Low Code – Flatlogic Blog https://flatlogic.com/blog Explore and learn everything about React, Angular, Vue, Bootstrap and React Native application templates Fri, 28 Jun 2024 14:56:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 What are low-code open-source tools? – Guideline https://flatlogic.com/blog/what-are-low-code-open-source-tools-guideline/ Fri, 28 Jun 2024 14:56:10 +0000 https://flatlogic.com/blog/?p=15763 Dive into the world of low-code open-source tools, discover the future of software development, and top 5+ list of the best tools.

The post What are low-code open-source tools? – Guideline appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

Are you curious about how you can develop software without writing code? Dive into the world of low-code open-source tools and discover the future of software development.

What are low-code open-source tools, and why are they so important? How do they compare to traditional coding methods? Can these tools handle complex applications? What are the best low-code open-source tools available today? As a renowned software developer, Martin Fowler once said, “Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.”

The software development landscape is changing rapidly, with low-code platforms emerging as a powerful solution to the growing demand for software. Traditional coding is time-consuming and requires specialized skills, but low-code tools simplify the process, making it accessible to a broader audience. According to a study by Forrester, the low-code market is expected to grow from $4 billion in 2017 to $21 billion by 2022, highlighting these platforms’ increasing importance and adoption.

As an employee of Flatlogic, a company specializing in business software development focusing on low-code tools, I bring years of experience and expertise in this field. With a software engineering and finance background and a proven track record of leading successful software development companies, my insights are grounded in real-world application and industry trends.

By reading this article, you will understand low-code open-source tools, their benefits, the challenges they address, and how to leverage them for your software development needs. You will also gain insights into some of the top tools in this space, helping you make informed decisions for your next project.

What is low-code development?

Low-code development refers to a method of software creation that enables developers to build applications with minimal hand-coding. It relies on graphical user interfaces and configuration rather than traditional procedural coding. This approach accelerates the development process, allowing even those with limited coding knowledge to participate in creating functional applications.

What is open-source software?

Open-source tools are software products whose source code is available for anyone to view, modify, and distribute. This model encourages collaboration and transparency, allowing developers from around the world to contribute to and improve the software. Open-source tools often come with a strong community support network, providing extensive resources and shared knowledge. 2024 Research

What are low-code open-source tools?

Combining low-code and open-source creates a powerful synergy. Low-code platforms democratize software development, making it accessible to a wider audience, while open-source tools ensure that the technology is flexible, customizable, and transparent. This combination allows organizations to rapidly develop and deploy applications without being locked into proprietary solutions, benefiting from community-driven improvements and innovations.

Importance and Benefits of Low-Code Open-Source Tools

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses need to innovate quickly to stay competitive. Low-code open-source tools address this need by drastically reducing development time and enabling a broader range of people to contribute to software creation. These tools are pivotal in bridging the gap between the demand for new applications and the limited availability of skilled developers.

Benefits of Low-code Open-Source Tools

  1. Cost Efficiency:
    • No Licensing Fees: Open-source tools eliminate the need for expensive licensing, reducing overall costs.
    • Reduced Development Costs: Low-code platforms streamline development processes, cutting down on the time and resources needed for traditional coding.
  2. Flexibility:
    • Customization: Open-source tools allow full access to the source code, enabling extensive customization to fit unique business requirements.
    • Adaptability: Easily integrate with existing systems and workflows, offering better adaptability to evolving business needs.
  3. Speed:
    • Rapid Prototyping: Quickly build and test prototypes, accelerating the development cycle.
    • Faster Deployment: Pre-built components and drag-and-drop interfaces significantly reduce the time from concept to deployment.
  4. Community Support:
    • Collaborative Development: Leverage a vast community of developers who contribute to the tool’s improvement.
    • Access to Resources: Benefit from community-driven documentation, forums, and shared best practices.
  5. Transparency:
    • Code Visibility: Full access to the source code ensures transparency, helping to understand and verify the inner workings of the tool.
    • Trustworthiness: Transparent codebases build trust, as users can independently verify the security and reliability of the software.
  6. Scalability:
    • Growth Potential: Open-source tools can be scaled to accommodate growing business needs without being constrained by proprietary limitations.
    • Seamless Integration: Easily integrate with other open-source or proprietary systems, ensuring a cohesive technology ecosystem.
  7. Security:
    • Auditability: With open access to the source code, users can conduct thorough security audits to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities.
    • Community Vigilance: A large community means more eyes on the code, leading to faster identification and resolution of security issues.
  8. Innovation:
    • Cutting-Edge Features: Open-source communities often adopt and implement new technologies and methodologies faster than proprietary vendors.
    • Continuous Improvement: Regular updates and contributions from a global pool of developers ensure the tool stays relevant and up-to-date.
  9. Ownership and Control:
    • No Vendor Lock-In: Avoid being tied to a single vendor’s ecosystem, giving you greater control over your technology stack.
    • Long-Term Viability: The open-source nature ensures that the tool can continue to be used and developed even if the original creators move on.

For instance, businesses have used low-code open-source platforms to develop internal tools such as CRM systems, inventory management apps, and customer support portals. These applications, built in a fraction of the time it would take with traditional methods, illustrate the practical benefits of this approach.

Low-Code Vs. Traditional Coding Methods

In the rapidly evolving landscape of software development, choosing the right approach can significantly impact the success of a project. Low-code platforms and traditional coding methods each offer distinct advantages and challenges. Understanding these differences is crucial for making informed decisions that align with your business objectives and technical requirements. Here’s a detailed comparison to help you weigh the pros and cons of each approach.

Development Speed


  • Rapid Development: Low-code platforms use visual development tools like drag-and-drop interfaces and pre-built modules. This significantly speeds up the prototyping and development phases, allowing for faster iterations and adjustments.
  • Immediate Deployment: With simplified deployment processes, low-code applications can be launched quickly, reducing time-to-market and enabling businesses to respond swiftly to changes.

Traditional Coding:

  • Slower Development: Traditional coding requires writing extensive lines of code, which is time-consuming and involves detailed planning, design, and testing phases.
  • Manual Deployment: Deploying traditionally coded applications often involves complex, manual processes that can be error-prone and time-consuming.



  • Lower Initial Costs: Since low-code platforms reduce the need for specialized developers and shorten development cycles, the initial costs are lower.
  • Maintenance Savings: Updates and changes are easier and quicker to implement, resulting in lower long-term maintenance costs.

Traditional Coding:

  • Higher Initial Costs: Skilled developers are required, which increases the initial investment. The need for extensive coding also prolongs the development phase, adding to the costs.
  • Ongoing Expenses: Maintenance can be expensive due to the complexity of the codebase and the need for regular updates and debugging.

Flexibility and Customization


  • Limited Customization: While low-code platforms offer a range of components, customization is often limited to what the platform supports.
  • Platform Dependence: Customizations are restricted by the capabilities and constraints of the low-code platform being used.

Traditional Coding:

  • Full Customization: Developers have complete control over the code, allowing for any level of customization to meet specific business needs.
  • Independent Development: Without platform constraints, developers can implement features and functionalities exactly as required.

Skills and Resources


  • Less Technical Expertise Required: Low-code platforms are designed to be user-friendly, enabling non-developers and business analysts to build applications.
  • Rapid Onboarding: New team members can quickly learn to use low-code platforms, reducing onboarding time.

Traditional Coding:

  • High Technical Expertise Needed: Developing applications from scratch requires skilled programmers with deep knowledge of coding languages and frameworks.
  • Longer Onboarding: The learning curve for traditional coding is steeper, leading to longer onboarding times for new developers.



  • Scalable with Limits: Low-code platforms are suitable for smaller projects and can scale quickly to a certain extent, but may encounter limitations with highly complex applications.
  • Platform Constraints: Scalability is dependent on the low-code platform’s capabilities and infrastructure.

Traditional Coding:

  • Highly Scalable: Applications can be designed and optimized for scalability from the ground up, making them suitable for large-scale, complex projects.
  • No Platform Constraints: Developers have full control over scalability, allowing for performance optimization and tailored scaling solutions.

Maintenance and Updates


  • Simplified Maintenance: Visual development and a less complex codebase make maintenance easier and quicker.
  • Automatic Updates: Many low-code platforms handle updates automatically, ensuring the application remains up-to-date with minimal effort.

Traditional Coding:

  • Complex Maintenance: Maintaining traditionally coded applications requires a deep understanding of the codebase and can be time-consuming.
  • Manual Updates: Developers are responsible for implementing updates, which can be labor-intensive and require careful planning.

Innovation and Experimentation


  • Fast Experimentation: Low-code platforms facilitate quick experimentation with new ideas, allowing businesses to test concepts rapidly.
  • Limited by Platform Features: Innovation is confined to the features and capabilities provided by the low-code platform.

Traditional Coding:

  • Unlimited Innovation: Developers have the freedom to implement cutting-edge technologies and methodologies, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.
  • Longer Development Cycle: While innovation is less restricted, the development process for new ideas can be longer due to the need for custom coding.



  • Built-In Security: Low-code platforms often come with built-in security features and compliance certifications, simplifying the security implementation.
  • Limited Control: Users have less control over security measures compared to custom coding, which might be a concern for susceptible applications.

Traditional Coding:

  • Custom Security: Security can be tailored specifically to the application’s requirements, providing a higher level of control and customization.
  • More Responsibility: The development team must handle all security aspects, which requires thorough expertise and vigilance.


Low-Code is ideal for:

  • Rapid development and prototyping.
  • Businesses with limited technical expertise.
  • Projects with tight budgets and timelines.
  • Applications with less need for deep customization.

Traditional Coding is better for:

  • Complex, highly customized applications.
  • Projects requiring extensive scalability and flexibility.
  • Organizations with access to skilled development teams.
  • Scenarios demanding complete control over the codebase and security.

Choosing between low-code and traditional coding depends on the specific needs, resources, and goals of the project. Low-code offers speed, cost efficiency, and ease of use, making it suitable for simpler, quicker projects. Traditional coding, on the other hand, provides unparalleled flexibility, scalability, and control, making it the go-to choice for complex and large-scale applications.

Top 5+ Low-Code Open-Source Tools

Low-code platforms let people quickly build apps with less coding, cutting down on the need for expert developers. Open-source versions add transparency and customization. Here are some top open-source low-code tools, their features, and what they’re good for.


Flatlogic offers a cutting-edge text-to-app AI tool that simplifies the creation of web-based business software. By leveraging conversational AI and an intuitive user interface, it enables users to generate complex applications from plain English instructions. Flatlogic is particularly well-suited for enterprise solutions, providing extensive customization options, full code ownership, and seamless scalability. This makes it an excellent choice for developing ERP, CRM, CMS, and other business or SAAS software. The platform also supports easy integration with various databases and third-party services, ensuring that your applications can grow and adapt to your business.

Key Features:

  • AI-Powered Development: Generate applications by conversing in plain English.
  • Customization Options: Extensive customization capabilities to meet specific business needs.
  • Code Ownership: Full control and ownership of the generated code.
  • Scalability: No issues with scalability suitable for enterprise-grade applications.
  • Integration: Easy integration with various databases and third-party services.

Use Cases:

  • Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems.
  • Customer relationship management (CRM) tools.
  • Content management systems (CMS).
  • Custom admin panels and dashboards.


Budibase is an open-source low-code platform designed to create internal tools and business applications rapidly. It provides a user-friendly interface for building applications without extensive coding knowledge. The platform supports data integration from multiple sources and includes built-in automation features, making it ideal for developing internal business tools, workflow automation, and data management applications. Its self-hosting capability ensures complete control over the deployment environment, enhancing security and compliance.

Key Features:

  • Drag-and-Drop Builder: Intuitive interface for building UIs.
  • Data Integration: Connects with multiple data sources like PostgreSQL, MySQL, and REST APIs.
  • Automation: Built-in automation for workflows.
  • Custom Code: Allows adding custom JavaScript for advanced functionality.
  • Self-Hosting: Can be self-hosted for complete control.

Use Cases:

  • Internal business tools.
  • Workflow automation.
  • Data management applications.
  • Dashboards and reporting tools.


Appsmith is an open-source low-code platform aimed at creating internal applications quickly. It supports building UIs that interact with databases, APIs, and various third-party services. With its drag-and-drop UI builder and extensive integration capabilities, Appsmith allows for rapid development of admin panels, data dashboards, and internal tools. The platform’s ability to sync with Git and manage user roles and permissions further enhances its suitability for enterprise environments.

Key Features:

  • UI Builder: Drag-and-drop UI components.
  • Data Sources: Connects to databases and APIs.
  • Custom Widgets: Create and use custom widgets.
  • Git Sync: Integrate with Git for version control.
  • Role-Based Access: Manage user roles and permissions.

Use Cases:

  • Admin panels.
  • Data dashboards.
  • Internal tools for business processes.
  • CRUD applications.


Joget is an open-source no-code/low-code platform for workflow and business process automation. It’s designed to create enterprise applications with minimal coding effort, making it suitable for complex business processes. The platform offers advanced workflow management, a drag-and-drop form builder, and extensive plugin support for extending functionality. Its responsive design ensures that applications are accessible on mobile devices, enhancing productivity and accessibility.

Key Features:

  • Workflow Management: Advanced workflow and process management.
  • Form Builder: Drag-and-drop form builder.
  • Data Integration: Integrates with various databases and services.
  • Plugins: Extensive plugin architecture for extending functionality.
  • Mobile Support: Responsive design for mobile devices.

Use Cases:

  • Business process automation.
  • Workflow management systems.
  • HR and finance applications.
  • Customer service portals.


ProcessMaker is a low-code BPM and workflow automation platform. It allows for the design and deployment of workflow-based applications, enabling efficient business process management. With its support for BPMN 2.0, visual form designer, and custom script tasks, ProcessMaker is well-suited for automating complex workflows and managing business processes. The platform also provides robust API integration and built-in analytics, making it a comprehensive solution for enterprise automation needs.

Key Features:

  • BPMN 2.0 Support: Create BPMN-compliant workflows.
  • Form Designer: Visual form design interface.
  • Script Tasks: Custom scripts for advanced functionality.
  • API Integration: Connect with external systems via APIs.
  • Analytics: Built-in analytics and reporting.

Use Cases:

  • Workflow automation.
  • Approval systems.
  • Task management applications.
  • Document management systems.


NocoDB is an open-source platform that turns any database into a smart spreadsheet. It offers a low-code environment for building database-driven applications and workflows. With its intuitive spreadsheet-like interface, NocoDB makes it easy to manage data and create applications without extensive coding. The platform supports a variety of databases and includes automation tools for streamlining workflows, making it ideal for data management and business reporting applications.

