Flatlogic Forum

Here you can browse and ask questions on our react, vue, angular, react native and bootstrap templates and admin dashboards. If you are facing trouble using our templates - feel free to raise your question here. Your participation is highly appreciated!


Добрый день. На странице https://flatlogic.com/pricing написано Hosting Full Production-ready Какая разница между Full и Production-ready? 2-вопрос Deployments/account/...


Good afternoon. On the page https://flatlogic.com/pricing written Hosting Full Production Ready What is the difference between Full and Production-ready? 2-question Deployments/account/mon...

pricing model and technical possibilities for SaaS startups

I want to leverage Flatlogic to develop our startup's webapp, only for frontend. After I finish developing my frontend using FlatLogic, will I be able to get the entire source code to my git repo ...

Problema al ejecutar yarn install

Aparece el siguiente error: SyntaxError: invalid syntax gyp ERR! configure error gyp ERR! stack Error: `gyp` failed with exit code: 1 gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.onCpExit (C:\react-dash...

Problem with icons on template Sing App Vue

In the sidebar I have difficulties in placing other icons and I do not have access to a list of all available icons. When I try to investigate or have the list of icons from flaticon and I do, the...

Purchase Template Questions

React Material Admin Full I bought the 'React Material Admin Full'. However, the downloaded file is a free react admin template. There is no functionality found on the demo page and it is the s...

Purchasing the bundle

Hi, im currently trying to purchase the bundle. I am located in Brazil and am having difficulty as it seems the website does not accept my card (I have tried 2 + Brasilian Paypal). Is there an alte...

Purchasing with Node.js backend

Hi, just checking to see that if I purchase with Node.js backend, I have user creation, authorization etc already pre configured. Or if I could just have a rundown of exactly what is meant by the b...

React Admin Dashboard Template with Node.JS Backend

Hello, 29.06.2023 we purchased personal license for React Admin Dashboard Template with Node.JS Backend (https://flatlogic.com/templates/light-blue-react-node-js). For email address roman.ribalko...

react navigation

this version of react navigation is used?

React Template Dependencies

In the flat login sing app template I found that few library are deprecated or no longer support with latest version of NodeJS ( 14v ) , this may cause severe security issue below are the few libr...

React Template: Hooks or Classes?

What was used in React template, Hooks or Classes?

Reliability of hosting

Hi Flatlogic team, is there a resource on where and how you guys handle the hosting of generated sites? I think what I'm asking has to do with using the sites generated for production use - is it ...

Request to AI, make changes via conversation (e.g. “change the color of sidebar to red”)

The feature request revolves around enabling conversational AI interactions, allowing users to make modifications within the application through commands. Specifically, it focuses on the abilit...

Roadmap: Full-stack Web Application Generator

Hello there! We are planning to continuously upgrade, maintain and support the generator, by adding new features, conducting customer surveys, keeping the codebase up-to-date and everything poss...

run ios error

No bundle URL present. Make sure you're running a packager server or have included a .jsbundle file in your application bundle. RCTFatal __28-[RCTCxxBridge handleError:]_block_invoke _dispa...

Schema help to support 3 types of app users and permissions based on membership levels

Hello, I'm working on the schema of an app that I need 3 types of users and membership levels. USERS - How can I accomplish this? 1. Main app customer (has a workspace, has CRUD access to seve...

Schema how to add a serial number column with auto update after each data in table

How to make a a table with a field Serial Number so that each data entered will be automatically numbered

Share Dashboards Privately

Hello, I have couple of questions to ask and thank you for your collaboration, 1- Can I share multiple dashboards with many users privately ? I mean 1 dashboard for User 1 with his password a...


Failed to resolve dependency 'enzyme-adapter-react-16@*' (npm exited with non-zero code: 1) PLEASE HELP TO SOLVE THIS ERROR

Sidebar Icon

Icon on sidebar, it has three kind of SVG icon. how can I do like that?

Simplify navigation menu

Based on my review of the Flatlogic website and recent updates, I have a suggestion for improvement. Simplify the navigation menu to make it more intuitive. Group related features and tools under c...

Sing App Angular Template & .NET Core 3

Hi flatlogic support team, I've purchased an additional .NET Core 3, how can I use it for the template.

SIng app react installation issue

I have problem on installing sing app react in my pc. please help to fix this problem.

Sing-App-React-Java client

Hi, I just bough Sing-App-React-Java. I could not start the client. I don't know how to raise ticket. So I post here. Please help. Regards, Minh Nguyen

Sketch files and Github access

Hi I purchased the React Native Starter Personal license for $99 but never received the Sketch files. I believe I'm also supposed to get access to the Github repo for RNS Full for 3 months but I...

Starter-Project available ?

Hello, Is it possible to get a 'Starter-Project' means the global structure some items in the menu like 'Dashboard' a 'Blank page' znd not all the rest ? To avoid to take time and time to clean ...

Starting Web App in 2022 discussion

Hello there! If you have any questions, comments, or feedback regarding [Starting Web App in 2022 Research](https://flatlogic.com/starting-web-app-in-2022-research) please leave them here! Le...

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