database – Flatlogic Blog Explore and learn everything about React, Angular, Vue, Bootstrap and React Native application templates Thu, 26 May 2022 09:16:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 What is MySQL? Tue, 22 Mar 2022 20:08:44 +0000 MySQL is a relational database management system. It's an open-source product frequently used for managing relational databases on SQL queries. It supports a multitude of platforms such as Windows, Ubuntu, MacOS, and more. This article gives a brief overview of MySQL and some nuances you'll want to keep in mind for building MySQL-based apps.

The post What is MySQL? appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

MySQL: What is it?

MySQL is an open-source relational database management system that allows you to manage relational databases based on Structured Query Language (SQL) queries. It supports multiple platforms such as Windows, Ubuntu, Linux, macOS, etc. It was developed by Swedish company MySQL AB in 1994, which was acquired in 2008 by American tech company Sun Microsystems. Afterwards, in 2010 the American giant Oracle acquired Sun Microsystems, and since then MySQL de-facto belongs to Oracle.

The database is a structured set of data, for example, a straightforward shopping list or places to store massive quantities of information throughout a business network. The relational database is a digital repository that collects data and organizes it according to a relational model, where tables consist of rows and columns and the relationships between data items follow a strict logical structure. MySQL is a simple software toolkit we can use to perform, manage, and execute queries on such a database. 

Why use MySQL?

MySQL is the most popular RDBMS, let’s look at why this is like that:

  • Easy-to-use. The only thing you should learn before using MySQL is a basic knowledge of SQL (Structured Query Language).
  • Open-source. Virtually anyone can install, modify, and use MySQL because of its incredible ease of use. The source code uses the GPL, that is, the GNU General Public License, which specifies guidelines for what you can and can’t do with this application.
  • High Productivity. MySQL is possibly the fastest database language, according to a multitude of standard tests.
  • Scalability. MySQL supports multi-threading, meaning the ability of systems to easily operate on small and large quantities of data, clusters of machines, etc. 
  • Security. MySQL is composed of a strong security level of data that protects confidential data from attackers. The interface is also secure because it has a versatile password system and guarantees host-based validation before accessing the database. 
  • Multiple data types. MySQL contains many data types, like integers, float, double, char, varchar, text, blob, date, time, DateTime, timestamp, etc.
  • Community. The community is very large, so if you get stuck anywhere then you can get help from the community.
  • Client-Server Architecture. MySQL is a client-server based architecture and accessible from anywhere through networking, i.e. each machine communicates with the server via an Internet connection. The server handles requests from the client and returns the result to the client machine. Clients can send queries to remote servers using an Internet connection, but the main requirement is keeping the server active at the time.
2024 Research

Who uses MySQL

MySQL is the most popular and useful database system, the largest and most important companies are probably choosing it such as:

Using the Flatlogic Platform you can also generate an application with a MySQL database system.

How to create your app with Flatlogic Platform

Step 1. Choosing the Tech Stack

In this step, you’re setting the name of your application and choosing the stack: Frontend, Backend, and Database.

What is MySQL: creating MySQL apps with Flatlogic Platform

Step 2. Choosing the Starter Template

In this step, you’re choosing the design of the web app.

Step 3. Schema Editor

In this part you will need to know which application you want to build, that is, CRM or E-commerce, also in this part you build a database schema i.e. tables and relationships between them.

If you are not familiar with database design and it is difficult for you to understand what tables are, we have prepared several ready-made example schemas of real-world apps that you can build your app upon modification:

  • E-commerce app;
  • Time tracking app;
  • Books store;
  • Chat (messaging) app;
  • Blog.

Like all databases in MySQL, there are such types of table relationships as relation_one, relation_many. You can enforce the relationships by defining the right foreign key constraints on the columns.

  • Relation (one) – one-sided relation capable of storing one or another entity, for example, Employee: [{ name: ‘John’}].
  • Relation (many) – two-sided relation capable of storing any number of other entities, for example, Employee: [{ name: ‘John’ }, { name: ‘Joe’ }].

Afterwards, you can deploy your application and in a few minutes, you will get a fully functional CMS application with a MySQL database system.