Key Features:

  • Spreadsheet Interface: Intuitive spreadsheet-like interface.
  • Database Support: Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, and other popular databases.
  • API Integration: Automatically generates APIs for connected databases.
  • Automation: Built-in workflow automation tools.
  • Customizable: Add custom scripts for advanced use cases.

Use Cases:

  • Data management applications.
  • Business reporting tools.
  • Collaborative workspaces.
  • Inventory management systems.


In summary, this article highlights several top low-code open-source tools that cater to a variety of business needs, from rapid application development to complex workflow automation. These platforms offer flexibility, scalability, and customization, enabling efficient software development with minimal coding effort.

For businesses seeking a powerful, customizable solution to accelerate software development, Flatlogic stands out with its AI-powered platform. Explore Flatlogic’s services to harness the power of AI in generating scalable, enterprise-grade applications efficiently. Visit Flatlogic to learn more and start transforming your business today.

The post What are low-code open-source tools? – Guideline appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

Low-Code Revolution: New Era in App Development https://flatlogic.com/blog/low-code-revolution-new-era-in-app-development/ Wed, 20 Dec 2023 17:45:48 +0000 https://flatlogic.com/blog/?p=14786 Low-code development marks a paradigm shift, democratizing app creation and fostering collaboration between business and IT.

The post Low-Code Revolution: New Era in App Development appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

In my adventure through the ever-evolving realm of software improvement, I stumbled upon a disruptive pressure that swiftly rose to prominence low-code. It wasn’t just a technique; it felt like the linchpin, a game-changer inside the Destiny tech landscape. As I delved deeper, I determined a world characterized by minimum hand-coding and maximal visual improvement, where low-code structures have become the democratic architects of application advent.

Picture this: a paradigm shift that expanded improvement timelines by leaps and bounds. It wasn’t pretty much lines of code; it turned into approximate inclusivity, approximately breaking boundaries and fostering collaboration. Low code wasn’t content material with mere developments; it became a transformative pressure, a catalyst redefining how we conceive, create, and scale programs in the dynamic panorama of contemporary technology.

And so, as I navigated through this landscape, I witnessed low-code not as an insignificant device but as a modern partner, reshaping the trajectory of app improvement. It embraced accessibility and performance, making them as soon as the elaborate world of coding experience like a narrative of simplicity and development. In the story of technology, low-code emerged not simply as an individual but as a protagonist, a pressure that shapes the very essence of our digital narrative.

Current Challenges in Traditional App Development

Navigating the landscape of traditional app development reveals a myriad of challenges. Extended development cycles impose a time burden, delaying time-to-market and hindering agility. The demand for skilled developers comes at a high cost, amplifying financial constraints for businesses. Maintenance and updates, requiring intricate coding knowledge, erect barriers to seamless enhancements. To illustrate:

Extend Development CyclesDelays times-to-market, hindering responsiveness.
High Costs for Skilled Developers Strain financial resources, limiting accessibility.
Maintenance ComplexityCreates Barriers, demanding coding expertise for updates.

These challenges underscore the pressing need for a more efficient and accessible development methodology, where the barriers are dismantled, and the development process becomes a catalyst for innovation and growth.

The Low-Code Revolution

Low-code development marks a paradigm shift, democratizing app creation and fostering collaboration between business and IT. This revolution empowers organizations to break free from the shackles of traditional coding, enabling a broader range of individuals to contribute to the development process. 2024 Research

In the ever-evolving tapestry of technology, the advent of low-code development signifies more than just a methodology—it’s a bona fide revolution. This paradigm shift isn’t merely about lines of code; it’s about democratizing the very essence of app creation. Low code is the catalyst that breaks down the walls between business and IT, fostering a collaborative dance where both entities harmoniously contribute to the development process.

It’s a liberation from the traditional constraints of coding, empowering a diverse array of individuals to partake in the creative process. In this revolution, the power of app creation is not confined to the realms of coding wizards; it’s a shared canvas where ideas from various minds converge to shape the future of digital innovation. This is not just development; it’s a low-code revolution, a transformative force that propels us into a new era of inclusive and collaborative app creation.

Speed and Efficiency

In the dynamic landscape of mobile app development, speed and efficiency are the beating heart of the low-code revolution. It’s not merely about writing lines of code; it’s about the art of acceleration. Low-code platforms empower developers to navigate the intricate journey of development timelines with unprecedented speed. Rapid prototyping and seamless iteration, a symphony of creation where applications come to life swiftly.

In the real world, the proof is in the projects—instances where low-code development has manifested substantial time savings. It’s not just about meeting deadlines; it’s about surpassing them with finesse. The low-code revolution is a testament to the transformative power of speed, where the mundane transforms into the extraordinary in the blink of a digital eye.


In the realm of app development, the allure of cost-effectiveness is a cornerstone of the low-code narrative. It’s a story where financial benefits unfold, presenting a compelling case for organizations seeking fiscal prudence. Low code doesn’t merely reduce development costs; it transforms them into a strategic investment.

For smaller businesses, the lowered barrier to entry becomes a gateway to meaningful participation in app development initiatives. It’s not just about the big players; it’s an inclusive journey where businesses of all sizes can harness the power of low-code.

When we delve into the realm of Return on Investment (ROI), the narrative deepens. Contrary to initial perceptions, low-code emerges as a champion of long-term cost-effectiveness. It’s not a fleeting cost reduction; it’s an enduring testament to the financial wisdom embedded in the fabric of the low-code approach. In the grand tapestry of app development, low code is the brushstroke that paints a picture of fiscal prudence and sustainable innovation.

Accessibility and Inclusivity

In the symphony of app development, accessibility, and inclusivity take center stage in the low-code narrative. It’s not just about seasoned developers; it’s an open invitation to a broader audience. Low code doesn’t speak a language confined to code wizards; it’s a universal dialect that empowers non-developers to step into the realm of creation.

This inclusivity isn’t merely a checkbox; it’s a catalyst for cross-functional collaboration. It breaks down the silos within organizations, fostering an environment where diverse perspectives converge in the intricate dance of app development. In the realm of low-code, accessibility isn’t just a feature; it’s the essence of a transformative journey where everyone has a voice in shaping the digital narrative.

Flexibility and Scalability

In the dynamic landscape of app development, low code emerges as the epitome of flexibility and scalability. Its prowess lies in the seamless adaptation to ever-changing business needs, allowing applications to scale effortlessly. This agility grants businesses the capacity to pivot swiftly, responding to market demands without the need for extensive and disruptive development overhauls. Real-world case studies stand as compelling proof, spotlighting instances where low-code has not only met but exceeded expectations, showcasing a transformative journey where applications evolve harmoniously with the evolving demands of the market. It’s not just a methodology; it’s a symphony of adaptability and scalability in the digital age.

Industry Adoption and Trends

In the ever-evolving landscape of app development, industry adoption, and trends herald the ascendance of low-code as a transformative force. Statistics illuminate its growing embrace across diverse sectors, from finance to healthcare, unveiling a versatile and productive toolset. Success stories echo through boardrooms, underscoring the tangible impact of low-code platforms.

As the low-code landscape evolves, promising trends emerge, poised to reshape the very fabric of app development. It’s not a mere trend; it’s a paradigm shift. Low-code transcends conventional boundaries, revolutionizing how applications are born, nurtured, and scaled. Businesses at the vanguard of innovation and efficiency are harnessing its potential, positioning themselves as pioneers in the dynamic future of app development. In this narrative of progress, low-code isn’t just a player; it’s the catalyst propelling industries into the next frontier of digital evolution.

The Global Market for Low-Code Development Technologies 

The global market for Low-Code Development Technologies is witnessing substantial growth, poised for a remarkable surge in 2023. This innovative technology streamlines application development by minimizing the need for extensive coding, enabling businesses to accelerate their software creation processes. The surge in demand can be attributed to the efficiency gains, cost-effectiveness, and agility that low-code development offers to organizations across various industries. As businesses increasingly prioritize rapid application deployment and adaptability, the low-code development sector becomes a pivotal player in driving technological advancements and facilitating the creation of robust, scalable applications globally. This trend underscores the transformative impact of low-code technologies on modern software development landscapes.

Source: Gartner Forecasts Worldwide Low-Code Development Technologies

The Limitations of Low-Code Platforms 

Complexity of Customization:

Low-code platforms often provide pre-built components for rapid development, but when it comes to highly customized solutions, limitations arise. Achieving intricate or highly specialized functionalities may require a deeper level of traditional coding, offsetting the initial time savings.

Optimized scope of Customization:  

Low-code platforms excel in providing solutions for common and straightforward business processes. However, when dealing with unique or complex requirements that go beyond the platform’s predefined components, developers might find it challenging to implement highly customized functionalities.

Limited Flexibility:

Low-code platforms operate within a framework that emphasizes simplicity and ease of use. This can lead to limitations in terms of flexibility for developers who need to implement unconventional or highly specific features that deviate from the standard capabilities offered by the platform.

Coding Requirements for Advanced Features:

While low-code platforms abstract a significant portion of coding, implementing advanced features or highly tailored functionalities may still require a deeper level of traditional coding. Developers might find themselves needing to supplement low-code elements with custom code to meet complex business logic or user interface requirements.

Balancing Simplicity and Customization:

Low-code platforms often prioritize simplicity to cater to users with varying technical backgrounds. Striking a balance between ease of use and the ability to handle complex customizations can be challenging, resulting in a potential trade-off where highly tailored solutions may require a more traditional development approach.

Dependency on Platform Capabilities:

The extent of customization in a low-code platform is often determined by the capabilities and features provided by the platform itself. If the platform lacks certain functionalities or doesn’t support specific customizations, developers may face constraints in achieving the desired level of tailoring.

Integration Challenges:

Integrating a low-code application with other existing systems, especially those with unique or complex interfaces, can be challenging. Customization requirements in integration scenarios may necessitate a more traditional approach to coding to ensure seamless connectivity between systems.

Scalability Challenges:

While low-code platforms excel in expediting initial development, scalability can pose challenges as applications grow in complexity. Managing larger, enterprise-level projects may necessitate transitioning to traditional development methods.

  • Low-code platforms simplify development through abstraction, but when it comes to scaling, the inherent abstraction may limit the granularity of control needed for complex scaling strategies. Traditional code offers more fine-tuned control over scalability parameters.
  • Many low-code platforms come with predefined components and scalability features. While this is beneficial for rapid development, it may impose constraints when scaling demands unique or highly customized solutions beyond the platform’s standard capabilities.
  • Low-code platforms may struggle to efficiently handle increased workloads or a surge in user demand. The automated processes and simplified workflows may not be optimized for the performance demands associated with scaling up.
  • Low-code platforms prioritize simplicity to cater to users with varying technical backgrounds. However, this simplicity can be a trade-off when balancing ease of use with the intricate optimizations required for seamless scalability.
  • As applications built on low-code platforms scale, integrating them with other systems or services can become complex. The simplicity that facilitates rapid development may result in challenges when these applications need to interact with more intricate, scaled systems.
  • The scalability of applications on low-code platforms is often dependent on the scalability features provided by the platform itself. If the platform lacks robust scaling capabilities, applications may face challenges when attempting to grow in tandem with increasing demands.
  • Scalability often involves performance optimizations such as load balancing, caching, and database scaling. Low-code platforms, while efficient for certain tasks, might not provide the level of control necessary for developers to implement these optimizations effectively.
  • Balancing the need for customization with the limitations of the low-code platform can be challenging during scaling. Customization requirements for highly scalable solutions may push developers towards a more traditional coding approach to ensure optimal performance.

Limited Control Over Optimization:

Optimization of applications for performance or resource efficiency might be constrained in low-code environments. Fine-tuning to meet specific performance benchmarks may require delving into more traditional coding approaches.

For Example: 

Imagine a company using a low-code platform to build an e-commerce application. In this application, there is a need for highly customized front-end performance to ensure a seamless user experience. The low-code platform automates the generation of user interfaces, simplifying the development process. However, when it comes to specific frontend optimizations, such as lazy loading certain components to enhance page loading speed or implementing intricate caching strategies to improve overall responsiveness, the automated nature of the low-code platform might limit the developer’s control. In a traditional coding approach, developers have more granular control over these optimizations, tailoring them precisely to the unique requirements of the application. This example illustrates how limited control over optimization in low-code platforms can manifest in specific scenarios, highlighting the importance of considering the trade-offs between convenience and customization in application development.

Security Concerns:

Low-code platforms often abstract security measures behind the scenes, limiting the visibility and control that developers have over the application’s security architecture. This can be a concern, particularly for projects with stringent security requirements.

Security is a paramount concern in the context of low-code platforms due to its fundamental importance in safeguarding sensitive data and ensuring the integrity of applications. The significance of security in low-code development can be explained in several key aspects:

Data Protection:

Security measures are crucial for protecting user data, especially in applications that handle personal or confidential information. Robust security protocols prevent unauthorized access, ensuring the confidentiality and privacy of user data.

User Authentication and Authorization:

Proper user authentication and authorization mechanisms are vital to control access to different parts of an application. Implementing secure authentication protocols ensures that only authorized users can interact with sensitive functionalities, preventing unauthorized activities.

Prevention of Data Breaches:

Low-code platforms, while simplifying development, may inadvertently introduce vulnerabilities. A strong security framework is essential to prevent data breaches, which can have severe consequences for both users and the reputation of the organization.

Compliance Requirements:

Many industries have specific regulatory requirements regarding data security and privacy. Adhering to these regulations is not only a legal obligation but also essential for maintaining the trust of users and stakeholders.

Protection Against Cyber Threats:

Cyber threats, including malware, phishing attacks, and other malicious activities, pose a constant risk. A robust security strategy helps in identifying and mitigating these threats, ensuring the resilience of the application against evolving cybersecurity challenges.

Application Integrity:

Security measures are critical for preserving the integrity of the application itself. Unauthorized access or tampering with the application’s codebase can lead to functionality issues, compromise user experiences, and open avenues for exploitation.

Dependency on Vendor Updates:

Low-code platform users depend on the platform providers for updates, improvements, and bug fixes. This reliance can be a double-edged sword as users may face delays in implementing critical enhancements or resolving issues.

Learning Curve for Complex Applications:

While low-code platforms cater to users with varying technical expertise, developing complex applications may still require a substantial learning curve. Users may find themselves limited when attempting to implement advanced features without a comprehensive understanding of the underlying code.


In conclusion, while low-code platforms offer an expedited path to application development, acknowledging their limitations is crucial. Businesses must weigh the benefits against these constraints to determine the suitability of low-code platforms for their specific needs. Striking the right balance between speed and flexibility is imperative for making informed decisions in the dynamic landscape of modern software development.

