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How do I prevent Nuxt from going to the Error layout when going to an invalid path?

I'm been looking through both GitHub issues, StackOverflow and the official documentation but I can't seem to find where and how to disable router from going to the error.vue page on going to an ...
Raxira's user avatar
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How to change month names ant design vue calendar component?

I use vue with ant design. i get simple example a-calendar. but i cannot change locale. i need change month and week names. here my code: <a-calendar v-model:value="value" ...
rozumurat's user avatar
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PrimeVue Passthrough Options

I'm trying to add classes to the pcFilterApplyButton but this (see last line below) isn't doing the trick. I noticed in the documentation ( under the API tab that the ...
Alex Smeall's user avatar
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Why does removing <v-app-bar> make the program work properly

I created a new vuetify project, but after I used <v-app-bar>, everything on my page disappeared. As you can see from F12, there is nothing in <div id="app"> F12 Displayed ...
baotianxia's user avatar
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Laravel malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded(image blob save)

I have a Laravel project that save a image blob, but I am getting "malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded" error. What seems to be the problem? Controller <?php ...
Kenny Ting's user avatar
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Is it possible to have one element inside an overflow: hidden element ignore the "hidden"? [closed]

I have a div that has overflow: hidden on it in order to be able to truncate text into ellipses at certain screen sizes. I want everything inside that div to be overflow hidden, but I need the ...
movac's user avatar
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Vue Component not rendering correctly on initial load [closed]

I'm encountering a strange issue with my Vue application that uses Contentful for content management. When I navigate to a page from the menu, the component, which is responsible for fetching data ...
DrkDev's user avatar
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Typescript annotation of Pinia state persisted with useLocalStorage()

In my pinia based store I have state with following properties: const isAuthenticated = ref(false) const user = ref<{ name: string; email: string } | null>(null) const accessToken = ref<...
zmaten's user avatar
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How to type a dynamic component in a generic vue component?

I have a "calendar" component. This component will consume some data from the caller, and display all the days in a month - if there exists some data for that day, then I want to then ...
DrugCrazed's user avatar
-1 votes
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Laravel artisan serve connection refused on chrome [closed]

I'm using Laravel with VueJS. When I use chrome or Firefox to view localhost, site stops working after first few page loads. Doesn't happen on Safari. Chrome says "CONNECTION REFUSED". Then ...
Necor's user avatar
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how can I fix this routing issue in Apache?

I have an issue about my php and vue js project. When I have this .htaccess file configuration: RewriteEngine On # Deliver the folder or file directly if it exists on the server RewriteCond %{...
Giorgi Surmanidze's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to make vue3 (with vite) and vuetify3 work with chrome 70+?

I'm running vue3 using vite. Everything works well on Chrome 90, but when I run the app on Chrome 70, I get the error "Cannot convert undefined or null to object". I managed to narrow the ...
לירן ייני's user avatar
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ScrollSmoother paused/resumed leads to stopping and disturbing the scroll after resumed smoothness

I have replicated the issue and implemented a sample 3 pager nuxt app using stackblitz platform for you take reference. I am clicking on More Details button from Portfolio detail page and popup opens ...
Muhammad Awais's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to change css class dynamically based on a pinia state value vuejs3 pinia?

I have a sidenavbar which has list of items say Home Update Delete Restart I want the colour 'Restart' to change to red without refresh, when there is change in the pinia store value. Although I see ...
Divya Bharathi's user avatar
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Vue 3 - How to create infinite nested (expandable rows) table?

I have a problem with nesting the expandable row components in my table. Currently, I just created <TableSubRow /> in my <TableRow /> component, then in <TableSubRow /> I created <...
bodek98's user avatar
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Error when evaluating SSR module - ReferenceError: window is not defined

Getting below error while implementing SSR on Vue 3 project. Error when evaluating SSR module /src/router/index.js: |- ReferenceError: window is not defined at useHistoryStateNavigation (file:///Users/...
Karthik Karuppasamy's user avatar
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Nuxt 3 Unit Test with Vitest

my senior ask me to write unit test in Nuxt 3 project and gave me this config vitest.config.ts import { defineConfig } from 'vitest/config' import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue' export default ...
Muhaimin Ab's user avatar
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Route changing stop working after adding a JS file in vue

i try to implement a font_size setting for the user , he's working great , except if im using it on multiple route . if i add the JS script to another route , the route-view stop working for the route ...
Valentin Soltys's user avatar
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Vuetify 3 v-data-table update the groups items after query finishes