The post What is MySQL? appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.

What is PostgreSQL? Thu, 17 Mar 2022 17:45:31 +0000 Postgres is a powerful open-source relational database that supports both SQL (relational) and JSON (non-relational) querying. It was created by scientists from the University of California at Berkeley. It is a very stable object-oriented database management system. The PostgreSQL community has grown for over 20 years, contributing to its high stability, consistency, and correctness.

The post What is PostgreSQL? appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.


Postgres (or PostgreSQL) is a powerful open-source relational database that supports both SQL (relational) and JSON (non-relational) querying. It was created by scientists from the University of California at Berkeley. It is a very stable object-oriented database management system. The PostgreSQL community has grown for over 20 years, contributing to its high stability, consistency, and correctness. 

At first, PostgreSQL was called Ingres. Afterward, the creators introduced further improvements and expanded its functionality, and changed the name to Postgres95 and finally to PostgreSQL.

Postgres became the 1st choice for corporations performing complex and volumetric high-data operations because of their powerful core technology, featuring MVCC (Multivariant Parallelism Control), in which multiple readers and writers work simultaneously on the system. Postgres has an extraordinary ability to solve several problems concurrently and effectively. That is why business giants like Yahoo!, Apple, Meta, major telecommunication companies, and financial and government institutions keep using PostgreSQL.

Postgres supports multiple programming languages and protocols, such as Ruby, Python, .Net, C/C++, Go, Java, ODBC.

Why use Postgres

  • Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability (ACID) Support. Postgres is completely ACID compliant. It provides the ability to verify and maintain data integrity regardless of errors or network failures. Postgres ACID compliance qualifies it as a valid option for corporate, e-commerce, and applications requiring resiliency.
  • MVCC. Multi-Version Concurrency Control provides a unique feature of Postgres that allows users to simultaneously write and read data. Supporting MVCC is possible with other SQL databases, although usually problematic without other technology.
  • Queries. Postgres is a kind of database with the ability to be creative with custom queries. If your model is complex, you can extend your queries to a database with custom functionality. This allows you to easily query data in specific ways that fit your model of an application.
  • Community support. Postgres has pretty strong support and extensive documentation. If you have any questions or problems, reach out to the Postgres community.
  • Extensive support for data types. Postgres is object-oriented and therefore offers to write and read capabilities for all kinds of data structures. Custom, structured and non-relational data types are supported, such as JSON, BSON, primitive and geometric types. PostgreSQL is great at data scaling as well.
  • Security. Postgres offers a variety of security mechanisms, including user authentication and/or secure TCP/IP connections, all of which protect data in a high-performance way.
2024 Research

Who uses Postgres

Postgres is widely used in a variety of industries like the finanсial sector, Big Data for R&D, web applications, logistics. Just because the database system is so great, the largest and most important companies are probably choosing it such as:

Using the Flatlogic Platform you can also generate an application with a PostgreSQL database.

How to create an application with Flatlogic?

Step 1. Choosing a Tech Stack

In this step, you’re setting the name of your application and choosing the stack: Frontend, Backend, and Database.

Step 2. Choose the Starter Template

In this step, you’re choosing the design of the web app.

Step 3. Schema Editor

In this part you will need to know which application you want to build, that is, CRM or E-commerce, also in this part you build a database schema i.e. tables and relationships between them.

If you are not familiar with database design and its difficult for you to understand what tables are, we have prepared several ready-made example schemas of real-world apps that you can build your app upon modification:

  • E-commerce app;
  • Time tracking app;
  • Book store;
  • Chat (messaging) app;
  • Blog.

Like all databases in PostgreSQL, there are such types of table relationships as relation_one, relation_many. You can enforce relationships by defining the right foreign key constraints in the columns.

  • Relation (one) – one-sided relation capable of storing one or another entity, for example, Employee: [{ name: ‘John’}].
  • Relation (many) – two-sided relation capable of storing any number of other entities, for example, Employee: [{ name: ‘John’ }, { name: ‘Joe’ }].

Afterwards, you can deploy your application and in a few minutes, you will get a fully functional CMS application with PostgreSQL.

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The post What is PostgreSQL? appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.