The post Low-Code Revolution: New Era in App Development appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

Best 10+ Retool Alternatives – Comprehensive Guide https://flatlogic.com/blog/best-10-retool-alternatives-comprehensive-guide/ Tue, 05 Dec 2023 09:10:50 +0000 https://flatlogic.com/blog/?p=14695 Dive into a sea of software solutions where Retool alternatives are not just options, but gateways to innovation and efficiency.

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Dive into a sea of software solutions where Retool alternatives are not just options, but gateways to innovation and efficiency.

Have you ever asked yourself: Which Retool alternative best fits my business needs? How do I find a tool that offers both simplicity and robust functionality? What are the cost-effective Retool options? 

Well, American business magnate, inventor, and investor, best known for co-founding Apple, Steve Jobs once said: “Innovation is the difference between a leader and a follower.” This article could be your first step to becoming a leader in software solutions.

Finding the right software tool is more than just a technical decision; it’s a business strategy move. Studies show that the right tool can increase productivity by up to 50%. 

As an experienced low-code/no-code (LCNC) development professional with 8 years in the field, my insights come from a deep engagement with the industry. My background in software engineering has given me a unique blend of technical expertise and business understanding that is essential for navigating the complex and rapidly evolving world of software development.

By reading this article, you’ll have not only a list of the best Retool alternatives but also the knowledge to choose the one that perfectly aligns with your business goals.


Low-code development platform is a software development environment that enables the creation of applications through graphical user interfaces and configuration instead of traditional hand-coded computer programming. 

Essentially, low-code platforms minimize the amount of manual coding required, allowing developers to focus on the more complex aspects of application development while automating the simpler parts. This approach significantly speeds up the development process, making it more accessible to people with limited programming skills. It’s especially useful for rapidly building applications to meet specific business needs, prototyping, and iterative development. 2024 Research

Key characteristics of low-code platforms

  • Drag-and-drop interfaces that allow users to build applications.
  • Pre-built templates and components that provide out-of-the-box elements to streamline development.
  • Visual modeling tools that allow developers to define data models, workflows, and business logic without extensive coding.

What is Retool?

Retool is a low-code development platform focused on building internal business applications. It allows developers and enterprises to quickly build custom, operational applications (such as admin panels, dashboards, CRUD applications, etc.) by connecting to various databases and APIs. Retool provides a rich set of user interface components and connects them to your databases and APIs, speeding up the development process.

Key features of Retool

  • Intuitive user interface with a wide range of UI components, including tables, lists, charts, forms, and more.
  • Database and API integration for easy connection to virtually any database or API.
  • Customizable components that allow users to customize the look and feel of their applications.

Pros of Retool

  • Rapid development – speeds up the creation of internal tools with its low-code platform.
  • Easy to integrate, seamlessly connects to various databases and APIs.
  • Customizable UI offers a set of customizable user interface components.
  • Scalability – efficiently scales with the needs of the business.

Cons of Retool

  • Limited to internal tools. It is primarily focused on internal business tools, which may not be appropriate for consumer-facing applications.
  • While great for rapid deployment, may struggle to scale complex applications.
  • Dependence on third-party services. Heavy reliance on integrations can lead to potential issues with external service changes or outages.
  • Can be expensive for small teams or startups, especially at scale.

Pricing of Retool

Retool’s pricing ranges from a free plan for individuals or small projects to customized enterprise plans for large organizations, with varying features and limitations. For exact pricing, it’s best to visit Retool’s website or contact their sales team.

The Main Idea of Retool and Its Alternatives

Retool has transformed software development with its low-code approach, especially for internal business tools. However, diverse business needs are causing organizations to consider alternatives such as Flatlogic. This trend is driven by several factors: the need for customization, affordability for startups and SMBs, ease of use for different technical skill levels, and the need for special integration and growth capabilities. Exploring these alternatives, including robust platforms like OutSystems and Mendix, Microsoft PowerApps for integration with the Microsoft ecosystem, and no-code options like Bubble, reveals different strengths. Choosing the right tool means balancing these features with immediate needs and long-term business strategy.

Retool Alternatives

In this section, I take a deep dive into each Retool alternative. For each tool, I’ll cover its key features, ease of use, integration capabilities, pricing, and how it differs from Retool. Whether it’s a low-code platform for rapid development or a tool with advanced AI capabilities, you’ll get a detailed analysis to help you make the right choice.

Name of Retool AlternativeTarget AudienceKey FeaturesPricingCustomization Options
FlatlogicEnterprises, SMEs, StartupsAI-powered app generation, Full code access, Extensive integrationCustom pricingHighly customizable, AI-assisted development
UI BakeryEnterprises, SMEs, StartupsDrag’n’drop interface, Extensive integrations, AI-assisted developmentStarts at $10/developer/monthHighly customizable, 75+ pre built components
OutSystemsLarge Enterprises, SMEsVisual development, Real-time performance monitoring, Extensive integrationsFree tier; Enterprise pricing on requestGood, focused on enterprise needs
MendixEnterprises, Mid-Sized BusinessesDrag-and-drop interfaces, AI-assisted development, Multi-cloud deploymentFree tier; Enterprise pricing on requestExtensive customization for enterprise environments
Microsoft PowerAppsMicrosoft ecosystem users, Businesses of all sizesIntegration with Microsoft products, Pre-built templates, AI builderStarts at $10/user/app/monthGood, especially within the Microsoft ecosystem
AppianLarge Enterprises, SMEsLow-code interface, Advanced process automation, Mobile app developmentCustom pricingHighly customizable, focus on process automation
BubbleStartups, Non-technical usersDrag-and-drop editor, Custom database creation, Interactive design toolsFree plan; Paid plans start at $29/monthHigh for a no-code tool, some limitations
Zoho CreatorSMEs, Zoho Suite usersA drag-and-drop interface, AI capabilities, Multi-platform app developmentStarts at $10/user/monthGood within the Zoho ecosystem
QuickBaseSMEs, Enterprises focusing on data managementData management tools, Automated workflows, Real-time reportingCustom pricingModerate, data management and workflow automation focus
CaspioSMEs, Businesses needing strong database capabilitiesApplication Builder, Integrated cloud database, Scalable infrastructureStarts at $100/monthGood, database-driven applications focus
KnackSMEs, Non-technical users focusing on data managementSimple interface for database creation, Data import/export, Custom logicStarts at $39/monthModerate, ideal for data-centric applications
Betty BlocksSMEs, Non-technical business usersVisual development environment, Pre-built components, Integration capabilitiesCustom pricingHigh for a no-code platform, some limitations


Flatlogic stands out with its AI-powered text-to-app generator, offering unparalleled customization and scalability for enterprise applications. It’s ideal for developing ERP, CRM, and CMS systems with complete code ownership.

Features: AI-driven application generation, full code access, and extensive integration capabilities.

Pros: High customization, no scalability issues, AI-powered efficiency.

Pricing: Custom pricing based on project requirements.

Customization: Highly customizable with AI-assisted development and user-defined specifications.

UI Bakery

UI Bakery is a low-code platform designed for the swift development of internal tools and web applications, offering a speed that’s up to 10 times faster than traditional development approaches. It features a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, enabling the creation of responsive web apps using a range of pre-designed components and templates. 

Features: Low code development, Drag’n’drop UI, Workflow automation, numerous Integrations, and pre-built Components.

Pros: High customization, Fair pricing, Efficient Scalability

Pricing: Starts from $10/developer/month.

Customization: Extensive styling and white labeling capabilities, sleek pre-built components.


OutSystems is a low-code platform that accelerates the development of complex enterprise applications. It’s known for its robustness and scalability.

Features: Visual development interface, real-time performance monitoring, extensive integrations.

Pros: Rapid development, scalable architecture, strong community support.

Cons: Higher pricing, complexity for beginners, limited third-party control.

Pricing: Starts at a free tier; enterprise pricing upon request.

Customization: Good customization options with a strong focus on enterprise needs.


Mendix offers a low-code environment for building enterprise-grade applications, emphasizing collaboration between business and IT teams.

Features: Drag-and-drop interfaces, AI-assisted development, multi-cloud deployment.

Pros: Strong collaboration tools, a wide range of features, supportive community.

Cons: Can be overwhelming for beginners, expensive for small businesses, and limited in deep custom coding.

Pricing: Free tier available; enterprise pricing on request.

Customization: Offers extensive customization with a focus on enterprise environments.

Microsoft PowerApps

Part of the Microsoft Power Platform, PowerApps enables quick app development with deep integration into the Microsoft ecosystem.

Features: Seamless integration with Microsoft products, pre-built templates, AI builder.

Pros: Easy integration with Microsoft products, user-friendly for beginners, strong corporate support.

Cons: Limited outside Microsoft ecosystem, can be restrictive, less flexibility for complex apps.

Pricing: Starts at $10/user/app/month.

Customization: Good, especially within the Microsoft ecosystem.


Appian focuses on rapid application development with a strong emphasis on process automation and workflow management.

Features: Low-code interface, advanced process automation, mobile app development.

Pros: Strong process automation, high scalability, robust security features.

Cons: Higher cost, less intuitive UI, steep learning curve for advanced features.

Pricing: Custom pricing based on requirements.

Customization: Highly customizable with a focus on process automation.


Bubble is a no-code platform that democratizes app development, allowing users to build fully functional web applications without coding.

Features: Drag-and-drop editor, custom database creation, interactive design tools.

Pros: Highly accessible, no coding required, vibrant community.

Cons: Limited compared to coding, performance issues with complex apps, steep learning curve.

Pricing: Free plan available; paid plans start at $29/month.

Customization: High customization for a no-code tool, but with some limitations.

Zoho Creator

Zoho Creator provides a low-code environment for building custom applications, with a focus on automating business workflows.

Features: Drag-and-drop interface, AI capabilities, multi-platform app development.

Pros: Easy to use, strong integration with Zoho Suite, cost-effective.

Cons: Limited for complex applications, performance can vary, reliant on the Zoho ecosystem.

Pricing: Starts at $10/user/month.

Customization: Good customization within the Zoho ecosystem.


QuickBase offers a platform for building custom applications focused on workflow automation and data management.

Features: Rich data management tools, automated workflows, and real-time reporting.

Pros: Strong data management, scalable, user-friendly.

Cons: Can be expensive, limited UI customization, steep learning curve for advanced features.

Pricing: Custom pricing.

Customization: Moderate; focused more on data management and workflow automation.


Caspio is a low-code platform known for its robust database capabilities, suitable for creating a variety of business applications.

Features: Point-and-click application builder, integrated cloud database, scalable infrastructure.

Pros: Strong database capabilities, scalable, extensive integrations.

Cons: Limited design options, requires an understanding of database concepts, higher pricing.

Pricing: Starts at $100/month.

Customization: Good, with a focus on database-driven applications.


Knack focuses on database-driven applications, enabling users to create custom apps that manage, share, and structure data.

Features: Simple interface for database creation, data import/export, custom logic.

Pros: User-friendly database apps, good data handling, supportive community.

Cons: Limited design flexibility, less suitable for complex applications, can be pricey for larger databases.

Pricing: Starts at $39/month.

Customization: Moderate; ideal for data-centric applications.

Betty Blocks

Betty Blocks is a no-code platform that champions citizen development, allowing non-technical users to build applications quickly.

Features: Visual development environment, pre-built application components, integration capabilities.

Pros: Extremely user-friendly, rapid development, strong community support.

Cons: Limited for advanced development needs, reliance on pre-built components, can be costly.

Pricing: Custom pricing based on requirements.

Customization: High for a no-code platform, but with some limitations.

Choosing the right software tool is more than a matter of individual understanding. It’s about how those tools stack up against each other. When comparing Retool and its alternatives, key factors such as development speed, customization, integration capabilities, scalability, and pricing come into play. Each platform, from Retool to its various counterparts, has distinct strengths and weaknesses. For example, Retool is known for its rapid development and scalability of internal tools, but other alternatives may offer better solutions for customer-facing applications or specific integrations. The most effective choice will be closely aligned with your organization’s current needs and future growth plans.


This journey through the landscape of Retool and its alternatives reveals a diverse array of software solutions, each designed to meet different business needs. The right tool transcends the role of mere utility and becomes a catalyst for efficiency, innovation, and growth. Whether your priority is a low-code platform for rapid development or a highly customizable solution for unique business processes, the market offers many options. The decision you make now will not only address your immediate needs but also shape the future of your business.

While Retool is better suited for the rapid development of internal tools with a low-code approach, it is ideal for teams that require rapid deployment and ease of use. Flatlogic is better suited for organizations looking for scalable, customizable, and AI-powered solutions, especially when full code access and ownership are important. Our approach is collaborative and focused on identifying and refining the ideal software solution to meet your business needs. Whether it is enhancing an existing tool or developing a new custom application, Flatlogic is committed to achieving your software goals. If you’re looking to enhance your business with custom software, consider contacting Flatlogic. Let’s work together to turn your concepts into effective digital solutions.

The post Best 10+ Retool Alternatives – Comprehensive Guide appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

Why is Low-Code the Future of App Development? https://flatlogic.com/blog/why-is-low-code-the-future-of-app-development/ Fri, 08 Sep 2023 09:48:23 +0000 https://flatlogic.com/blog/?p=14398 Learn everything you need to know about low-code development and how it's changing the way applications are built.

The post Why is Low-Code the Future of App Development? appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

Low-code application development has been experiencing explosive growth in recent years, and it’s time you learned more about it.

For as long as computers have been part of the workplace, application development has been a necessity for businesses of all kinds. So, a question on every business founder’s lips has been, how can I streamline the application development process? How can I test and validate a business idea without investing huge sums into developing software to facilitate it? How can I create an application customized to my business’s needs without relying on teams of developers, or learning to code myself? 

It is a fact of the modern world that new businesses need new applications. As a company grows it will come to need technology custom-built to its uses. In the past, this has required teams of software developers to produce reams of code. It would be a costly, time-consuming process that would stunt a business’s growth. This is no longer the case and it’s thanks to low-code. 

Low code puts the power to create customized, functional applications in the hands of the masses. It removes the need for high-level expertise and fluency in coding languages from the process of application development. 

The technology has by no means reached its full potential, but it is already making huge waves in the tech industry and will only do so more as time goes by. So if you’re starting an app in 2023, you’re going to want to know all about it.

This article will illuminate what low-code is exactly, where it came from, its uses and limitations, and how it’s revolutionizing the world of application development. 

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What is Low-Code?

Low-code is a software environment that allows users to create applications without the need for huge amounts of coding. Through the use of visual interfaces, declarative programming (issuing coding instructions to an AI), and pre-built components, it enables customized applications to be made quickly, smoothly, and easily. 