Currently migrating from Vuetify2 to Vuetify3. I have a server side table where once the user selects to group from a particular column (say name) a query gets triggered to retrieve all options for ...
gefrock7's user avatar
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Creating an Infinite Scroll Carousel with Clickable Indicators

I’m trying to create a div with horizontal scrolling, similar to a carousel, containing multiple cards that can scroll from left to right. The scroll should be infinite, meaning that once the last ...
Elena's user avatar
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Deploy MultiPage VUE Application to Github

I've had a go at deploying a single page application to github (as annoying as it was having to follow different tutorials) but now I'm wanting to push a multipage vue website - that is, a website ...
Matthattan's user avatar
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How to remove antd design submenu chevron?

I create component using antd design with tailwindcss. I use vue, dropdown and menu. I cannot remove submenu chevron. beacuse chevron not one line. her my code. <template> <a-dropdown :...
rozumurat's user avatar
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2 answers

Can't use app.component after importing my app vue3

In my vue3 app my entry is: main.js import { createApp } from 'vue' import router from './router' import App from './App.vue' const app = createApp(App) app.use(router) app.mount('#app') //if I do ...
gitsal's user avatar
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Vue component error handling with onErrorCaptured

We have specific components that have to be handled specially in regard to error logging. We are using Sentry and need to apply specific tags to possible errors when they are thrown in a specific ...
Eddi's user avatar
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Vue best practice for calling child's child's functions?

Say you have a vue project where. The App.vue has a button and a child CanvasView.vue file that sets up the canvas. The CanvasView.vue file has a child CubeComponent.vue that draws a cube The ...
Lazy0147's user avatar
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Unable to save Tag name on Laravel and Vue Js Project

working with Laravel 10 and Vue Js 3 and I need save Tag Name on the table. I have following AdminController public function addTag(Request $request){ return Tag::create([ 'tagName'...
Matakoththuwakoni's user avatar
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How to stop showing inactive slides in vue swiper?

I'm trying to make this slider for stories, but it doesn't work. The first problem is that after changing the parent slide, the child slider, the previous ...
Ruslan's user avatar
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While installing storybook.js I am getting error "Int.default is not a function" in a current project

I have a Vue 3 application running on VITE. I am trying to add Storybook to the project. As stated in storybook doc.. I run npx storybook@latest init while installing the dependencies the setup throws ...
Farrukh Khan's user avatar
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Vue/Cordova/Android - WebView Memory Leak

I have a very simple Vue 2 application that looks through a list if URLs and Video. The URLs are displayed in an iframe, and the videos are displayed in a video element. The pages display for 15 ...
Bobby Ortiz's user avatar
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NODEJS server with VUEJS and websockets, STOPS at 60 seconds

I have the following architecture: VUE JS ----> NODEJS REST ---> PYTHON REST API (FLASK) THe backend streams data properly. The nodeJS part is with websockets like this:'/start-...
Luis Valencia's user avatar
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Best way to display Google ratings for 5,000+ companies? [closed]

I would like to build a platform with Vue and Nuxt 3, where users potentially can see 5,000+ companies on a map. I want to display Google Places ratings for these companies but I'm worried about API ...
kim-ams's user avatar
-2 votes
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Nuxt.JS How to render a page without any HTML tags inside?

Sorry for My English. I need to create link in NUXT.JS ( or maybe create plain text files ) to robots.txt and sitemap.xml whith data from remote source ( API ). On every request to this file i need ...
skobanev's user avatar
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ESLint Import Issue in Turborepo with Vue and Nuxt

I'm currently working with Turborepo and Vue/Nuxt, following the example project from this GitHub link. I ran the following command to create my project: npx create-turbo@latest -e with-vue-nuxt ...
신재홍's user avatar
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Vue.js Form Validation Error: " required field" Despite Filled Fields

