortage of respondents. Whatever your content is, chances are Material UI will work fine.

5. Arsenal of tools

Material UI comes with over 1000 customizable icons out of the box. It supports TypeScript and features associated with it. Its Grid system supports adaptive design compatible with all platforms and devices.

6. Optimization

Material UI takes a good part of the unused code out of the package for the production build. If you take full advantage of this feature, your apps will weigh less and load faster.

7. Saving time

This is a plus for many libraries, not just MUI. It leaves you with fewer things you must choose. Big Tech giants can afford the luxury of being both efficient and unique. Smaller companies and individual creators often have to choose. If a unique design is not your priority, the time you’ll save will be of greater value.

8. Simplicity

Highly versatile solutions are often overly complicated. Oddly, MUI is simple enough. Its features are scalable. In other words, MUI is as advanced as you need it to be, and won’t require that you learn all the features to make the most basic interfaces.

Material Cons

The Material isn’t perfect, of course. Let’s round up reasons to avoid it

1. Popularity

Yes, that was the first good thing about Material Design. But popularity is a double-edged sword. Complying with Material UI guidelines leaves your products with a ‘Googly look’ that makes them similar to Google and about half of all the web.

2. Design Limitations

Material UI is a safe option that works almost every time but rarely excels. You might want to use different styles for a library and a tattoo salon. They’ll be hard to differentiate between if you want to comply with Material UI. However, this shouldn’t be an issue for admin dashboards.

3. Heavy Weight

This is the bane of many frameworks and libraries. Their developers usually try to include all the popular features. The thing is, most users don’t use all or even most of them at once. The result is a load of code that is there but serves no purpose, only adding weight and slowing the whole application down. Mind that and check the limiting factors like your server’s capabilities. Usually, though, this downside is balanced out by MUI’s “tree-shaking” capability that removes unnecessary code from the package.

4. Complicated inner mechanisms

When using MUI templates, it’s easy to forget how the end product works on a molecular level. And it is even easier to never bother with it in the first place. This is rarely a problem since Material UI templates usually come with plentiful documentation and support. Yet now and then there’s a compatibility issue, and that’s when troubles might arise since few people have delved deep into MUI templates’ inner mechanisms.

Top Material UI Templates

At this point, we’ve covered the reasons for you to use MUI or avoid it. For this article, we’ve collected many templates to fit all needs: some are great UI templates, and others are admin panels with easy navigation and an unobtrusive design. Each has something it excels at, and we’ll explain it all so you can make your picks.

1. Hulk

This hulking force of the template has you covered on many fronts. There are three dashboards in one package. It has a multitude of charts and graphs including React-Google-charts, Echarts-for-React, and React-chartjs-2. Hulk has a layered side menu that lets you navigate it with ease. Hulk is integrated with Firebase, Autho, and JSON Web Tokens. This allows for multiple authorization methods. And if those aren’t enough, Hulk also supports digital signatures. Hulk’s responsive design works great on mobile screens. Finally, there’s support. We usually say “responsive” about software but this time we’ll give credit to Hulk’s support team. They’re very helpful and always there. Proper documentation is nice but consulting with the people who wrote the template is a whole other level of support. Hulk’s list of features and components is solid in any context but at $24 it’s a real treat. Take a look!

2. React Material Admin by Flatlogic

The next entry is our product. The React Material Admin name leaves no room for doubt. It’s built on React 16 and the 4th version of Material-UI. We carefully structure our templates’ interfaces to let you do more with the same number of buttons and toggles. This React-based template goes well with eCommerce platforms, SaaS, Project management, CRM, and more. React Material Admin is inter-browser-compatible and supports React hooks. The code is lightweight and all adjustments are intuitive. It’s easy to adjust React Material Admin and even easier to have it replace the demo data with actual information from your API endpoints.

If you have software development experience, you know how easy it is to inflate the software to the point where it messes with performance. When developing React Material Admin we had a balance to uphold. Insufficiency of features is bad for obvious reasons. Excess causes slower performance and a greater number of things that can go wrong. We want as many features and technologies as possible so the template can perform anything. At the same time, we took care to keep it lightweight. We believe we managed it.