The low-code approach removes the complexities of traditional coding from the app development process. It lets users focus on a business idea and the functionality of an app without getting bogged down in the technical details.  2024 Research

The idea behind low-code development is to speed up the application development process by reducing the amount of manual coding required. In the same way, it enables people with limited programming knowledge to build functional applications. It also promotes collaboration between business users and IT teams, as it allows for rapid prototyping, iteration, and quick deployment of applications. It’s most useful for the development of simple to moderately complex applications such as internal tools, customer-facing portals, workflow applications, and mobile apps.

In simple terms, it’s software that lets people build applications without having to spend hours clacking keyboards and filling dark terminals with code. 

Low-code vs. no-code

When researching you’ll often see these terms appearing together. That’s because they’re very similar and the distinction between the two can get a little blurry.

Low-code and no-code platforms are both methods of application development that don’t rely on traditional methods of coding. They are founded on the belief that technology should be available to all instead of those with expert knowledge. 

The key difference is, as the names suggest, no-code relies entirely on graphical interfaces – and no coding, while low-code allows for some coding inputs in these same visual modeling environments.

What this means is that low-code platforms offer all the ease and efficiency of no-code platforms, only they offer a bit more flexibility. So, low-code can be used to achieve higher levels of complexity and customization in app development.

How does low-code work?

A low-code development platform offers a selection of pre-built components, templates, and reusable modules that users can customize and combine to create an application. Users arrange the components of the app with drag-and-drop interfaces, point-and-click configuration, and other easy-to-use visual tools. These can then be integrated with databases, APIs, and other systems, allowing developers to connect to external data sources and services without extensive coding. 

In this way, users can design user interfaces, data-management systems, and business logic, and integrate various components and services into an app. Once the basic structure of the app is put together, if needs be, they can input small sections of code to fine-tune its performance or personalize it further.

Screenshot taken from zapier.com

What Are The Advantages of Low-Code?

Some devs, coders, and programming purists may tut and roll their eyes, but the fact of the matter is that low code is helping companies roll out new applications more quickly and easily than ever before, even for custom software development.

There are of course limitations, but if your interest is simply launching an app with an attractive landing page and functional interface, whilst making the process end-to-end as quick and as smooth as possible, low-code is more than feasible, it’s your best bet. 

Here are the main reasons why low-code is more advantageous in a lot of contexts:

  1. It’s faster

The low-code approach vastly speeds up app development. The visual development environment with its pre-built components and templates allows users to create in an afternoon what might have taken months to develop in the past. Applications can be built more quickly, prototype and iteration cycles are faster, and changes or updates made during or after the app-testing process are quicker as well. This means apps can be deployed to markets more quickly, giving businesses a competitive edge and increasing overall productivity. 

  1. It increases productivity

Saving the time spent coding in app development frees up time to spend on higher-value tasks. Rather than writing reams of code, developers can spend their time on the more creative aspects of design and fine-tuning user experience. Small businesses that need to build their custom app to streamline a part of their workflow can build it instantly and reap its benefits immediately. Simply put, low code reduces the grunt work, leaving more time for what matters. 

  1. It’s more cost-efficient

Low-code development reduces development costs. First of all, a faster development process cuts costs dramatically. It also reduces the number of specialists you need to involve for things like maintenance, debugging, and troubleshooting. Finally, the faster time to market will make your app make money sooner and so improve return on investment. Even after the development process, the low-code approach will save you money. Prototyping is cheaper, the cost of maintenance is minimal, and by integrating other business tools you can automate all your data collection.

  1. It reduces the risk of failure

If businesses have to invest less time and money into app development, they aren’t losing as much if the business idea fails. Companies can get an app on its feet and test whether there’s a viable business idea there without ever needing to spend a penny. What’s more, prototyping and iteration cycles are much more simply implemented with low code. So, if an app isn’t performing the way it should, you’ll have more space to tweak and fine-tune the idea before abandoning it.

  1. It’s easier to maintain and has fewer bugs

First of all, the visual design environment of low-code platforms makes maintenance much easier. Users can switch out modules and components that aren’t working easily and without any technical knowledge. Repairs that once would have required hiring a specialist in, can now be done with a few clicks and drags. Secondly, lowering the amount of coding in app development vastly reduces the room for human error. As such, there are fewer bugs to fix in the first place.

  1. It bridges the IT skills gap

Low code bridges the gap between a layperson and an IT expert. It provides a middle ground where businesses and software developers can hash out their ideas speaking the same language. People often argue over which is better: custom software development or low-code? But why must the two be at odds? One of the most productive ways of using low-code platforms is in collaboration with a developer or IT specialist. Low code removes the need for overly complicated tech jargon and allows businesses to more accurately describe what they want, creating apps closer to what they envisioned.

  1. It democratizes application development

Low-code development empowers businesses, entrepreneurs, and creatives to make their application or at least participate more actively in the process. Non-technical users can create functional applications, reducing reliance on IT experts for every small development need and allowing them to more accurately realize their vision. It enables businesses to get an idea on its feet independently and see if there’s a viable market for it before investing too much time and money. So, it facilitates and fosters innovation within organizations and the business world.

What Are The Limitations of Low-Code?

Low-code won’t be putting developers out of a job any time soon. It will just move the problem domain and the focus of their job. They won’t be spending their time building simple apps, they’ll be helping to improve and fine-tune these simple apps or concentrating on the bigger ideas. If anything, it will help them work more efficiently. 

While low-code development has many uses, traditional coding methods still have their place. For instance, if you want to launch your own SaaS platform that requires fine-grained control, performance optimization, or integration with highly specific technologies, you’ll likely still need to rely on traditional coding methods. 

The suitability of low-code vs. traditional coding depends on the specific requirements and context of the project. Some of the main problem areas for low-code application development include:

  1. Performance limitations

Low-code platforms minimize the underlying technical complexity of app development, but this can result in less control over performance optimization. Businesses may face challenges when fine-tuning and optimizing the application, especially for resource-intensive tasks or large-scale deployments.

  1. Learning curve and skill requirements

While low-code development empowers non-technical developers more than ever before, there’s still a learning curve. Low-code platforms have complex features and functions that users will need to understand to fully grasp the limitations and best practices of the approach. Also, low-code still requires coding skills for some complex designs and scenarios. So, the development possibilities for non-technical users are still somewhat limited.

  1. Vendor lock-in

Once a user has built an application using a specific low-code platform, they’re pretty much tied into staying with that platform. Switching to another platform or technology stack would require significant effort and reworking the app, maybe from the ground up. This isn’t necessarily a problem but it does mean it’s important to carefully evaluate the long-term viability of the chosen low-code platform before committing.

  1. Security and compliance concerns

Haste makes waste and rapid application development may leave the door open to security risks if not done carefully. Users need to ensure they’ve taken all appropriate security measures. Using double-factor authentication, limiting authorization, and encrypting data should not be forgotten. Compliance requirements like data privacy regulations also need to be incorporated into the application development process.

  1. Scalability limitations

Low-code platforms have limitations for scalability especially for highly demanding or rapidly growing applications. If a business plans for large amounts of growth, it needs to carefully assess whether the chosen platform can handle increasing user loads, large datasets, or high transaction volumes. Alternatively, they’ll need to have plans in place for graduating from their low-code platform when their app exceeds its capacity. 

N.B. There are ways of side-stepping this issue; platform.sh recommends WebOps platforms.

How is Low-Code Revolutionizing Application Development?

Low-code (and no-code) are a huge leap forward in the democratization of software development. They make the creation of applications more accessible and more efficient, which opens up a lot more possibilities for businesses, entrepreneurs, creatives, and other non-technical people to make their own.

If you look at the history of application development, programmers have always been looking at ways of creating more productivity. So, striving to use high-level coding languages to create software easier and faster so more people can do it. 

In its most basic form, all computer programming is written in binary. However, writing everything out in 1’s and 0’s would be mind-numbingly tedious, and extremely slow, and only a few people would have the necessary skills to do it. So, coding languages were created to help make developing apps, creating software, and manipulating computers accessible to the layman.

From machine language to C, to later on Cobol and Java, it has always been a progression of more extraction and automation to make the development process smoother, more hassle-free, and more efficient. Low-code is just the next evolutionary step in this progression.

With open-source low-code platforms, app development is available to all regardless of technical expertise. This means businesses can have an idea, create an app to facilitate it, test the validity of the idea, and even open it up to public use without any knowledge of coding or needing to hire software developers. The result of this will be a more open market and a huge influx of innovations.

Who’s Using Low-Code Development Already?

So, you see low-code has been around for a while. In fact, in recent years, low-code developed apps have been popping up with the frequency of “Ask You” viruses. 

For those still doubting how effective low-code can be for creating highly functional, customizable apps, it might be of interest to know what big brands are already using applications designed with low-code.

One of the most popular software for low-code app development is the Ruby on Rails platform. Here are some of the most famous sites and applications made using this software:

  • Github
  • Airbnb
  • Shopify
  • Hulu
  • Dribble
  • Fiver
  • Funny or Die
  • Basecamp
  • Kickstarter
  • Soundcloud

Low-Code Development: The Next Evolutionary Step

Low-code development is already booming and predictions are that it will only continue to rise. The approach still isn’t perfect and users won’t be able to achieve everything a skilled developer could with traditional coding methods. As more businesses come to use it though, it will gain more attention, more will be invested in its development, and its capacity will continue to grow.

Even now, there is a huge potential to change the way app development is done. If a business has a simple application to make, low-code allows for end-to-end development without any outside help. For the larger, more complex apps, low code is still a great way to take an idea, get it on its feet, and see if there’s a valid business prospect there. 

Now that the potential for low code is starting to get noticed, you can expect to see an exponential growth of innovation in application development and for businesses to benefit hugely from this influx of new ideas. So, if your business is planning to develop an app, make sure you don’t miss the boat, and investigate low-code development.

The post Why is Low-Code the Future of App Development? appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

Low-Code Development – Pros & Cons https://flatlogic.com/blog/low-code-development-pros-cons/ Mon, 07 Aug 2023 14:58:27 +0000 https://flatlogic.com/blog/?p=14315 Is low code development right for you? Discover the benefits and drawbacks of low code in this immersive guide

The post Low-Code Development – Pros & Cons appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

The world is going crazy for low-code development. It’s perfect for building adaptable, scalable apps with ease, and tech companies love it. According to Gartner, 70% of apps developed by organizations will be made with low or no code tech by 2025. Compare this to just 25% in 2020, and you can see just how quickly the low code revolution is gathering pace.

What is low code development? What is the difference between high code and low code? Why is low code so popular? And is low code the future? Well, you can find the answers to some of these questions in our deep dive into low-code development. If you’re unclear about what low code is and where it’s used, this is the place to go.

Here, though, we’re going to take a closer look at why low code is so popular, how it differs from high code development, and whether or not it is, as many believe, the future of development. Ultimately, if you want to know the pros and cons of low code development and whether or not it’s right for your application, read on. 

What is low code development?

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Let’s start by clarifying what we’re talking about. 

Low code development is the process of building software and applications using far less manual coding than traditional (or ‘high code’) methods require. 

To minimize the amount of coding needed, developers will typically use a set of pre-programmed tools and techniques which can be slotted together to rapidly create versatile software.

Often, low-code development platforms will provide developers with a drag-and-drop interface in which pre-coded elements can be customized and combined to create a bespoke application very quickly.

Flatlogic is a low-code development platform. Using Flatlogic, developers can generate things like admin panels, CRM, CMS, internal tools, ERP, and data management tools in minutes. This makes it an incredibly fast and secure way to generate full-stack web apps for a fraction of the cost of coding them from scratch. 2024 Research

It’s a popular solution, and growing more popular by the minute. It’s even being touted as a solution to developer shortages due to the Great Resignation.

Image sourced from computerworld.com$

But is low code always the right choice? Let’s take a look.

Is low code development always the right choice?

If we think of development in general as like construction, low code development is construction in which all the elements are pre-made. Rather than having to bake the bricks, mix the cement, carve shelving, and so on, ‘low code construction’ would simply involve putting premade units together in the required fashion. It’s a lot quicker and easier than having to do everything by hand.

To stick with this analogy for a moment, it’s notable that ‘low code construction’ is generally thought of as lower quality than the ‘high code’ version. If money and time were no object, and you had the choice of flat-pack shelving or bespoke shelving put together by a professional joiner from scratch, which would you choose?

Most would go with the bespoke, handmade option. But does this apply to low and high-code development, too?

Well, it honestly depends on your circumstances and what you’re looking for. Research shows that low-code development has a huge amount of promise for software applications and is immensely popular, but organizations should carefully consider their needs before opting for any low-code development solution.

If you are not sure what your needs are and how low code development could (or could not) help you in your situation, we’re going to spend the rest of this article diving into the pros, cons, and use cases of low code development.

What are the benefits of low code development?

Let’s take a look at why a growing majority of businesses are choosing low-code solutions for their apps and other software:


Image sourced from flatlogic.com

Low-code solutions are a great way to produce software quickly and with relative ease. Drag-and-drop formats are intuitive to use, meaning that you don’t need to hire or train a full development team. And building software through drag-and-drop is a lot faster than coding it entirely by hand. 

In a world where things can change at the drop of a hat, speed is very important. So, a solution that lets companies get bug-free software out to market very quickly gives a huge advantage. 

Great for mass-production

Low-code solutions like Flatlogic are great for mass-producing software. The same software template can be distributed widely and personalized by clients. Low code is quick, easy, and customizable – ideal for mass production.

For example, if you want to create an ACD that can be distributed across multiple companies, a low-code solution is ideal. What is ACD? It stands for Automatic Call Distributor, and it’s exactly the kind of tool that does the same thing across the board, but that companies may wish to add their unique touch to.

With a low code solution, you can create a basic ACD with customizable features that will do the job clients want without being too generic. 

Can be used flexibly alongside no-code and high-code projects

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Low code isn’t exclusive. A project doesn’t have to be entirely low code to succeed. If you want more customized elements in your project, you can create high-code pieces of software and slot them into your low-code program. This is sometimes known as ‘hybrid low code development’.

You can also use low-code solutions alongside no-code projects. While no code is typically a lot less customizable than low and high code, it is possible to weave low-coded elements alongside no-code programs. 

The flexibility, versatility, and scalability of low-code solutions make it the perfect way to add a little more of your personal touch to low-code software and to take hours of mundane coding out of high-code projects.


Startups often want to create apps and software, but may not have the skills or resources needed to code everything from scratch. Similarly, startups will often want to scale their software as their business grows and user needs change.

