A forum is when all forum members can start new conversations on new topics, and other new topics can be supported by their remarks, and users, first of all, see a list of conversations that can be joined.
On forums, people talk to each other, argue and at any moment they can go to another group of people, or to a third, then come back. All this is looked after by moderators.

What are the most frequently asked questions in our support?


flatlogic forum

The most frequently asked questions are about licenses. What’s the difference between licenses? How many products can you create with one license? Can I use templates for commercial projects? And many others.
Next is a group of questions about the environment. When unpacking the archive, many people face the situation when the need more software to be installed. The forum will eventually provide answers to all these questions. 

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What technologies are used to make Flatlogic templates? On the forum users will mainly talk about the three most popular JavaScript frameworks – React.js, Angular, and Vue.js.

Angular is a superhero JavaScript framework founded in 2009 that is great for building interactive web applications. Angular is used in conjunction with Typescript. He has exceptional support for this. Angular has a framework and architecture specifically built for great project scalability.

React is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook in 2013 that is great for building modern single page apps of any size and scale. React is easy to learn thanks to its simple design, use of JSX (HTML-like syntax) for templates, and very detailed documentation. Developers spend more time writing modern JavaScript and worry less about framework-specific code. The framework has excellent performance thanks to its React Virtual DOM implementation and various rendering optimizations. 2024 Research

Vue.js is a JavaScript framework founded in 2013 that is ideal for building highly responsive user interfaces and complex single-page applications. Vue.js has many characteristics similar to Angular, and this, through the use of various components, helps to optimize HTML blocks. Vue.js has very detailed documentation that can speed up the learning curve for developers and save a lot of time developing an application using only basic knowledge of HTML and JavaScript. A quick transition from other frameworks to Vue.js could be made due to the similarities to Angular and React in terms of design and architecture.

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