React Material Admin comes in three versions. The basic free version lets you learn the handling of React Material Admin. React Material Admin Full comes at $99 for the Personal license and $499 for the Developer license. Finally, the most complete version, the React Material Admin Node.js, comes with Node.js (hence the name) and PostgreSQL and starts at $149. Other parts besides the admin panel are built-in, with only the end-user interface remaining.

3. MaterialPro

It’s hard to pinpoint what exactly sets MaterialPro apart. It doesn’t exactly outperform all competitions in any particular regard but it is solid in each. Compatibility with major browsers? Documentation? Plenty of it. MaterialPro is a versatile template and can be useful for any type of business or website. It’s especially good for warehouse management, accounting, and SaaS applications, according to the creators. MaterialPro is a great choice for beginners, too. It’s intuitive and simple. MaterialPro is among the easiest-to-install templates on the market. And every time it gets unintuitive, its thorough documentation kicks in.

This blend of simplicity and versatility makes MaterialPro great for just about anyone. Especially beginners and anyone who doesn’t want their admin panel to take too much time. The main downside we could think of is the ambiguity of its compatibility with Internet Explorer. If you prefer a good old Explorer (we’re not here to judge), you might want to keep looking. If not, give MaterialPro a try!

4. EasyDev

EasyDev is among the most complete packages we could find. Its SASS-based Material Design has light and dark modes. React hooks are responsible for the routing and the template is easy to deploy using Dockerfile. But the thing (or things) that caught our eyes the most was the selection of six separate dashboards. The E-Commerce dashboard is for sales, orders, and reports. Usage statistics and conversions appear in the App dashboard. The Finance dashboard tracks exchange rates. Each one is ready for action. All you have left is to connect the template to your API’s endpoints which is easier than it sounds. Pick one that fits best, or switch between them at your discretion, whichever suits you.

Visuals are also a strong plus. EasyDev uses Recharts, ChartJS, and React-Vis for interaction with outside services. All the data from your website and other platforms goes straight to the dashboards with little to no delay. The selection of 200+ UI elements is enough for building new functionality if preinstalled dashboards don’t cut it. Finally, EasyDev sports a proprietary chat application for commuting with your clients. Follow the links below to check it out!

5. Enlite Prime – React Admin Dashboard Template

Enlite Prime is our next pick. We’re talking about a React-based full-stack template, meaning you will not have to worry about the back-end or database. Enlite Prime won’t work with WordPress, and neither can you use it as a static HTML template. Those limitations aside, we couldn’t find a single area where Enlite Prime is lacking. The 12-grid system makes for a flexible layout that fits any screen. There are multiple themes, light and dark, including pitch-black backgrounds, that work so great on OLED displays. Enlite has 30+ React components. This isn’t as much as some competitors have, but combined with adaptive design will likely cover all needs.

But perhaps the biggest thing setting Enlite Prime apart is its quick-starting capacity. It comes with pre-built CRUD apps, a selection of sample pages, and a ‘Starter Project’ option. The latter lets you set up your online platform in no time at all.

6. Crema

Coming up is another well-rounded package called Crema. This isn’t the first time Crema has appeared on our lists. It has 7 built-in Apps, 3 theme styles, and 11 navigation styles. As if that wasn’t enough to choose from, Crema lets you adjust the color scheme and pick one of many thousands of possible combinations. Crema sports 6 dashboards: Analytics, e-commerce, CRM, Crypto, Healthcare, and Academy. Each was preconfigured for specific tasks and use cases. The included apps cover useful functionalities like Scrum board, task manager, and SM style Wall. Crema supports logins with four different services: AWS, Firebase, Auth0, and JWT.

Crema utilizes over 300 widgets and metrics, most of them ready to integrate with outside sources. This covers virtually all use cases and allows for seamless integration with other services. Finally, Crema lets you choose between 5 menu styles to find the one that makes you feel the coziest.