A high-code solution is inaccessible under such circumstances, and no code lacks the scalability that startups need. But low code lets startups create their software and apps quickly and easily, without having to hire developers, and then scale and alter their software themselves as and when needed.

All in all, low-code solutions allow startups to get their ideas to market quickly and at a low cost without sacrificing any quality. It’s ideal for new companies that want to hit the ground running.

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Intuitive to use

We’ve already spoken about how low-code solutions make software development quick and easy. The major reason for this is the intuitive interface and admin panel.

The admin panel of a solution like Flatlogic gives developers and other users control over what they’re producing. For example, users can quickly select tools and formats, alter settings, tweak things like privacy, and so on. 

Using this admin panel, the software owners can control their software on an ongoing basis. For example, the admin panel enables the team to make changes and schedule updates without having to break open the core code and make manual adjustments. It’s fast, secure, and convenient, and ultimately makes for a much better experience on both the user and the developer sides of the software.

Closes the gaps between developers, management, and users

By making coding more accessible, low-code solutions can help to close the gap between developers, management, and users.

Often, the process of development is hindered by basic misunderstandings about what is and is not possible. Developers often find it hard to communicate their needs and limitations to managers and higher-ups, as there is a ‘language barrier’ between those who can code and those who cannot.

By effectively ‘translating’ the language of code into solid, demonstrable visuals, low code solutions help developers and management to communicate about what they need, what they want, and what they can do. Low code solutions give management team members valuable insight into what it takes to build the software they need, which in turn helps everyone to work together more productively.

This works the other way around, too. By giving an ‘end-user’ visual view of what the software will look like and how it will operate, low code helps developers to experience their builds from the user’s perspective. So, while high-code solutions often polish up the user experience as an afterthought, low-code platforms bake in positive user experience at all stages.

All in all, low-code solutions help to close communication gaps and bring all key stakeholders together in building an app that works for everyone.

What are the drawbacks of low code development?

Nothing is perfect, and there are some situations in which low code development may not be right for you. Let’s take a look at some of the cons of low code development.

Details may get missed

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High-code development lets you go into absolutely every aspect of your software in extreme detail. While low code development is very versatile, it can’t provide that granular level of detail.

If the finer details are important to you, it’s worth noting that details may get missed, or be less clearly defined when you use a low-code solution.

You can often combine low and high-code solutions to add detail where it’s needed, but if you’re considering a fully low-code solution, you should be aware of this potential issue.

Security may not be as robust as with a high-code solution

Platforms like Flatlogic take security very seriously. Our development platform features the most up-to-date security features available, and we are constantly updating to make sure that our customers feel secure in their software.

However, some may feel more in control of security if they have built and are managing it themselves. Low-code solutions are less able to offer this kind of executive control. 

Less customizable

Low-code solutions like Flatlogic are highly customizable and provide plenty of options for creating bespoke software. 

That being said, if you want something with complex and/or unique specifications, you may need to get a bit more detailed with the code.

Let’s return for a moment to the ACD example we used earlier. An ACD application does the same thing across the board but is customizable just enough to let clients add their bespoke touches and features without having to delve too deep into the code itself.

However, if the client needs a more detailed solution for making calls, like a PBX or private branch exchange, a high-code solution may be more appropriate. A high-code solution can be specifically designed to connect with the client’s PBX hardware and to behave in exactly the way the client wants.

May not be universally applicable

Low-code solutions are compatible with a lot of operating systems, infrastructure, applications, and so on, but they may not be universal. This can become a problem if you work across widely differing domains.

For example, if you have a domain registration in the USA and a domain registration in Singapore, you may find that you have to use two different low-code solutions to make software that works for users in both domains. 

While you can customize a high-code solution to plug into tools and infrastructure wherever needed, low-code tools may only work in a limited number of areas.

Requires more skill and knowledge than no-code solutions

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Low code development is a lot easier than high code development. The visual, drag-and-drop format of most low-code solutions is intuitive, the admin panel is very accessible, and it doesn’t take long to work out what you’re doing.

That being said, low code development is not any code development. You do need to know at least a bit about coding to make it work effectively.

So, if you are completely in the dark when it comes to coding, you may be better off either hiring a developer or opting for a no-code solution.

The good news is that low-code solutions are relatively easy to learn. They can even provide a gateway into more advanced coding. So, if you would like to learn more about developing, learning a good low-code solution could give you the foundations you need to start writing more advanced code in the future.

When should you use a low-code solution?

Low code platforms are great for:

  • Startups who want quick, scalable software solutions but lack the resources to hire a high-code development team
  • Companies that want a higher level of understanding and communication between development and management teams
  • Companies specializing in mass-production software which can then be customized by the end-user
  • Anyone who wants to build software quickly and at a low cost for relative ease
  • Anyone who lacks a significant amount of development skills, but still wants to be able to build a sophisticated and user-friendly piece of software

When shouldn’t you use a low-code solution?

Low code solutions are not suitable for:

  • Companies that want a completely customized piece of software. While low code is very customizable, it can never be bespoke.
  • Very large apps. It is often harder to go through the stages of testing and tweaking that extra-large apps need in low code than it is in high code. Further, larger apps typically need more complex code elements, which are harder to achieve in a low-code platform.
  • Companies that want to be fully in control of their software.
  • Anyone completely lacking in development skills. While low-code solutions like Flatlogic are relatively simple to learn, if you want to get working immediately and don’t understand coding at all, a no-code solution is probably better for you.


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Low-code development platforms are taking the world by storm. By 2025, it’s predicted that the majority of commercial apps will be built using low-code solutions. Through solutions like Flatlogic, companies can build apps quickly, easily, and without the need for extensive coding skills.

However, as with anything, low code does have its drawbacks. It lacks the fine detailing capability of high code solutions, it doesn’t give the creator full executive control over the product and, unlike no-code solutions, low code does require at least a little knowledge of coding.

So, if you either want to create a large and detailed app that’s entirely customized to your precise specifications or if you want to quickly produce a less detailed, less customizable app that requires no coding skill, you will be better off going for high code or no code solutions.

For everything else, though, low code is pretty much perfect.

If you want to create flexible, versatile, bespoke software with ease and speed, check out Flatlogic. Using Flatlogic, you can generate full-stack web apps in minutes, and save yourself a huge amount of time and money on tedious coding!

The post Low-Code Development – Pros & Cons appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

10+ Best Open-Source Low-Code Platforms in 2024 https://flatlogic.com/blog/10-best-open-source-low-code-platforms-in-2023/ Fri, 16 Jun 2023 10:00:00 +0000 https://flatlogic.com/blog/?p=14158 Uncover the advantages of open-source, low-code platforms and explore the top 10+ options for efficient application development.

The post 10+ Best Open-Source Low-Code Platforms in 2024 appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

Are you wondering what makes an open-source, low-code platform effective? What criteria should you use when making your selection? Are there any drawbacks associated with low-code platforms? 

Choosing the right open-source, low-code platform for your business software can streamline development processes, making it easier to deploy applications that cater to diverse business needs while minimizing the technical barrier for team members. Research has shown that low-code platforms are becoming increasingly popular and have a wide range of applications spanning different industries. Low-code development is a concept that places the power of application development in the hands of the average user, without needing extensive knowledge of coding. 

By introducing the top 10+ open-source, low-code platforms, this article outlines the cost, user interface, and overall performance of each platform, enabling readers to make an informed decision when selecting the best fit for them. After reading this article to the end, readers will be able to gain a thorough understanding of low-code platforms and the advantages of leveraging them.

What is an Open-Source Platform?

Open-source platforms offer software that anyone can access, use, modify, and share according to the license terms. Leveraging open-source platforms for business software development not only offers flexibility and cost savings but also encourages innovation and customization, allowing companies to tailor solutions precisely to their operational requirements. These platforms are developed and managed by communities of volunteer developers, without any vendor oversight. Businesses, developers, and everyday users can customize, deploy, and repurpose open-source software to meet their needs.

What is a Low-Code Platform?

Low-code platforms make it easy for non-technical users to create software solutions. They provide a fast and convenient alternative to traditional software development. With low-code platforms, users can build apps, generate and combine APIs, and boost workforce performance and capacity. These platforms may demand writing a bit of code to remodel and deploy the software but are uncomplicated to install and fundamental for constructing conventional software feature sets and capacities that many companies use today. 2024 Research

Benefits of Using Open-Source Low-Code Platforms

Benefit #1 Accelerated App Development

Using open-source, low-code platforms dramatically reduces the amount of time it takes to develop apps and software solutions. Whether users choose to use the platform as-is or customize elements to meet their objectives, they can rely on a base of features and functionalities that will help expedite the development process.

Benefit #2 Cost-Effective App Development

Using open-source coding platforms offers a cost-effective alternative to hiring software development teams or investing in custom programs. Although most of these platforms are free, some provide additional features at an affordable cost.

Benefit #3 Efficient Business Operations

Low-code platforms can be employed to quickly and efficiently conceptualize and build the software solutions teams need. Employees can use apps to improve collaboration, boost operational efficiency, and free up more time for critical tasks by automating repetitive processes.

Benefit #4 Multi-User Experience

Low-code applications provide users with simultaneous access to a single application, giving IT workers and non-coders a shared medium to access details necessary for completing their tasks. Without any disruptions, flaws, or errors, low-code projects can be managed securely.

Benefit #5 Flexibility

Open-source application development platforms allow businesses to be flexible and keep up with market and customer demands. Modifications can be made quickly and without loads of bureaucratic red tape. Furthermore, applications can be updated quickly and seamlessly.

Benefit #6 Rapid Transformation

In the digital age, businesses must transform to stay competitive. Open-source low-code application development simplifies this process by eliminating the need for detailed coding and programming to support all aspects of the business. This helps companies stay up-to-date with the ever-changing economic landscape.

10+ Best Open-Source Low-Code Platforms

Flatlogic Platform

With Flatlogic, you can leverage the power of low-code development to quickly define the application’s logic and behavior. The platform offers a visual logic builder, where developers can create workflows, define data relationships, and implement business rules using a drag-and-drop interface. This eliminates the need for manual coding, enabling faster development cycles.

One of the key strengths of the Flatlogic platform is its extensive collection of pre-built templates and themes. These templates provide ready-made designs for various application types, such as dashboards, admin panels, e-commerce platforms, and more. Developers can choose from a range of styles and layouts, saving significant design and development time.
Key features:

  • Intuitive interface for visually designing application UI.
  • Wide range of customizable UI components for easy integration.
  • Drag-and-drop interface for defining application logic and workflows.
  • Pre-designed templates and themes for various application types.
  • Connect with external APIs, databases, and services.
  • Easy exporting and hosting for deploying applications.
  • Rapid application development with minimal coding required.
  • Flexibility to customize UI components and application behavior.
  • Features to facilitate teamwork and collaboration.
  • Ability to handle growing application needs.


Bubble, developed by the Bubble Group, is an all-in-one platform that offers a no-code development platform, a visual programming language, and an application platform as a service. By leveraging Bubble, non-technical users are now able to create web applications without having to type a single line of code. This is done simply by dragging and dropping elements onto a page and defining automated workflows to adhere to the logic of the app. Bubble’s mission is to eventually make the need for hand-coding web applications a thing of the past.

Key features:

  • Visual editor for designing UI and workflows
  • Database builder for creating data models
  • Powerful logic builder for defining application behavior
  • Integration with external APIs and services
  • Responsive design options for building mobile-friendly apps
  • Hosting and deployment options for launching applications


Mendix is a platform for quickly building and improving mobile & web apps at scale. It enables businesses to apply Agile and DevOps practices with stakeholders involved in application development. Low-code tooling is available through Mendix Studio Pro, extending capabilities via coding IDEs. This no-code/low-code combo helps align business experts and developers to speed up delivery. The cloud-native architecture and automation tools support enterprise-grade app deployment, management, and monitoring.

Key features:

  • Visual development environment with an intuitive interface
  • Collaboration tools for team-based development
  • Pre-built templates and modules for accelerated app development
  • Integration capabilities with various systems and data sources
  • Mobile app development and responsive design options
  • App deployment and hosting options

App Builder

With App Builder, businesses can quickly and easily create and deploy mobile and web applications without needing to write complex code. This powerful platform allows users to design applications using an easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface and offers a selection of pre-made components and templates to get them up and running quickly. Additionally, App Builder enables users to automate common tasks like data entry and validation and provides a suite of tools for debugging and deploying their applications.

Key features:

  • Connection to various data sources
  • Easy integration with third-party services
  • Quick building and deployment of applications
  • Drag-and-drop interface
  • Development tools to simplify debugging


Appian is a cloud-based low-code development platform that facilitates the rapid creation of distinctive, fully-featured applications. Its intuitive, model-driven approach empowers non-technical users to construct powerful custom solutions without any programming knowledge. With this cutting-edge low-code platform, companies of any size can rapidly build nearly any program, ranging from a simple mobile app to an all-encompassing enterprise system. Plus, Appian’s free low-code platform enables users to not only craft high-performance applications quickly but also control the entire software lifecycle.

Key features include:

  • Process modeling and workflow automation capabilities
  • Real-time analytics and reporting dashboards
  • Integration with popular enterprise systems and services
  • Collaboration and social collaboration tools
  • Mobile app development and native mobile capabilities
  • Low-code development for AI and machine learning applications

Microsoft Power Apps

Microsoft Power Apps is a low-code platform that helps businesses create powerful applications without the need for coding. This intuitive platform leverages a drag-and-drop interface to construct applications from a vast library of pre-made components. Additionally, Power Apps can access data from popular sources such as Excel, SharePoint, OneDrive, and Azure SQL, making it an economical option for organizations seeking to construct custom applications without incurring hefty traditional development costs. Moreover, this top-notch low-code platform offers incredible benefits, like allowing citizen developers to craft applications without writing any code, making it easy for people to work with apps on different devices, customizing and extending apps to meet exact business specifications, and integrating with many popular data sources to implement robust data-driven solutions.

Key features:

  • Drag-and-drop app development with a rich set of pre-built templates and components
  • Seamless integration with Microsoft 365 and Azure services
  • Data connectors for easy integration with various data sources
  • AI Builder for adding AI capabilities to applications
  • Mobile app development and cross-platform support
  • Power Automate for workflow automation and business process management

Best React Open-Source Low-Code Platforms

React open-source low-code platforms are software development frameworks that make use of the React framework, an open-source JavaScript library, to facilitate the quick building of apps with minimum writing. With the use of these platforms’ visual interfaces and pre-made components, users can easily configure and link numerous components to create complicated applications. These platforms, which make use of React, enable rapid app development, more efficiency, and simpler maintenance, making them a desirable choice for developers looking to speed up the software development process.