I'm working on a Vue 3 project using TypeScript and Naive UI. I have a form with several fields, including 'objet' , 'montant' and 'delai'. The form uses validation rules to ensure these fields are ...
Mohamed chouai's user avatar
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DataTable not re-rendering after data update

I'm having trouble re-initializing a DataTable in my Vue.js app after updating the data. Here's my code: template : . <table ref="tableUtamaAlamat" id="tableUtamaAlamat" class=...
Fajar Alam's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to correctly configure TypeScript with Vue 3 and Cypress for E2E testing? [closed]

I'm working on a Vue 3 project where I've decided to use TypeScript for type safety and Cypress for end-to-end (E2E) testing. I followed the standard setup instructions, but I'm running into issues ...
user26887079's user avatar
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How to emite on-change event for the e8-form-table-column with a lookup in the column template? [closed]

I am using framework. Grid column with lookup. On-change event for lookup doesn't emit on-change event for the <e8-form-table>. How to emit on-change event for the <e8-form-table&...
Pawww's user avatar
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How to Add Bearer Token for Authentication in Video.js Using Nuxt 3?

I'm developing a Nuxt 3 application where I need to play videos using Video.js. The video files are protected and require a bearer token. I'm trying to add the token to the request headers in the ...
Kones Jone's user avatar
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How to grow a CSS row to prevent gaps when using max-height

Hello, I wanted to get rid of the gap (the orange section) that shows up because i set max-height that is less than the space occuped by the top section, i thought main section would stretch but it ...
Nicolas Zein's user avatar
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Vue component: method property not rendering correctly on an app

I'm a beginner that is reading and practicing a book called 'Full Stack Vue.js' by Hassan Djirdeh and I'm having trouble rendering the showTitleOfActiveDay computed property in my Vue component ...
Fabrizzio Machado's user avatar
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Integrating Vue 3 as frontend with Umbraco CMS

I am trying to set up a CMS with Umbraco (v. 14) and then use Vue 3 as the frontend by fetching data through the content delivery API. Since I am new to Umbraco I am not really sure how to set it all ...
eligolf's user avatar
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Cannot insert multiple photos on multiple pdf pages using jsPDF

Well, I'm wokring on an app with ionic 7, vue 7, capacitor, this app has a feature to send images of invoices, some invoices have multiple pages so the user needs to send multiple photos for the same ...
Chadizar Royland's user avatar
-3 votes
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why the import file from different path in VScode? [closed]

this is package.json config. { "name": "vue-test", "version": "1.0.0", "main": "index.js", "scripts": { "dev"...
Jack Chen's user avatar
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A Drag-and-Drop style like in Video Games [closed]

I need help with my project. I'm trying to make a Drag-and-Drop to assign devices to specific positions or cells. I researched about this but most are Kanban style or drag-and-drop files, which I ...
Chupapi's user avatar
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Dynamic named imports using variables doesn't work with tree shaking in Vite

My app displays social media links and specifies the icon to display with each link. I'm using the oh-vue-icons icon library. If you import the whole thing, it's huge. So I want to import only the ...
Hunter's user avatar
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Channels current state is unavailable? [closed]

Title: Laravel WebSocket: Channels Current State is Unavailable in Live Environment Description: I'm working on a Laravel and Vue.js project where I use WebSockets for real-time notifications. ...
Umer Farooq's user avatar
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Deploying Vue/Vite project to Firebase via Bitbucket pipelines

I am trying to setup a Bitbucket Pipeline for my Vue project to Firebase but am getting this error but am able to deploy locally from my terminal Could not load dependency vite in ./, have you run `...
Houshman85's user avatar
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Why is VueJS Routers savedPosition always 0? How can I store the scroll position by myself?

I have a strange issue with the VueJS Router and its built-in scrollBehaviour-feature. I want to achieve that on back-navigation, the browser would scroll down to the original position where the user ...
itinance's user avatar
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I need upload verification file without re-build nuxt app

I want to upload a temporary file for site verification in the root directory of the site. This file should be under the public directory, but I don't want to put it in the source code and code ...
NNNNzs's user avatar
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trying to import font option in ckeditor5

i am trying to import font option, to change font color of the selected text, i am getting the below error while importing import { Font } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-font'; This dependency was not ...
Akshat Mani Tripathi's user avatar

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