7. Reactify

Reactify is a mixture of React and Bootstrap with Material-based design. We’re not sure if we can call it a Material UI template in the traditional sense. What we can call it is a template that deserves a spot on this list. Right off the start, you’ll get 30+ pre-built pages and 60+ widgets, some of them proprietary and exclusive to Reactify. As you install it, you will almost instantly find solutions for typical situations in business. They only require minimal calibration on your part. If those options don’t cut it, you can explore Reactify’s full features.

Don’t let the initial ease mislead you. Reactify is a solid tool for advanced users, too. It has charts, promo widgets, and customizable reports. Set up chats, interactive feedback, pricing plans, and more. Reactify has tons of features, and you can customize each one for your needs. Visit this page and give Reacify a try!

8. Egret

An egret takes up the next spot. We liked the aesthetics of each template on the list, but boy does Egret catch the eye! The color scheme seems typical for admin templates, yet the subtle difference in tones, shades, and contrast makes this dashboard stand out. We don’t know if that’s a plus or a minus, considering you’ll have to do business with this thing, not casually observe it. We do know that Egret has plenty to offer in other departments, too.

Egret’s list of features and components isn’t long, but they’re well-picked and customizable. This gives you a balance between advanced freedom and easy entry that can be hard to find and uphold. Egret comes with dashboards tailored for online education, analytics, and sales. This serves as a starting ground, and one of them is bound to come in handy in any business. As you get the hang of it, you can delve deeper into Egret’s functionality. It has seven pre-built-in apps: Event Calendar, Inbox, Chat, Invoice Builder, CRUD List, To-do list, and Infinite Scroll list. The Forms section includes form validation, Upload, Wizard, and Rich Text Editor. You’ll cover lots of ground with those. Egret integrates with Google Maps, Calendar, and a multitude of other outside services you might require data from. Follow the link below to give Egret a try.

Building new apps with Flatlogic Platform

We’ve covered our picks for the best Material UI templates we know of. They’re versatile and offer a great variety of features for managing your business. Some even work as full-stack web applications, not requiring you to develop any additional software. But at Flatlogic Platform there is another path to pick if you need a web app for your business.

Web applications have more in common than you might think. There is a term CRUD in web development. It stands for Create, Read, Update, Delete. These are the most basic functions any application performs. Like basic actions, other features of an app can be categorized and replicated. We followed this line of thought and developed a platform that lets you build web applications from scratch. We took Web App development and stripped it down to a few choices. Keep reading to know what they are.

#1: Choose a Name

The first step is inelaborate, even by beginner standards. We chose a name easy enough for you to associate with the project.

#2: Choose Stack

An app consists of the front-end (or end-user interface), the database, the admin panel, and the back-end that makes everything work together. We’re constructing a headless CMS. That means we’ll handle the end-user interface separately and concentrate on other components for now. On each level, we have multiple options working on different technologies. For example, we can choose between React, Angular, and Vue.js admin panels. Likewise, we pick technologies that our database and back-end will run on.

#3: Choose the Design

Admin dashboard design has its peculiarities. It’s meant to be clear and easy on the eye, rather than pretty and original. We offer you five distinctive dashboard designs on the Flatlogic platform and keep working on new ones so you can have more options to choose from.

#4: Choose Database Schema

Next up, we construct the schema. The schema is the backbone of a database. It includes attributes, tags, fields, and the meaning of the data in those fields. This step is more complicated than the ones before it. Luckily, it doesn’t require any specialized expertise beyond understanding your business and the kind of data you’ll deal with.

#5: Review and Generate your App

Everything has been set. Check if everything is the way we need it and hit the Create App button. After a brief compilation, your app will be at your disposal. The Flatlogic Platform is integrated with GitHub and lets you push your application there. Or you can host your app without help from external services. Either variant costs mere seconds of your active involvement. At this point, your app is ready and fully functional. Enjoy!


That was it for our favorite Material UI templates. Items on this list have different strengths and weaknesses but each has a solid build and operation. Each has all the awesome features we expect from the blend of React and Material Design. Each is a capable solution that will work for your business website. Now, you know the reasons to choose Material UI and reasons to avoid it, and can use that knowledge to make better calls and build great web applications. Happy developing!

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The post Top 8 Material UI Templates and Themes to Try in 2024 appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.