Flutter is an open-source low-code mobile application development platform created by Google. The platform for building mobile applications provided by Flutter is complete. The Dart programming language is used to create Flutter applications, which include a wide range of UI elements. If you want to create unique native mobile applications or quickly prototype concepts, Flutter is a great option. The functions of the smartphone are accessible to Flutter apps, which are highly optimized.

Key features:

  • Expressive UI Framework: Create visually appealing and interactive user interfaces.
  • Hot Reload: See instant changes in the app during development.
  • Cross-Platform Development: Build apps for iOS, Android, web, and desktop using a single codebase.
  • Rich Widget Library: Extensive collection of pre-designed UI components for faster development.
  • High Performance: Benefit from Flutter’s high-performance rendering engine for smooth app experiences.


Revery is an open-source, React-based low-code platform for developing websites and mobile applications. The Revery platform enables the rapid creation of native-looking mobile and web applications. Revery offers a UI library, tooling, and debugging tools to assist developers in rapidly and efficiently building robust and personalized apps. Due to their tremendous extensibility, Revery apps let designers create working prototypes of brand-new concepts or goods very rapidly. Revery is a great option for developers searching for an open-source, low-code platform with a top-notch React framework.

Key features:

  • Native Desktop Applications: Develop cross-platform desktop applications with native performance.
  • Functional Programming: Utilize functional programming paradigms for cleaner and more maintainable code.
  • Reactive Programming: Build responsive applications with automatic data propagation and UI updates.
  • Styling Options: Leverage CSS-in-JS or custom styling solutions for application design.
  • Hot Reload: See real-time changes without restarting the application during development.

React Native

React Native is the open-source low-code mobile application development platform created by Facebook. For the development of mobile applications, React Native offers a complete platform. React Native apps are highly optimized for mobile and have access to a wide range of native device functionalities. With JavaScript and React, developers can build native mobile apps. When it comes to building native mobile applications without having to deal with various codebases, React Native is a fantastic option.

Key features:

  • Cross-Platform Development: Build mobile apps for iOS and Android using a single codebase.
  • Native-like Performance: Utilize native components for optimal performance and user experience.
  • Hot Reloading: Instantly preview changes during development without restarting the app.
  • Third-Party Library Integration: Access a vast ecosystem of libraries and plugins for extended functionality.
  • Live Updates: Deploy updates to the app without requiring users to download new versions.

Summing Up

In conclusion, open-source low-code platforms are an ideal tool for businesses to quickly and cost-effectively develop, test, and deploy applications to a wide variety of devices and platforms. These platforms allow businesses to create powerful applications with minimal investment in time and capital while providing a way to rapidly prototype and iterate on ideas. With these advantages, open-source low-code platforms are expected to be a major player in the software development landscape in 2023.

When it comes to low-code platforms, Flatlogic offers a wealth of benefits for both developers and businesses. By using Flatlogic’s low-code platform, you can enjoy the following advantages:

  1. Accelerated Development. Flatlogic’s low-code platform significantly speeds up the development process by providing pre-built components, templates, and drag-and-drop functionality. This allows you to quickly create applications without having to write extensive code from scratch.
  2. Increased Productivity. With a low-code platform, developers can focus on higher-level tasks and logic, rather than spending excessive time on repetitive and mundane coding tasks. This improves overall productivity and allows teams to deliver projects more efficiently.
  3. Simplified Maintenance. Flatlogic’s low-code platform offers centralized management and easy-to-use interfaces, simplifying application maintenance and updates. This ensures smoother operations and reduces the time and effort required for ongoing maintenance tasks.
  4. Collaboration and Teamwork. The low-code platform provides a collaborative environment where developers, designers, and business stakeholders can work together seamlessly. With visual development tools and real-time collaboration features, teams can collaborate effectively and align their efforts toward a common goal.
  5. Flexibility and Customizability. Flatlogic’s low-code platform allows for flexibility and customization, enabling developers to tailor applications to specific business needs. You can easily modify and extend functionality using the platform’s intuitive interface and configuration options.

The post 10+ Best Open-Source Low-Code Platforms in 2024 appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

No Code/Low Code Vs. Traditional Development https://flatlogic.com/blog/no-code-low-code-vs-traditional-development/ Tue, 16 May 2023 14:57:45 +0000 https://flatlogic.com/blog/?p=14029 No Code/Low code vs. Traditional development is not clear-cut. Traditional offers flexibility and customizability, while no code/ low code platforms can speed up app delivery.

The post No Code/Low Code Vs. Traditional Development appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

Do you want to know which is better – No Code/Low Code or Traditional Development? Are you looking for the advantages and disadvantages of each? Do you need to know how to choose between them? And interested in the implications of development time and cost?

The debate between No Code/Low Code and Traditional Development has been ongoing for some time now. The need to create and deploy software quickly and cost-effectively has never been greater for businesses of all sizes. Many organizations are struggling to decide which approach to take when it comes to software development

By reading this article, you will make an informed decision about which approach is best for your project. You will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of each, and how they can affect your development process. You’ll also learn how development time and expense affect the overall success of your project.

What is No Code/Low Code?

No Code/Low Code technology is a kind of infrastructure for software development that enables users to create websites and mobile apps without having any prior coding experience. It is designed for organization consumers and developers that are looking for a more rapid, more efficient way to create apps across several platforms. Platforms with No Code or Low Code support drag-and-drop features making it simple to create and deploy programs quickly. Additionally, these platforms offer some features and relationships that may be used to construct and edit programs.

No Code/Low Code technology is much faster than traditional software development, allowing users to quickly build and deploy applications with minimal effort. Additionally, No Code/Low Code platforms are much more cost-efficient since they require fewer resources and less time to build applications. Additionally, No Code/Low Code platforms provide a wide range of features and integrations that can be used to quickly create custom applications for various platforms.Traditional software development typically requires a team of programmers and can take weeks or months to build and deploy applications. Additionally, traditional development requires more in-depth programming knowledge and can be more expensive due to the increased number of resources needed.
2024 Research

Where Do No-code/Low-code Platforms Work Best?

No-code/low-code platforms may be the perfect option for businesses and other entities wishing to build apps for unique business use cases in the absence of a conventional solution. However, keep in mind that these are basic principles, and the ideal method is to assess and apply the solution within the context of the individual company objectives and goals.

Can No Code/Low Code and Traditional Development Be Used Together?

No code/low code and traditional programming are not incompatible and can cooperate to make a digital project successful. Organizations may speed up development and control expenses by using no code or little code to design a system’s fundamental functionality. The most intricate, customized functionality can then be developed by bringing in professional programming teams. A further benefit of no code/low code is that it democratizes application development by empowering ‘citizen developers’ with business expertise to produce practical and usable apps without the requirement for conventional programming. Additionally, this frees up expert programmers so they may concentrate on other coding-related activities.

Benefits Of No-code/Low-code Development

Benefit #1 Reduced Costs

Low-code development services can significantly reduce time and costs for enterprises while also eliminating the need to hire as many developers. Opting for no-code development for your product offers the added benefit of flexibility through the Agile method, which supports versioning for any application edits.

Benefit #2 Flexibility

Businesses can develop and make changes faster with low-code development. Compared to custom development, creating low-code/no-code products requires fewer skills because they offer configuration-based design experiences.

Benefit #3 Efficient Risk Management

By using a no-code/low-code approach, businesses can easily adapt to changes in regulations and remain compliant. Furthermore, processes like code writing, compiling, and debugging are considerably faster than traditional development methods.

Benefit #4 Enhanced Customer Experience

Automated low-code and no-code platforms streamline crucial operations to enhance the customer experience. These platforms are highly agile in application development and offer strong business process capabilities, resulting in the creation of high-quality apps that ultimately improve the overall customer experience.

Benefit #5 Enhanced Productivity

Platforms with low- or no code allow IT and business teams to collaborate to find genuine solutions for business issues. This method enables business teams to create their apps without the aid of developers, speeding up the development process. Additionally, it lessens the requirement for intricate coding, allowing for the participation of more team members and boosting output.

Benefit #6 Security

New patches and upgrades will be installed automatically in low-code/no-code platforms instead of by developers manually.

No Code/Low Code Vs. Traditional Development

The combination of low-code and traditional development can bring numerous benefits to both the business and project delivery teams. These advantages include enhanced efficiency, improved user experience, and faster time-to-market. Nevertheless, it is essential to acknowledge the significant differences between the two approaches.

Determining System Requirements

When considering the system requirements for a project, there are significant differences between no code/low code development and traditional programming. Traditional coding involves selecting a specific programming language, environment, and device before beginning the project. For instance, an Android app cannot easily be transferred to a Mac OS desktop solution. Therefore, companies that use traditional coding must make extra efforts to ensure their system works across various operating systems. In contrast, no code/low code development eliminates this problem by using drag-and-drop visual interfaces that can run across multiple operating systems. Some platforms also offer tools for managing requirements and errors, making them ideal for agile development. Applications built with no code/low code can be adapted to various operating systems and devices, regardless of complexity. This is not possible with traditional programming, giving no code/low code platforms a market advantage in building large-scale and scalable systems with seamless adaptability and native development capability.

DevOps Automation

Deploying traditional applications can be a complex and time-consuming process. Each line of code must be tested in a non-production environment before it can be used in the production environment, and application instances must be checked for compatibility with their assigned configuration. However, using a no-code/low-code platform can eliminate some deployment stages. For example, no code/low code modules and their functionalities are tested thoroughly before being added to the platform, reducing testing time. The no code/low code development environment is also cloud-based, making the testing process more efficient and straightforward.

Maintenance & Support

It can be difficult to maintain or update traditional programming applications when business objectives and requirements change. This often means having to write completely new code, which can slow down business innovation and make it harder to meet customer expectations. For instance, if data analysis recommends adding a new feature to the application, the development team would need to step in. Additionally, issues with data center configuration would require manual fixes. These are some of the main reasons why applications become outdated and are considered legacy software as technology and operating systems progress. No code/low code software development can help alleviate these concerns. With a visual interface module managed by the platform provider, making changes to the solution is simplified, and the application design is optimized for ideal performance.

No Code/Low Code vs. Traditional Development: Differences

No Code/ Low Code DevelopmentTraditional Development
CostGenerally lower costGenerally higher cost
Time to DevelopQuicker to developLonger to develop
Coding Knowledge RequiredNone or limited coding knowledge requiredMore in-depth coding knowledge required
End ProductThe end product is often less flexible and may have limited customization optionsThe end product is more flexible and can be customized more
MaintenanceGenerally requires less maintenanceGenerally requires more maintenance
IntegrationsPre-built connectorsLive debuggingCreate web services/APIs with no codingTime and investment are heavy. Requires developer(s) & documentation
Open to testing delays

Low-code and no-code platforms allow for quick app development with easy-to-use drag-and-drop interfaces, while custom app development uses traditional methods to create robust apps. These two approaches have distinct differences. 

Difference #1 Skill-Sets

Creating complex applications traditionally requires extensive technical skills and a variety of tools and functions. However, low-code/no-code platforms simplify the process by providing a smaller set of tools that can be used to create a variety of applications with ease. This enables non-technical staff to develop applications without needing extensive technical skills.

Difference #2 Quality

Due to their highly technical and complex nature, custom application development platforms can often result in a large number of bugs, making them difficult to use. In contrast, business low-code/no-code platforms generally do not generate bugs, leading to the creation of applications that run smoothly and are free from any hassles.

Difference #3 Cost

Developing traditional custom software can be quite expensive, with costs ranging from $40,000 to $250,000, depending on the project scope and company needs. In comparison, low-code/no-code solutions are a more affordable option, with companies only paying for access to the service instead of the entire development process. This makes them an attractive choice for larger businesses in need of highly customized software.

Difference #4 Flexibility

Low-code platforms offer a more flexible development experience compared to traditional ones, thanks to their user-friendly drag-and-drop features. This means users need not invest as much time in learning and operating them as they would with complex code-based systems. Additionally, low-code platforms eliminate the need for coding when developing applications, allowing users to simply use drawing methods to achieve the same result.

Difference #5 Maintenance

Maintaining software through traditional coding processes can be tedious, especially when revisions are necessary. This requires a specialized development team to plan, design, and test the changes before training users on the new updates. Fortunately, low-code platforms simplify the maintenance process as the hosting company manages all updates and improvements. This means even small or IT department-less businesses can enjoy well-maintained software without the need for third-party vendors or in-house teams.

Summing Up – So, Which is Better?

The answer to the question No code/low code vs. traditional development: which is better? is not as straightforward as you may think. Traditional programming still has a lot to offer in terms of flexibility and customizability, even while low-code platforms undoubtedly provide numerous benefits in terms of expediting application delivery. Thus, it depends upon the company’s particular requirements and objectives. The choice to combine the two strategies is also an option, though. When traditional programming and low-code platforms are used together, businesses may benefit from low-code speed and creativity while still being able to create specialized solutions. The development of top-notch, business-grade solutions that combine the greatest features of both worlds is made possible as a result.

The post No Code/Low Code Vs. Traditional Development appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

What is a Low-Code Developer, and How Do They Compare to Full-Stack Developers? https://flatlogic.com/blog/what-is-a-low-code-developer-and-how-do-they-compare-to-full-stack-developers/ Fri, 09 Dec 2022 11:20:22 +0000 https://flatlogic.com/blog/?p=12773 Is it true that low-code developers don't have the same breadth of knowledge as full-stack and what is enough depth of how-to code to compare?

The post What is a Low-Code Developer, and How Do They Compare to Full-Stack Developers? appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

You may have heard the term “low-code developer” before, but what does it mean?

A low-code developer is someone who specializes in developing applications using a visual, drag-and-drop interface. This type of development is often called “low-code” because it requires very little coding knowledge.

In contrast, a full-stack developer is someone who can work on all aspects of a web application, from the back end to the front end. If you’re looking to hire a developer, it’s important to understand the differences between these two roles.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what low-code development is and how it compares to traditional coding methods. We’ll also discuss the benefits of using a low-code platform and some of the drawbacks to consider before making a decision.

What Is a Low-Code Developer?

A low-code developer is a professional who specializes in creating and managing software applications with little to no coding required. The experts from King Essays emphasize that low-code developers are distinct from full-stack developers, who can code in multiple languages and also have a deep understanding of all aspects of software development.

Low-code developers typically use specialized tools to build applications without needing to write any code. This makes them more efficient and able to build software faster than full-stack developers. Low-code platforms also allow non-technical employees to create applications without any coding knowledge, making it an ideal solution for businesses of all sizes.

The Benefits of Low-Code Development

There are many benefits to using a low-code platform, the most obvious of which is the speed to market. Low-code platforms allow you to create applications without needing to write any code. This means you can get your applications up and running in a fraction of the time.

Low-code development is also a great way to prototype new applications. By using a low-code platform, you can quickly test out new ideas and see if they’re worth pursuing further. And if they are, you can always go back and rewrite them in a more traditional coding language like Java or .NET.

But perhaps the biggest benefit of all is that low-code development makes it easy for anyone to develop applications. With no coding required, just about anyone can build an application with little or no training. This opens up development to a whole new audience and makes it possible for businesses of all sizes to create custom applications that meet their specific needs. 2024 Research

How to Choose a Low-Code Platform

There are several factors to consider when choosing a low-code platform. One of the most important is the specific needs of your organization. So, you should answer the following questions:

●               What type of applications do you need to develop?

●               What level of customization is required?

Another key consideration is the skills of your team.

●               How much coding experience do they have?

●               Are they comfortable working with visual drag-and-drop tools?

Once you have a clear understanding of your requirements, you can start evaluating different low-code platforms. Some of the leading options include Mendix, OutSystems, and Appian. Be sure to read online reviews and compare features before making your final decision.

Popular Low-Code Platforms

In recent years, there has been an explosion in the popularity of low-code platforms. These platforms provide a visual drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy to build complex applications without writing any code. As a result, they have become a popular choice for businesses that want to quickly develop custom applications without the need for expensive and time-consuming custom coding.

Some of the most popular low-code platforms include Mendix, OutSystems, and Appian. In this case, tech writers from Assignment Pay say that these platforms offer a variety of features and capabilities that make them well-suited for a wide range of business needs. For example, Mendix provides a robust set of tools for building complex business applications, while OutSystems is highly geared towards rapid application development. Appian, on the other hand, focuses on providing an easy-to-use interface that makes it simple to develop custom applications. Regardless of your specific needs, there is likely a low-code platform that can meet them.


Mendix is a leading low-code platform that enables enterprises to quickly develop and deploy custom applications. Mendix is unique in that it uses model-driven development, which allows businesses to leverage existing data models and business processes. This makes Mendix ideal for enterprises that need to quickly develop custom applications without sacrificing quality or flexibility.

In addition, Mendix provides out-of-the-box connectors to popular enterprise systems, making it easy to integrate with existing infrastructure. As a result, Mendix is the perfect platform for enterprises that need to quickly develop custom applications.


OutSystems is a low-code application development platform that enables organizations to rapidly deliver high-quality enterprise applications. It is an IDE that uses model-driven development to automate the creation of business logic and UI.

OutSystems also includes several built-in connectors for popular enterprise applications, databases, and cloud services. As a result, it is an ideal platform for developing mission-critical applications. Thanks to its low-code approach, OutSystems can significantly reduce the time, cost, and risk associated with traditional application development.


Appian is a low-code development platform that allows businesses to quickly create custom applications. The platform offers a wide range of features and tools that make it easy to develop and deploy applications without the need for extensive coding knowledge.

Additionally, Appian provides several built-in Templates and connectors that make it simple to integrate with existing systems. As a result, Appian is an ideal choice for businesses that need to quickly develop custom applications with minimal coding.

What Is the Difference Between Low-Code and Full-Stack Developers?

The main difference between low-code and full-stack developers is the level of coding expertise they possess. Low-code developers are proficient in specific coding languages, while full-stack developers are experts in multiple coding languages. This means that low-code developers can create simple applications, while full-stack developers can create more complex applications.

Another difference is that low-code developers often work with pre-made templates and libraries, while full-stack developers build everything from scratch. This means that low-code developers are faster at creating applications, but their applications may be less customized to the specific needs of the client. Full-stack developers take more time to create an application, but their applications are more tailored to the client’s needs.

Low-Code and Full-Stack Developers’ Salaries

So let’s talk salaries. A Low-code developer’s salary typically ranges from $83,532-$109,619 per year. This is because they often come to the table with legacy systems analysis skills and business knowledge. In terms of software engineering experience, they usually don’t need as much as a full-stack developer.

On the other hand, full-stack developers can command a higher salary due to their more advanced skill set and a broader range of experience. They need to be experts in customer-facing and server-side components of applications—and they can command salaries ranging from $103,532-$110,619 per year.

As you can see, there’s a significant gap between what low-code developers make and what full-stack developers make—but both have their place in the software development market. It all depends on what type of skill set you’re looking for in your next hire!

Assessing Coding Knowledge and Skills

A low-code developer is someone who works in the middle tier between full-stack developers and non-coders. They understand software coding, but their expertise is more focused on the development process. A low-code developer’s skills are usually more limited compared to a full-stack developer, and they are often employed in more niche roles.

When assessing a candidate’s coding knowledge and skills, you should consider their level of experience with different programming languages, as well as their understanding of development tools and frameworks. A lower coder will be able to work with a smaller set of libraries and tools, while a full-stack developer will be able to work across multiple components.

It is also important to consider how comfortable they are with debugging code and troubleshooting technical issues. Ultimately, this will help you determine their overall strengths and weaknesses as an engineer or programmers.

How Can a Full-Stack Developer Leverage Low-Code Platforms?

Full-stack developers have an edge over low-code developers in that they are capable of taking full advantage of a low-code platform. By leveraging the graphical user interface provided by the platform, the full-stack developer can customize the user experience and build applications faster than they could with traditional coding.

Additionally, a full-stack developer can use the low-code platform to rapidly iterate on ideas and bring new features to market faster. This is because low-code platforms can automate many of the mundane tasks associated with development, leaving more time for creativity and innovation. Finally, full-stack developers can take advantage of the scalability and flexibility of a low-code platform to quickly and easily deploy their applications for testing or production use.

What Are the Key Considerations When Choosing Between Full-Stack and Low-Code Developers?

Once you understand the difference between a full-stack and a low-code developer, you’ll need to decide which type of developer is best for your project. To help you decide, it’s important to consider both their skills and your application needs.

For complex projects, it’s almost always better to hire a full-stack developer with a deep understanding of coding languages and the entire development lifecycle.

On the other hand, if you need to rapidly prototype an app or software solution, then a low-code developer will likely be more cost-effective. Low-code developers need less training and can quickly get up to speed with different toolsets used in the project. Plus, they often come with prebuilt components that can speed up development time significantly.

Finally, consider your budget: if you have limited resources then opting for a low-code environment may be more cost-effective. Low-code developers may charge less per hour than their full-stack counterparts do.

Low-Code and Full-Stack Development Costs

As a business looking to build an application, you probably want to know how much time and money you will need to invest in development. Traditional development takes anywhere from two to eight months, while low-code/no-code platforms can create a working app in just days or weeks.

When it comes to spending, hiring a full-stack developer generally costs more than hiring a low-code developer. An experienced full-stack developer can command anywhere between $60,000 and $90,000 per year, while a low-code developer will be closer to $45,000 – $65,000. The difference is that full-stack developers are more experienced and have more in-depth knowledge of coding.

This does not mean that the low-code option is cheaper overall. Low-code developers will finish projects faster and can often add functionality without having to write custom code from scratch. This makes them an efficient and cost-effective solution when time is of the essence.


If you’re still on the fence about whether you should become a low-code developer, consider this: low-code development is one of the most in-demand skills right now.

According to a recent report, low-code development is expected to create $13.8 trillion in economic value by 2022. So if you’re looking for a stable career with good prospects, low-code development is a great option.

And while it’s true that low-code developers don’t have the same breadth of knowledge as full-stack developers, they more than make up for it in terms of depth of knowledge. So if you’re willing to put in the time to learn all there is to know about low-code development, you’ll be well on your way to a successful career in this exciting field.

The post What is a Low-Code Developer, and How Do They Compare to Full-Stack Developers? appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

What is the difference between Low Code & No Code https://flatlogic.com/blog/difference-between-low-code-and-no-code/ Mon, 05 Dec 2022 09:21:23 +0000 https://flatlogic.com/blog/?p=12756 The development industry has an obvious use for low-code and no-code platforms. To accommodate a variety of developers inside an organization, search for a low-code development platform that offers specialized tools, integrated collaboration, and a cloud-native architecture.

The post What is the difference between Low Code & No Code appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

When developing apps and processes, low-code software development techniques utilize little to no coding. You may substitute visual interfaces with straightforward logic and drag-and-drop capabilities for complex programming languages in a minimum code development environment. Even anyone without substantial coding or program production abilities may create software for several purposes, such as creating mobile and business apps, using these straightforward techniques. 

No coding is a visual development environment that allows non-technical users to build apps by dragging and dropping software components to create a whole app. Users who have no prior coding experience can construct apps without writing any code.

What are Low-Code and No-Code Platforms?

Low code and no code development platforms may be used to design, build, launch, and modify enterprise-grade programs. These platforms were made to enable professional developers and corporate users with little to no coding skills to do so.

The two systems with no coding are the easiest to use. A visual, drag-and-drop, no-code architecture may be used to create simple, useful programs. The integration possibilities are restricted, and, likely, you won’t be able to successfully accelerate or modify legacy systems here. Instead, this kind of development works best when helping teams with narrowly focused, specialized requirements. 

The simplicity and ease of no-code platforms can have certain disadvantages. Because so much of its architecture is predetermined by those who built it, the ability to change it is minimal to nonexistent.

Given that they offer few features, why have no-code systems been able to last this long? This is especially true if you do not want to (or simply cannot) wait for your internal IT personnel to construct anything for you because they are easy to use even if you have no coding expertise or competence.

As a sort of middle ground between total human coding and no-code, low-code solutions are more flexible. Like their no-code equivalents, low-code systems can include drag-and-drop functionality and be graphical. They also give designers the best of both worlds in that development speed may be accelerated without having to repeatedly copy basic code since they are open, flexible, and permit coding or programming. Scalable designs, open APIs for renewability, and flexible implementation options in the cloud or on-premises are benefits of low-code platforms.

Difference between Low Code & No Code

2024 Research

Low-code platforms are often used by IT professionals with coding experience to create complex custom applications, whereas no-code platforms allow business users to build apps without any coding to achieve their business goals. By examining the qualities given below, you may learn more about the variations between low-code and no-code development platforms:

  • Depending on the type of program, application integration may entail merging data from several platforms. Low-code development platforms generally offer great system integration flexibility, whereas no-code systems frequently fall short. Because shadow IT might develop through the creation of apps without sufficient oversight or inspection. Security threats, regulatory challenges, integration issues, resource-intensive applications, and rising technological debt are just a few of the potential outcomes.
  • Anyone with a basic understanding of technology may use platforms for no-code programming. Low-code platforms provide customization and come with more sophisticated tools, but they are only appropriate for those who are skilled in programming. As a result, staff members might benefit from low code training. 
  • Low code and no code development platforms may both be used to create corporate apps for internal usage. Conversely, low-code platforms enable the creation of well-known programs that support important business procedures. No code development environments are ideal for building software that can handle basic business problems by itself.
  • The debate that has come before has shown that no-code platforms are perfect for any employee who wants to innovate and enhance processes. Platforms with low code are built for creating enterprise-level apps. As a consequence, it’s a great tool for DevOps teams and software engineers aiming to save costs and time associated with development.

No Code may assist an organization’s operations and return on investment in a variety of ways. However, you may be asking how no-code solutions may be customized to benefit your organization specifically. The following are some of the use cases that no-code has to offer, regardless of size or industry:

  • For business intelligence analysts and programmers who wish to transform raw data into useful insights, the best reporting tools are crucial. No code solutions will prove to be just what you want. Real-time access to your company’s data is possible, and you can use no-code to transform it into useful data grids, visualizations, and significant statistics.
  • Software for managing data. Using a no-code platform, you may connect your data sources to any database, such as MS SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and others. The data may then be updated, edited, added, deleted, etc. Business database apps may be created fast and easily. Collaborative information collection, storing, sharing, and sharing have become easier. A data export/import feature, configurable interface, modular expandable structure, and ready-to-use templates are all included with your code-free bespoke database.

Low Code platforms may be used to build more complex programs and can handle a larger range of use cases due to their general-purpose nature. 

  • new technology application cases that are creative. Various low-code solutions can make use of access tools, face and voice recognition services, cryptocurrencies, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and other cloud-based digital services provided by third parties. Additionally, they have access to substantial component libraries created by professionals in the field. 
  • Pre-built user interface designs for mobile customer experience applications are there to assist you to improve usability and acceptability while keeping the integrity of your brand’s marketing plan. 
  • cross-department and cross-domain applications that increase productivity and efficiency.

When using low- & no code

Both low-code and no-code offer benefits. The parallels between the two do not make this decision any simpler. The best course of action is to assess the current needs and make the proper decision. Take into account the following questions to determine consumer demands: 

  • What goals are pursued while using low- or no-code software? 
  • Who utilizes the services? How proficient are they in programming? 
  • What is the scope and size of the problem that has to be fixed? 
  • Does the construction need the integration of specialist internal and external applications? 
  • How long should it take to turn things around? 
  • How much say do customers want to have on the code? 
  • Is sensitive data handling or security consideration required for the application?

What is the program used for and who will construct it are the two most important queries in this situation. Although all of these are significant issues, it is preferable to take a goal-centric rather than a user-centric approach, meaning that the what is more crucial than the who. 

Low-code is the preferable solution if the use cases are complicated, call for connections with other on-premises or cloud apps, have customer-facing or business-critical needs, or need to be distributed throughout the company. In this situation, collaborations with IT teams or training programs can address the issues even if users lack the necessary competence in programming languages.

Why use Flatlogic Platform for Low Code/No Code development

The development industry has an obvious use for low-code and no-code platforms. Gartner predicts that they will take over the market within a few years, therefore ignoring the benefits that these tactics provide might cost an organization opportunities. 

To accommodate a variety of developers inside an organization, search for a low-code development platform that offers specialized tools, integrated collaboration, and a cloud-native architecture. 

The requirement for coding expertise is diminished by low-code platforms, which use a visual, model-driven approach. They also change how lines of business collaborate with IT development teams to create applications.

Flatlogic Platform – is a platform that helps you to create, host, and develop a fully workable CRUD web application with front-end, back-end, and database. The generated application is an excellent foundation for further development with user authentication, data management, and a ready-made basic structure. 

Flatlogic full-stack web application generator is a tool for the fast creation of web applications from scratch. The agency provides the UI for creating the database schema from which you generate the application code base. All you have to do is think about your future application’s database schema. Equally importantly, you can also create static websites using our generator.

You can create almost any type of web application with the help of the tool:

  • CRM;
  • Headless CMS;
  • E-commerce CMS;
  • Admin Panel;
  • Data management app;
  • Inventory management application;
  • UI for the database.

Let’s take a look at the features of applications generated using the Flatlogic full-stack web application generator:

  • The application created with Flatlogic is fully responsive;
  • The application has ready-to-use authorization and authentication features;
  • According to the previously created database structure, all backend and frontend logic is created automatically;
  • Each application comes with a Docker container that facilitates deployment on any hosting platform;
  • Flatlogic automatically creates a Swagger-documented API for each element generated by the generator;
  • Forms, buttons, tables, and the entire layout are pre-configured;
  • The tool is also fully integrated with GitHub, so you can quickly create new entities and tables without writing new code, publish them to GitHub and collaborate with other developers on your project;
  • The WYSIWYG editor is ready to use in the apps you create;
  • The application will include some search, filtering, and validation features.

The post What is the difference between Low Code & No Code appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

What is Low-code – A Detail Guide https://flatlogic.com/blog/what-is-low-code/ Thu, 10 Nov 2022 13:11:49 +0000 https://flatlogic.com/blog/?p=12349 Are you looking to leverage low code development for your applications? Before choosing a low-code platform to build apps, here is everything you need to know.

The post What is Low-code – A Detail Guide appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

Mobile applications are the new magnets for businesses to attract more customers. According to Statista, an average consumer in the US spent more than $10 per smartphone in 2021. Such high demand has businesses speed up the process of app development. In addition, the low-code approach has helped them improve the time to market. 

Low-code development allows businesses to create apps with minimal coding. In addition, mobile app development based on the no-code/low-code platforms makes development a little easier. It enables developers to design, build and deploy apps without worrying about the underlying OS or architecture. However, for security purposes, developers generally use code signing certificates for better code integrity and legitimacy of an app.

Faster development means fewer efforts and optimized costs. According to GoodFirms, an application can cost between $40,000 and $100,000. Therefore, cost optimization and a timesaving approach are critical to mobile app development.

Here, we will discuss low-code features and benefits. Moreover, how it redefines mobile app development.

What is Low-code?

Low-code is a software development method that makes processes faster and requires minimal coding. It is a set of tools and practices which allow developers to minimize hand-coding efforts and have rapid app development. Most platforms provide developers with a visual interface to create apps requiring minimum coding. 

A low-code platform visually enables applications’ delivery through a drag-and-drop interface. As a result, developers can write fewer code lines to build apps. The best part is the speed of development that allows developers to build complete apps with user interface, service integrations, data, and business logic execution. 2024 Research

So, how does it work? A low-code platform provides app development features and various reusable components.

What is Low-Code development?

Low-code development is like a machine coffee! You do not need to boil the water; the right amount of water, sugar, and milk for that fantastic taste. Instead, developers need to write many code lines in the conventional approach, which takes more time and effort. 

It enables developers to build apps through a visual interface. It offers building blocks of applications and components for app development. Therefore, developers can focus on higher functions and features while cutting down efforts on coding. 

The development of applications needs a proper testing process to ensure a seamless user experience. Deployment is delayed if the development team takes more time to code an app and needs to integrate changes post-testing.

It improves time to market, making the entire process efficient. Now developers can spend more time on complex business logic and integrations. 

Let us discuss some of the critical features of low-code development.

Low-code features and benefits

Organizations can benefit from many low-code development features like visual interfaces, declarative tools, reusable components, etc. 

Visual flow

Whether you have experienced developers or newcomers, process flows are essential for them to understand before developing the application. A process flow helps development teams plan, execute and improve productivity. In addition, it helps organizations with a structured development process.

Low-code development enables organizations with a visual flow, making it easy for development teams to understand the entire process. As a result, organizations can visualize the whole development process for teams and enhance production. 

Drag-and-drop design

Businesses can benefit from the drag-and-drop design of the low-code development platforms. It allows organizations to close the gap of unskilled developers. You do not need highly experienced developers, as most of the building blocks of the application are drag-and-drop elements. Therefore, developers can use these components with a highly intuitive interface and create a seamless user experience.

Deploy anywhere capability

Having mobile-ready solutions is key to success in business. According to HuffPost, 87% of the customers purchase mobile, and 68% use smartphones for pre-purchase research. So, it has become crucial for businesses to go mobile and target users across devices.

Low-code development ensures that businesses can deploy applications across devices. Reusable components come pre-built in such platforms that help developers deploy apps in multiple environments with minor tweaks. In addition, cloud-based platforms offer flexibility, scalability, and continuous delivery.

Declarative features

Low-code development platforms have declarative tools that allow organizations to create flexible code structures. Therefore, they can make quick changes per business needs and market demands.

The agility of quickly adapting to market needs is easy with the declarative tools such platforms provide. Further, low-code platforms execute visual models and business-specific rules for enhanced development.

Security and scalability of apps

Application security is critical to your business, as users need a secure experience. According to a study, 63% of mobile applications with open source software components had at least one vulnerability. Therefore, you need to ensure that the app development platform is secure.

Cloud-based low-code platforms have security features like identification and access management (IAM). It allows organizations to verify data access and protect sensitive information from hackers.

When it comes to scalability, low-code development platforms provide enhanced capabilities. Cloud-based platforms offer scalable architecture for your applications, which can handle peak loads without affecting performance. 

Benefits of low-code development

Low-code development provides many benefits, which include higher productivity, optimized costs, better scalability, and efficiency.

Higher productivity

Low-code development reduces the hand-coding burden on developers, enabling higher productivity. Such platforms have evolved with advanced innovation and feature integration to address enterprise app requirements. 

A typical business app has four key aspects to consider,

  • What functionalities app will provide to solve customer problems?
  • What processes will require automation?
  • Design decisions include strategies to ensure a better user experience
  • Architectural decisions and choice of different programming. 

While functionalities can be similar in apps within a domain, other factors need customizations. Therefore, enterprises look to develop bespoke business apps to address customization requirements. Low-code platforms provide enterprise-grade app development without compromising on customization needs. It improves productivity for enterprises through. 

  • A library of components and design patterns that are reusable
  • Business-facing visual graphics and intuitive interface for app specification input
  • A mechanism to convert the specifications into code
  • Integrated development environment(IDE) for seamless user experience

Optimized costs

Organizations engaging developers per hour can reduce costs through lower development time. Low-code platforms improve time to market through the visual assembly of components that do not require extended coding. What makes it a worthy approach is the freedom experienced by developers get to focus on complex design problems. 

Another critical benefit that such platforms provide is the reduced cost of hiring. One of the most significant challenges for many companies is the skill gap. According to the US bureau of labor statistics, developer employment will grow by 22% between 2019 and 2029.

Therefore, finding, engaging, and hiring a skilled developer for your application development is a challenge for many companies. Further, such high demand with a massive skill gap leads to costly hiring. 

Improved business agility

Customer behavior changes make organizations adapt and create new business strategies. However, small businesses and startups need a solution to improve business agility.

Low-code platforms provide higher agility with faster development, enabling businesses to make quick changes per market demand. As most design modules are reusable and there is a graphical interface for adding new features to an app, the entire process becomes efficient. 

With faster development and ready-made components, you have the flexibility of rapid feature addition, testing, deployments, etc. Further, such platforms can enable organizations to provide seamless user experience across devices making it agile and flexible. 

Higher risk management 

Managing risks can be intimidating if you do not have the tools to adapt quickly. Low-code platforms allow companies to make changes according to the changing compliance and data protection regulations. 

For example, in 2021, there was a change in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a data regulation guideline for business operations in the European Union. Companies that store, analyze, share and use data of EU citizens need to comply with GDPR. 

The newest alteration in the GDPR guideline indicates that Website owners and publishers need to take explicit permissions before installing cookies on users’ devices. Earlier it was perceived that users that browser on the website provides consent by default for their data storage, recreation, and analysis. 

You can use low-code development to adapt web app logic and security policies to accommodate new norms of data regulations.  

Application scalability

Scalability is an important aspect that drives major development decisions for many organizations. There are two perspectives for application scalability.

●   Runtime scalability is the ability to increase deployed capacity for your application to provide an enhanced user experience. 

●   Developer time scalability is the ability to use minimal code across projects and environments to deliver long-term management of several apps in your portfolio.

Low-code platforms provide organizations with tools to create apps with better runtime scalability. It also offers higher developer time scalability through modules and codes that you can use across different app projects. Especially if you need a web of apps to support services, such platforms are ideal.

The future of low-code development 

Low-code platform features and benefits give organizations an edge over competitors with scalable applications. What makes this approach a promising one for the future is its ability to support Rapid Application Development (RAD). Organizations prefer RAD when they need prioritization of rapid prototyping and quicker feedback integration. 

Apart from the support for RAD, here are some data making a case for low-code app development

  • According to Gartner, 65% of the application development will be executed on low-code platforms.
  • The low-code development market is set to generate a revenue of more than $187 billion by 2030 with a CAGR of 31.1%.
  • Such platforms can help reduce the development time by 90%.
  • 72% of companies developed an application using low-code development within three months. 
  • 84% of enterprises use low-code or no-code development for digital asset development
  • 41% of developers want their organization to use low-code platforms and develop 50% of applications.

Types of Low-Code Development Platforms

Though the future looks bright for low-code development platforms, you need to know what type suits your requirements. 

General purpose platform

Such platforms provide low-code development capability to develop any application. It allows businesses to develop different apps and deploy them across environments. You can use general-purpose platforms to develop the backend and front end of the app. 

Process-based platforms

Businesses need applications for processes like forms, service integrations, and workflows. Low-code platforms provide tools to create reliable applications for business process management. Especially companies that need approvals for process workflows can leverage such platforms for quicker development.

Fixed-process platforms

Many organizations need apps that can handle specific user requests. These applications handle requests for fixed processes. Take an example of security access management inside an organization. You can develop applications for data access authentication through low-code platforms. 

Database low-code platforms

Database platforms are restricted to the function of pulling data from storage on access requests. These low-code applications are best for organizations with large data centers. 

Mobile Application Development Platform (MADP)

MADP is a platform that supports the concept of “write once, adapt anywhere.” Many organizations must target audiences across mobile platforms and develop individual applications. Low-code platforms help organizations develop a single codebase and use it across platforms.

What is the difference between low-code and no-code development?

One of the common myths about the low-code or no-code development approaches is that both are the same. However, both of these approaches are different in many ways. First and one of the most fundamental differences is the involvement of developers. 

While low-code development has linear coding requirements, the no-code approach provides a complete hands-off development.

For example, the applications for self-service inside an organization, dashboards, web apps for internal functions, content management platforms, and others can be developed through a no-code approach. 

Low-code platforms are an excellent option for creating an interconnected web of applications, while a no-code platform is best for standalone apps. Especially if you need user interface development and automation of standalone functions, no-code development is best. Some of the use cases also include BI reports and facility management applications.

Low code apps use cases

Low-code application platforms or LCAP can support many different types of use cases like 

  • Citizen development 
  • Business unit IT apps
  • Business process apps
  • Composite applications
  • SaaS and ISV applications

Citizen development 

Low-code development platforms provide some no-code features for citizen developers to build applications using pre-built design templates, APIs, and default logic. It supports a citizen development strategy for businesses, which is useful when you do not mind a shadow IT scenario. Citizen developers build apps without proper IT approvals, called shadow IT. 

Due to the drag-and-drop format and no-code capabilities, you will end up with several apps, which need to be connected. Especially without proper control over citizen development, you may have many duplicate apps. So, it becomes crucial that you have a citizen development strategy and a low code platform accordingly. 

Business unit IT apps 

Business units are cornerstone departments or units of a business. For example, your human resource or sales department are business units needing management applications. Low-code platforms allow organizations to build business unit applications quickly to support different activities across such units. 

Business process apps

Companies need to access, share, and use backend data to automate specific processes. They especially need to share and use business logic to build platform applications. Automation of such processes across platforms needs apps that execute business logic.

Low-code platforms allow companies to build applications for business processes. Due to minimal coding, it takes little effort for businesses to make the low code platforms an attractive option.

Composite applications

Multi-disciplinary teams often work on cross-functional projects to bring business logic and IT together. For such projects, time and budget become critical aspects, which is why low-code platforms are suitable.

Low-code platforms provide visual tools crucial in promoting such collaborations because cross-functional teams need professionals that are more skilled. While one team has developers with preferred skills, others may have different levels of mastery. 

Therefore, low-code platforms with no-code capabilities are ideal for delivering composite apps. 

SaaS and ISV Applications

Low-code platforms allow businesses to build web and mobile SaaS apps. It also provides templates that make software development quicker for independent software vendors (ISVs). 

However, low-code platforms can be restrictive if you want to have customizations for your SaaS applications. Most platforms come with specific templates and boxes in your design strategy. Therefore, you need an alternative strategy to apply customizations. 

How to pick a low-code platform?

Low-code platforms are available in the market with different options. While some focus on tools for rapid development, others offer features like data visualization, integration, and information preparation tools. Nevertheless, how to find the right platform?

Here are steps to follow in choosing a low-code development platform, 

Step 1 Analysis

Identify and analyze the need for a low-code platform. What is the timeline of your project, how much is the budget, and what is the app’s complexity? Here are a few questions that you need to ask about need analysis. 

Further, identify specific use cases of low-code platforms for your organization and plan accordingly. You need to design processes, business logic development, and app features and decide which platform can suit your requirements.

Step 2 Development Strategy

Define your development strategy that involves the following aspects,

  • Who will develop apps?
  • Who will design the apps?
  • What is the testing strategy?

These questions are essential because there are specific low-code platforms that target designers, developers, and testers separately. In other words, you can choose different platforms for each phase of the software development lifecycle or pick an MBAP for your apps.

Step 3 Customer experience impact

Low-code platforms provide pre-built templates to build a superior interface and user experience. However, you need to analyze the user requirement before choosing a platform. You also need to examine the impact of such platforms on development and customer experience.

Step 4 Costing and usage requirements

Estimate the development cost with the low-code platform and compare it with the conventional approach.

Further, keep in mind the specific usage requirements of the application before choosing a platform. 

Step 5 Features, compliance, and tools

Compare different platforms based on their features, ability to develop apps quickly, and compliance with standard data regulation standards. Check for no-code capabilities among other vendor options if you plan to leverage citizen development for your projects. 


Rapidly growing mobile application usage is forcing companies to speed up digital transformations. However, the conventional approach to designing, developing, testing, and deploying apps need extensive coding efforts. Developers must create massive code repositories and create new code each time they release a new version. Low-code development platforms make development faster for developers reducing the need for a huge codebase. They can drag and drop ready-made components to create a reliable app experience. However, the suitable platform for your project will depend on specific requirements.

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